Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin

Chapter 115 115: I Prefer Hammers

Even though the physician had told him not to place stress on his shoulders, he couldn't do that. His life was on the line now.

"Nice Sword." Unfortunately, before he could even pick up the Sword, Azekiel picked it up.

"You see, I'm more of a hammer guy, but I don't mind a Sword. Especially when it's sharp."


The General screamed at the top of his lungs. Azekiel hadn't even finished his sentence before stabbing the sword at the exact same spot where his wound was previously.

The sword passed through the shoulder, slicing everything that stood in its path.

"Nice sharpness. I wonder if it can do the same with your throat." Azekiel placed the tip of the Sword on the throat of the man. The sword was so sharp that just a touch and a droplet of blood came out.

The General gulped down heavily. "What do you want? I will do whatever you want!"

"Good boy." Azekiel removed the sword. "I want the information of everyone who was involved in the Scheme. I want to know about everyone who wants to take out the Queen."

"If you tell me everything, I'll let you live. Just telling me won't be enough though. You'll need to take me to them as well."

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"Fine! I'll tell you everything! But first..." the man glanced at the wound on his shoulder. "Let me get the treatment!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't have time for that. In any case, you won't die from a little bleeding."

Azekiel grabbed the General by his collar and dragged him away.


In another place, the soldiers discovered the body of the young Prince inside a carriage.

They checked the young Prince. "He is dead. Those bastards killed him. Her Majesty's information was correct! We were late in saving the Prince."

The Leader of the Royal Guards was so disappointed at their failure.

"Just the two guards that were accompanying the carriage managed to kill so many bandits..." Another guard spoke, observing so many bodies littered around. "This is also incredible. If these many are just killed, I wonder how many bandits actually came."

He didn't realize that the bandits weren't killed by anyone who was there. The one who killed them was already running free in the Royal Capital.


"That's the Palace of the Duke. A meeting is taking place between all the Nobles who are against the queen. You'll find everyone there."

A carriage stopped not too far from a castle. The door of the carriage opened, and a bleeding man pointed at the castle.

"These idiots. They all fell into a trap, and they didn't even realize it." Azekiel stepped out of the carriage. "Come with me. I want you to make sure that everyone is indeed here."

"The Queen knows about this meeting. As soon as the Guards return with the body of the Prince, she will send them here to capture them all. Before her people arrive, I need to..."

The General stepped out of the carriage as well, having no other choice. Since he couldn't get the treatment he needed, he himself wrapped a piece of cloth around his wound on the way here.

Inside his head, the General was cursing Azekiel, hoping that the guards of the Duke were going to kill him. Unfortunately, what happened here was completely different from what he expected.

Instead of watching Azekiel die, he watched the heads of the guards explode. Not a single guard was able to stop Azekiel. It was as if he was a god, walking amongst mortals.

Let alone killing him, the guards here weren't even able to injure Azekiel.

"He is getting better," Lia commented, observing the slaughter. "The more he kills, the better he gets."

"Maybe because the more he kills, the easier it gets for him. With each life he takes, he loses something inside him. With time, he will completely forget the value of a life..." Raphael responded. "I've seen it happen before."

"But sometimes, it's necessary to forget the value of others' life if you want to care for yours," he further stated. "That's why I'm not going to stop him. The more ruthless he becomes, the easier it will be for him to protect himself since mercy is weakness."

A trail of blood was left wherever Azekiel passed through. Within minutes, Azekiel was standing at the entrance of the Castle.

He pushed open the door and took his first step inside the castle. Droplets of blood kept dripping from his hammer.

The servants in the castle noticed the bloody Hammer. They were horrified. Their faces turned pale white.

"Where is the Duke?"

None of the servants dared to lie to Azekiel or not to answer him. They pointed to the golden door in the distance.

"You get to leave."

The guards hastily ran out of the castle. Even the one who was carrying water for the Duke left the water behind and ran out. He didn't know what was going to happen today, but he had a bad feeling.

Azekiel walked to the hall in the distance and opened the door, revealing a beautiful hall that was decorated like a garden. There was grass on the ground. Even flowers could be seen near the wall

In the middle of the hall, there was a round table. Many wealthy Nobles were sitting around the round table, seemingly laughing and drinking.

It was only after the door opened that a few of them looked back. The sound of chairs moving around filled the hall as people started getting up one after another, keeping their eyes on the bleeding hammer.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?!" The Duke stood up as well. He grabbed his sword. "Guards!"

Seeing the Duke's action, the General slapped his forehead. It was as if he was having a deja vu. The Duke was doing the exact same thing that he did.

Fortunately, Azekiel didn't do the same thing. He didn't call for Guards along with the duke. Instead, he turned to the General. "Is it everyone?"

"Jo! Did you bring him here? What is the meaning of this?!" The Duke raged even more after seeing the middle-aged man with Azekiel. It was akin to him leaking their information that was supposed to be a secret.

"That's everyone. Have a go at it. I'll wait outside." The General stepped back. Now that he had come this far, he knew that he couldn't do anything. The Duke was going to kill him for betraying him if he lived. So it was good that the Duke died.

He also felt that Azekiel worked for the queen in secret.

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