Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin

Chapter 118 118: The Fall Of The Queen

The Queen had never felt as much fear in her life as she did now. Her pale face was covered in tears. Her heart kept thumping as she saw the arrow in Azekiel's hand, which he threatened to use on her.

"I'll give you everything! I'll give you my everything! Take the Empire! Take all the wealth! Take everything! I'll be your slave! I'll do anything for you! Don't kill me!"

In her fear of death, she was even willing to become Azekiel's slave. She was at her lowest at the moment, just inches away from death.

Unfortunately, all her allures were useless to Azekiel. He didn't want the Empire! He didn't want the wealth! He didn't even want her! And even if he had wanted all of that, there was no way he could've received that since he only had one more day to stay here before he was forced to go back to the Tower of Sin.

"You aren't even worth being someone's slave."

Azekiel thrust the blood-covered knife, stabbing it in the chest of the woman, right where her heart was supposed to be.


The woman's eyes widened. She looked down, aghast. She was stabbed right in the chest.

Blood started spilling out, slowly covering her clothes in blood. Her vision started turning dark as the pain of death started taking her in its embrace.

Azekiel didn't let her die in his arms though. Before the woman could lose her life, he tossed the body of the woman back.

The woman flew in the air in the last moments of her life before falling right above the grave of the Young Prince. Her blood kept seeping inside the ground as the woman's eyes ultimately closed. Her breathing stopped.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Even in her last moments, she didn't know why Azekiel had killed her! What did she do to the man for him to be so ruthless? Unfortunately, she was never going to get the answer to this question.

The Queen of the Empire had been killed. Not just her, most of the Nobles of the Empire had been killed, leaving a power vacuum in the Empire. Azekiel had fulfilled his oath and also his desires. However, there was still one more day before it was time to leave. And he decided to use the time to do one last thing.

Throughout the rest of the day, the news spread like fire that a demon had descended on the Empire and that the demon had killed all the Nobles. Even the queen was no more.

What the Empire didn't know was that the so-called demon had called for a meeting of the remaining nobles. Not a single Noble dared not to show up. Even though they were worried about their lives, they were more worried about their families. They went to Azekiel's meeting, which took place in the Royal Palace.

Moreover, all the Nobles that were left now were loyalists to the Royal Family of the Empire.

Azekiel sat on the throne of the Empire, looking at all the Nobles who were on their knees before him.

None of the Nobles dared to look up.

The only person in the entire Royal Hall who knew why they were called here was Azekiel himself. Even Raphael and Lia didn't know what he was planning. They were also waiting for him to explain.

Azekiel looked quite interesting as he just sat on the throne, with his arms folded and one leg resting on the other. It was as if he was still waiting for someone.

After around thirty more minutes, the door opened again, filling the entire hall with the sound of footsteps.

Five guards entered the hall. The person leading the group of five was Soan, who had surrendered before Azekiel's strength. There was a baby in the arms of Soan, who was only a year old.

The Nobles finally raised their heads, only to look back.

'Hah? The Prince? Is he going to kill the baby too?'

Many of the Nobles recognized the baby boy, who was the child of their recently dead queen and their King. The boy was the last living person of the Royal Lineage. Seeing the child be brought here, most of them were horrified, believing that they were called here to watch an execution!

Azekiel also opened his eyes, glancing at the baby. "I've called you here to tell you only one thing. I've killed everyone I wanted to kill. And If I want, I can also kill you and everyone in this Empire right here and right now."

The declaration sent a chill down the spine of everyone in the hall. However, Azekiel didn't stop there.

"But I don't want to kill you all. I have no reason to kill you. Similarly, now that I'm done here, I have no reason to stay here either. That's why I'll be leaving this place."

"I'm returning the Empire back to the Royal Lineage of yours. The little Prince will be King from now on. However, since he's too young now, I'm creating a Council of Ministers."

"Until the baby comes to age, the Council will be handling the Empire like caretakers. As soon as the child becomes an adult, the Empire's control will be returned to him."

Azekiel finally told everyone why he called them all here. And the revelation shocked everyone. Just what was this guy doing? After taking over everything, he was returning to the Empire?

So he wasn't here for the Empire? Was it a case of personal enmity? Did the Nobles that die and the Queen offend him somehow? Many questions floated in the heads of the Nobles, only increasing with each passing second.

After he finished his declaration, he stood up, emptying the throne.

Right before the eyes of everyone, Azekiel walked to the little baby. He could see that the boy had the same eyes as the Prince who was killed, probably something they received from their father.

Even though he had finished the last wish of the little Prince, he decided to fulfill the main wish of his. The boy wanted to make sure the Royal Family's name wasn't sullied. He was even willing to die for that. He also wanted to make sure that the control of the Empire remained with his family.

With the Second Prince becoming the King, it was still the same case. The control was going to be with the Royal Family.

As Azekiel glanced at the little boy, the one-year-old child showed a beautiful smile, reaching out his little hands to Azekiel.

"Best of luck, little one." Azekiel tapped the tiny yet cute nose of the child before he walked to the door.

Azekiel opened the door, but before leaving, he made another declaration.

"I will return after eighteen years. If the Prince is dead by then, or something happened that shouldn't have happened; I'll kill you all and everyone you care for. I hope you won't bring the child into your schemes for power."

He knew a bit about how Empires worked. There were many cunning people who were thirsty for power. Even amongst the ones who were loyal to the Royal Family, there was a small risk that they could kill the Prince before he even grew up, so they could get the control of the Castle.

Since the little Prince was the only Royal alive, his death meant another family could become the Royal Family. With his threat, he had removed that possibility. He knew he wasn't going to return after eighteen years, but the others didn't.

They were going to protect the Prince more than their lives now since they were so scared of Azekiel. And that's what he wanted. He wasted so much time and resources clearing the third floor and this Blood Oath. After doing so much, he didn't want to leave without finishing everything to perfection.

After issuing the threat, Azekiel finally left, disappearing from everyone's view. Only the sound of his footsteps getting distant could be heard before they also stopped.

Azekiel stepped out of the castle, looking at the setting sun in the distance. The two days were about to be over.

He glanced at the timer in the corner.


"Thirty more minutes to waste."

Since there was nothing to do for the next thirty minutes, he decided to use it for the only thing he could do at the moment. He decided to go and eat something, and while he was at it, fill his ring for food again.

He didn't know what he was going to face when he returned. There was Avila to worry about. Then there was also that mysterious woman who he snatched the Time Stone from. Then there was also the risk of Lucifer arriving to kill him.

He wasn't sure when he was going to find a peaceful time to eat. There was a really good chance that he was going to end up in the middle of a battle as soon as he returned.

Since he had an opportunity at the moment, he decided to take that opportunity, unaware that something big was waiting for him...

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