Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 125 Truth Coming To Light

Kira was healed in an instant, thanks to Marceline. He felt like she showered him with her wolf's saliva. But this treatment was very effective. Even his eyes that were hurt by the ultraviolet lights went back to normal.

"Stella… Thank you. I owe you one tonight," Kira softly mumbled, staring at her amber eyes.

Stella, the white wolf, just nudged her head against his body and licked his face one last time.

'I just did what I have to do as your mate. No need to thank me. Just be good to me… and help me with Marceline.'

Kira fell silent for a moment. He already made up his mind. He was about to tell Marceline the truth but this surprise attack coming from Cedric and his fellow werewolves interrupted him tonight.

Stella walked towards the living room. She lay comfortably on the soft carpet. Marceline was waking up. She had to leave now.

She already felt accomplished tonight as she was able to protect and save Kira. She came out suddenly when she felt that Kira was in danger. Surprisingly, Marceline heard her voice in her subconscious.

Kira followed Stella. Then he saw her lying in the center of the living room. Was she going to sleep?

'She treats my wound but I haven't checked if she is just fine.'

Kira traced his steps towards her. He kneeled as soon as he reached her spot. He assessed her body looking for a sign of a wound. He smelled blood but it wasn't hers.

Kira heaved a deep sigh after seeing Marceline's white fur tainted by the werewolf's blood. He thought she got exhausted fighting those werewolves.

Seconds later, she began to transform back to her human form. Kira immediately carried her naked body. In a flash, he went upstairs, bringing Marceline to her room.

He had just put her down on the bed when Marceline opened her eyes. She looked at him in puzzlement. She wondered what Kira was doing in her room. Then she realized that she was not wearing any clothes. She was aching all over her body.

Jumping to conclusion, she squinted her eyes at him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't tell me you touched me when I was asleep?" She glared at Kira, misinterpreting their situation.

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Kira just looked at her helplessly. He didn't expect that Marceline would misunderstand him. But instead of explaining things to her, he decided to tease her.

"Why not? Tonight is our wedding night, our first night of being husband and wife," Kira said cheekily, leaning over as he lifted her chin. He brought his face closer to her face, but he maintained a certain distance for him to watch her face intently.

They had just an intense fight with the werewolves but here he was flirting with Marceline. Since she already accused him, so why not make her words come true?

'What am I thinking? Maybe I just want to divert my attention. I don't know whether I should tell her the thing I discovered now or later,' Kira thought to himself, still contemplating.

Meanwhile, Marceline crumpled her face. She could feel that Kira was just playing with her. He was clearly teasing her.

"Liar! Tell me what happened? Why am I naked? And why do I feel like I was beaten up by someone?"

Kira let out a soft chuckle. 'You were the one who beat them, not the other way around. I'm surprised to see her strength. She's powerful than those naturally born werewolves. '

While he was thinking about her wolf's exceptional strength and power, a realization had dawned on him.

'Wait! I saw it. Cedric was the one who bit Marceline but how come she turned into a white wolf? Cedric is not a white wolf. This doesn't make sense at all!'

This was another mystery they had to unfold.

"Kira? What's wrong?" Marceline asked him as she noticed the changes in Kira's expression. He became more serious and he looked like he was bothered by something.

Kira drew back as he sat down at the edge of her bed. "You should put some clothes on first, otherwise I will be distracted while talking to you." He smiled at her faintly, pinching her nose.

Marceline lazily dragged herself up, walking towards her wardrobe. She picked up a silk nightgown and underwear. She put them on before joining Kira in her bed.

Kira kept his eyes fixed on her, watching her every movement. He couldn't help but admire Marceline's slender figure. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt during the fight. He couldn't bear to see any bruises or wounds on her flawless body.

"Now, tell me. What's troubling you?" Marceline confronted him right away when she sat down beside him.

Kira turned to his left side, facing her. He held her shoulders while meeting her gaze.

"You told me your suspicion that Cedric was the one who attacked and bit you eighteen years ago after seeing his wolf form. Marceline… you are right! He is indeed the one whom you encountered before in the forest" Kira paused for a moment, allowing Marceline to absorb his words.

