Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 121 Attack During Full Moon

[ Zhou Ancestral Mansion… ]

When Marceline fainted, Kira and Aunt Brianna brought her back to the Zhou Ancestral Mansion. Kira got worried about her condition.

But Aunt Brianna remained calm as it was nothing serious. Marceline had already taken her medicines so Aunt Brianna was confident that she would feel fine after waking up.

It was already dark as nighttime came but Marceline was still sound asleep in her room. Aunt Brianna already left the mansion. She just told Kira to contact her if Marceline would still feel sick after waking up.

Kira was sitting on the edge of the bed, just watching Marceline's sleeping figure.

"I'm going to tell you about Stella once you wake up," Kira mumbled, caressing her face.

He stood up and decided to cook for Marceline. He already learned how to cook human food. Before, Marceline was not properly eating and was only taking frozen and instant food at night. It was not healthy for her so Kira decided to study how to cook different human food during weekends.

Outside– the full moon hovered in the sky, illuminating the surroundings in a silver light! The beautiful landscape around the Zhou Ancestral Mansion was well lighted by the shining and shimmering stars and the moon above.

But behind that scenic view, shadows were lurking around. Dark figures appeared in the middle of the night… INTRUDERS! They were coming from different directions, approaching the mansion in five teams.

Men in black and furry beasts were moving in a flash. All of them had one goal in mind- Capture Kira 'the pesky bloodsucker' at all costs!

On the other hand, Kira was busy preparing the ingredients when he finally sensed some intruders entering the vicinity of the Ancestral Mansion. He closed his eyes and a crease appeared on his forehead.

He was concentrating as he tried to listen to the movements outside the house using his super senses. He smelled werewolf's scents. He could hear their movements outside.

One… two… three… four… five… no!  They were a lot. He couldn't count them by only using his ten fingers. Marceline's three bodyguards were already down!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Kira could smell a faint scent of blood… human blood! The once peaceful and silent mansion would become a battleground tonight...

'Fuck! They hurt even the humans.' Kira opened his eyes, looking upstairs. Marceline was still sleeping on the second floor. He had to send those intruders away. But their number was surprisingly a lot.

Running paws could be heard from a distance. Some of them were already in their werewolf forms while others were still in their human form. If he was correct, there were twenty five intruders and they were all powerful!

'Damn! This is a surprise attack… a massive one! What is Cedric thinking? He doesn't learn his lesson. It seems like he will never stop unless one of us dies. I didn't expect that they would still figure out my identity even though I already erased Cedric's memory, including the memory of Cedric's Beta, Cleo.'

Without wasting any more time, Kira sprinted to Marceline's room using his vampiric speed. He scooped her in his arms and went downstairs. He moved in a flash, bringing her to the underground basement for her safety and protection.

He looked around but he didn't see anything aside from his casket. "I'm sorry, my Lady. I think I have to put you inside my coffin first. I will get you back once I'm done fighting those intruders. I need to send them away."

Kira put her down on the casket and left, making sure to lock the secret basement. After a long time, Kira had to fight so many werewolves at the same time. One vs Twenty Five?!

'Damn! They are stronger tonight because of the full moon.'

Who would have thought that tonight would be advantageous for the werewolves? The full moon could give them ten times their power or more! No wonder Cedric chose this time to attack Zhou's Ancestral Mansion to capture Kira.

Werewolves would also become ferocious and wild during the full moon. The bloodthirst and the strong urge to attack any creatures made them more powerful.

Cedric also came there to watch everything. He asked Vladimir to manage and guard the Triple W Headquarters while he and the elite members were not around.

All werewolves were on a lockdown tonight. They were not allowed to leave the Triple W headquarters during the full moon. Some members went back to Kingdom Phantasia to enjoy the full moon and let loose. They wondered if Moon Goddess would appear tonight in the Kingdom Phantasia.

Meanwhile, Cedric decided to wait outside, serving as the lookout and back-up. He wanted to see if Kira could defeat the twenty five elite members of White Claw Pack all at once.

