Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 108 [Bonus Chapter] Showing Up Unexpectedly

[ Triple W Headquarters… ]

Vladimir and the other members of Triple W immediately brought Cedric and Cleo to their main headquarters, leaving the party without saying goodbye to the Zhou Family.

The two werewolves were both injured and unconscious. Cleo was severely wounded between the two.

Vladimir found Cleo on the top floor of the building with his broken ribs and bones. He was surprised to see him in that state. He thought he was there to torture and kill Marceline Zhou's bodyguard. But it turned out he was the one who was badly beaten up.

Checking his wound a while ago, Vladimir noticed that the culprit was a vampire. So he immediately called a backup. Then he tried to check on Cedric to inform him what happened.

From a distance, he heard the ruckus inside the room, signifying that there was an ongoing fight. But the moment they entered the room, Marceline and Kira were long gone. Cedric's injured and unconscious figure was lying on the floor.

He asked the other members to track them. He couldn't believe that Cedric was defeated. It only meant that the person whom he encountered was a strong vampire who could match up the strength of their Alpha.

They had to neutralize the poison inside Cedric's body which was caused by a vampire's bite. So without delaying things, they transferred Cedric and Cleo right away to the Triple W Headquarters.

"What happened to them, Elder?" The werewolf doctor asked Vladimir in puzzlement.

"There was an encounter with a strong vampire. We will know the full details once they wake up so treat them, NOW!"

Vladimir didn't look good as he had a grim expression on his face. He clenched his fists tightly. He just hoped that their memories were not erased and tampered with by the vampire.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Don't tell me… that mere bodyguard is a vampire?' Vladimir had his suspicion.

"That vampire had a great chance of killing Cleo and Cedric… how come he let them live? Is he dumb and stupid? Or is this not the work of a vampire? But the wounds on Cleo's and Cedric's bodies are proof that their attackers were vampires. How many vampires are involved?" Vladimir rubbed his chin as he racked his brain trying to solve this puzzle.

"Go back to Crystal Crescent and investigate further. Check the CCTV recordings. Also, block the news. Don't let others know that our CEO got injured. The vampire clan will be rejoicing once they learn about this." Vladimir ordered the members and mobilized the team.

"Got it, Elder!" They immediately left upon receiving his orders.

Creases angled in toward the corner of his eyes as he watched the distant door. Lots of bad things have happened lately. They received damages and losses on their end.

'Why do I feel like vampires are trying to strike back? Are they strong enough to match our forces? What are the things they have been doing for the past few years? We need to be more careful when dealing with enemies. They are getting stronger and wiser.'


[ Crystal Crescent Manor Hotel… ]

Meanwhile, Lyca had been searching for Marceline but she couldn't find her anywhere in the hotel. She kept calling her but she was not answering. She even asked Enrique to help her.

"That woman! Don't tell me she eloped together with her bodyguard leaving me here all alone with her cousin?! What a traitor! She promised me not to let Enrique get near me!" Lyca lamented to herself.

A while ago, Enrique invited her for a dance. She wanted to ignore him but after seeing his pleading eyes, Lyca couldn't reject him. He still had this great effect on her.

Enrique asked her how she had been doing in the past few years of not seeing each other. But Lyca only answered him with a simple 'I'm fine. Busy with work.'

The entire dance felt so awkward between them. Enrique didn't know how he would open another conversation with her since he noticed that Lyca was unwilling to talk to him. In the end, he just stayed silent as they danced together.

When she noticed that Marceline disappeared with Kira, Lyca began searching for her. She checked every corner of the venue but there was no sign of Marceline, even Kira.

Eventually, the former lovers worked together, looking for Marceline in the hotel vicinity. Enrique got worried about his cousin.  If she wanted to leave the party as early, she would certainly inform their grandfather. But even Grandpa Roland hadn't seen her after their last dance.

Lyca was traversing the empty hallway when suddenly someone grabbed her body, dragging her inside one of the hotel rooms. She wanted to scream for help but her mouth was covered by a strong hand.

'Damn?! Who is this? Don't tell me there is a pervert kidnapper here in the hotel, taking beautiful ladies. Did Marceline become his victim, that's why she went missing?' Lyca's imagination ran wild. Her heart was pounding so hard. She silently prayed for Enrique to find and save her. She was so scared right now.

The man, who was holding her body in place, also noticed the fear in her eyes, her body trembling in nervousness. He hugged her tightly as he lowered his head, whispering in her ear.

"Relax. Don't be afraid. It's me, Dylan."

Lyca's eyes widened in surprise when she recognized the man. Then her shocked expression was replaced by annoyance and irritation.

How could he just pop up out of nowhere, dragging her like he was a kidnapper?! What was he doing here? She thought he had already forgotten her. She still hated him for disappearing like a ghost after they had their intimate moment inside her sports car!

"I miss you…" Dylan softly mumbled as he nuzzled his nose on the crook of her neck, sniffing her scent.

Lyca was taken aback for a moment. When she recovered from her trance, she stepped on his foot using her high heels and elbowed him.

"Miss you your foot! How dare you just leave that night?!! Go away, you jerk!"

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