"I confirmed it. I learned something more about that incident–" Kira was interrupted by Marceline. She grabbed on his shirt, tugging it tightly as she shook him.

"Is he the one who killed my parents too? But why? What was his motive?" Marceline asked him with her eyes burning with rage.

Just thinking about her parents, she felt the need to see Cedric and kill him right now. She didn't care if he was a werewolf. If she had a chance, she wanted to avenge her parents' death.

On the other hand, seeing how enraged Marceline was, Kira didn't know how he would continue. 'I think… it's better to show her rather than tell her what happened in the past.'

"My Lady… may you give me permission to use my psychic ability to show you something?" Kira consulted her first.

He wanted to try if his other mental ability would work on her even though he couldn't read Marceline's mind nor hypnotize her using his power.

Marceline responded by nodding her head vigorously. She wanted to see it with her own eyes. What happened to her parents? They had the Ametiz Protection Stone so how come they were killed by the werewolves.

Getting her consent and approval, Kira placed his palm over her forehead, staring at her with deadly concentration. He just hoped his psychic power would take effect.

He planned on letting her see what he had seen a while ago, playing those scenes in her mind. A light illuminated his palm and Marceline began to feel something.

Her mind was becoming hazy. With her closed eyes, all she could see was darkness. But several seconds later, Marceline finally saw something.

The first scene that flashed in her mind was the moment she fell unconscious after being bitten by Cedric on her shoulder.

Cedric was like a ferocious beast who ruthlessly attacked a small and powerless child. The other wolf who seemed to be Cedric's Beta, Cleo, just watched his Alpha. He thought Cedric would devour the little girl and shred her body into pieces. Little Marceline looked very vulnerable at that time.

It did not take long when running footsteps were heard, inching closer to them. They were Marceline's parents.

"Stop! Leave her alone!" Marceline's mother shouted, getting the attention of the two werewolves.

Bang! Bang!

Marceline's father shot them using his gun loaded with silver bullets. Cleo snarled at them while Cedric released Marceline as he turned around to see the newcomers.

'They came back for their daughter. Stupid humans. They should have run away together with their child. Why bother left her and hid her in this tree?' Cedric sneered at them inwardly.

Bang! Bang!

Marceline's father shot them continuously but Cleo and Cedric were able to dodge the bullets. They were so fast, moving from one direction to another.

Marceline's mother picked something inside her pocket. It was a silver necklace with a purple stone pendant. It was the Ametiz Protection Stone.

Their plan was to lure the werewolves who were chasing after them. They couldn't use the Ametiz Protection Stone in Marceline's presence so they had to hide her. Marceline might get hurt since she was allergic to that stone.

They knew that the werewolves were after them but they didn't expect that Cedric and his Beta would find Marceline and attack her mercilessly. For goodness' sake, she was only a kid!

"Attacking the family of gatekeepers is against the law of the Moon Goddess! How dare you attack my family?" Marceline's father yelled at them, also picking up his Ametiz Protection Stone.

They thought they could fend off the werewolves using their protection stone but they were mistaken. There was something they didn't anticipate.

Cedric and Cleo who saw the Ametiz stones in their respective hands just laughed inwardly. They were not affected at all. The stones didn't even glow when they began charging in their direction.

Marceline's parents exchanged a puzzled look at each other. The two giant wolves were not frightened by the Ametiz Protection Stone.

'Huh? What's wrong with the stones?'

Before they knew it, Cedric and Cleo already pounced on them, making the husband and wife fall to the ground.

"Aaah!" her mother screamed in agonizing pain when Cedric's sharp teeth sunk into her flesh.

"Honey!" Her father called her mother with intense worry in his eyes. He was still fighting Cleo as they wrestled on the ground.

After a few minutes of struggling, Marceline's parents received several bites and claw marks on the different parts of their bodies. They were lying on the ground, bathing with their own blood and barely breathing!

"Foolish humans! You didn't even notice that your protection stones had been swapped! Haha. They were just counterfeits!" Cedric said, mocking them after he transformed back to his human form.

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