He would attack Kira sneakily when he was engrossed fighting the other werewolves. Cedric would just wait when Kira already exhausted all his energy and power, striking and attacking him at his weakest!

This was one of the reasons he mobilized all their best fighters and elite members. Cedric was using them to test Kira's power then he would calculate and observe his every move, finding his weakness.

One more reason why Cedric chose the elite members to do this mission was that they were the werewolves who were capable of maintaining their sane mind during the full moon, unlike ordinary werewolves who could lose their mind when the full moon was up!


Kira had just emerged from the secret door of the underground basement when the first batch of werewolves barged into the mansion. The door flew away and had thrown out several meters from the entrance.

Kira's eyes widened upon seeing the scene. "No!!!" Kira screamed at them. "Not the door!"

Kira knew that Marceline hated to see broken things inside her house, most especially her door. Kira broke numerous doors and Marceline scolded him many times. He was concerned that she would get mad at him once she saw this broken door.

"How dare you destroy our house door!" Kira mumbled through his gritted teeth.

Charging forward, Kira intended to push and kick them out of the house before they could cause more damage inside the mansion.

Seeing Kira approaching them, the three werewolves leaped forward, welcoming Kira with their sharp teeth and claws.





One werewolf was thrown out of the house several meters away from the front door after receiving Kira's hard kick. One werewolf was smashed on the ground, Kira was holding his mouth in place using both hands.

But one werewolf succeeded in biting Kira's left leg, burying his teeth on his flesh. He immediately bled. Kira frowned as he could feel their strength… the true strength of elite werewolves during a full moon.

'Damn! I will be fighting twenty five of them all at once.' He could hear more footsteps coming in their direction.

Kira tilted his head a little, secretly looking at the secret door of the underground basement. His main concern was Marceline's safety so he had to lure them out of the mansion.

'The forest! I need to lure them to the forest.' Kira thought to himself.

Using his other leg, he kicked the werewolf that was biting his left leg. A strong kick made the werewolf wince in pain. He pulled his left leg away from its mouth. The tearing sound of the fabric was heard.

The werewolf shook his head, throwing away the piece of fabric that caught by his mouth upon biting Kira's leg. He growled at Kira, getting ready to pounce on him once again.

But this time, Kira moved swiftly, pushing the other werewolf that he was holding. That werewolf hit the wall, causing large cracks. Seconds later, the wall in the entrance door collapsed.

"Oops! I applied too much force. I'm doomed," Kira scratched his head, feeling problematic. Marceline would be mad once she has woken up, seeing this mess.

'I have to leave the mansion now.' Kira thought, dashing outside the house.

Growl! Growl!

To his surprise, the front of the house was already surrounded by werewolves both in their human and wolf forms. He was welcomed by the wolves snarling at him.

'Whoah, Cedric is very desperate. He brought his elite army.' Kira was aware that Cedric was also there. He could smell Cedric's faint scent not far away from his current spot.

He stepped back, getting ready to fly on the other side where only a few werewolves were standing by.

Another batch of werewolves came running in his direction but Kira moved in a flash, dodging their attacks. At this moment, he used his shape-shifting ability, transforming himself into a giant bat.

His left leg was bitten so it would be troublesome for him to run so his best choice was to fly. To conserve his energy while flying, he chose to shift in his bat form while healing his injured leg.

Actually, he hated this kind of transformation because he looked uncool. But he could fly faster when he was in this form. These werewolves were very strong and moved fast tonight because of the full moon so he had to be more careful while fighting them.

Furthermore, he was outnumbered this time and the werewolves possessed tremendous strength at their current state. He needed to think of the best strategy to fight them. Fighting them head-on all at once was very disadvantageous for him.

The werewolves immediately chased after him as Kira flew towards the Northleaf Timberland Forest. But one person stayed behind– Cedric Morgan! He wanted to check whether Marceline was inside the mansion.

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