Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 130 Negotiation

"I'm here to see your Alpha. Can I come in?" Kira said, smiling mischievously at him.

Vladimir was surprised by Kira's guts of coming there in Triple W Headquarters where lots of werewolves and witches were scattered around the vicinity.

"Do you have a death wish?" Vladimir sneered at Kira and at the same time, motioned the guards to get ready to capture him. Kira's identity as a vampire was no longer a secret to them anymore.

"You can't touch me… or else, your Alpha will lose his mind. Have you forgotten that I still have control over his mind? Wanna try it?" Kira challenged Vladimir.

When Vladimir heard Kira's words, he hesitated for a moment. He raised his hand as if signaling their guards to stop. He didn't know whether Kira was bluffing or not.

But he was aware of what happened last night. Cedric was utterly defeated. Aside from that, Kira was under the protection of a white wolf whom they thought was sent by the Moon Goddess.

"What do you want?" Vladimir asked Kira in a calm voice. He regained his composure, thinking that he was still in control of the situation. He wanted to see what Kira could do after getting inside the headquarters.

"I want to talk to your Alpha," Kira responded, still assessing the anti-vampiric security that was built around the vicinity of Triple W Headquarters.

After contemplating for a while, Vladimir ordered the guard to call one witch who would remove the security spell temporarily, allowing Kira to enter the building.

Vladimir and Kira continued sizing each other up while waiting for the Witch to arrive. It did not take long when the Witch came over, removing the spell in the entrance door of the building. Kira was able to pass through as soon as the witch undid the spell.

Vladimir escorted him to Cedric's office where the angry Alpha was currently throwing a fit. When the door of his office slid open, Kira and Vladimir were greeted by a flying figurine that Cedric threw away at the wall near the door.


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Another porcelain figurine was thrown at them in which Kira caught by his right hand. Cedric finally noticed Kira's presence. He was standing next to Vladimir.

The already angry Alpha became more furious upon seeing Kira's face. He tore off his shirt and was about to shift, attacking Kira. But before he could transform Kira lifted his right hand, his palm facing Cedric, then he said, "Stay Still!"

When Kira said those two words with his powerful voice, Cedric suddenly stopped, freezing in his spot as if he became a statue.

Cedric tried his best to move but to his dismay, Kira's mind control was too powerful for him. He couldn't fight it no matter how hard he tried.

Vladimir was dumbfounded when he witnessed this scene. It only proved that Kira was not bluffing. He could truly influence Cedric's action using his mind control ability.

For so long, he didn't expect that he would encounter another vampire who possessed a powerful psychic ability that could even control a strong Alpha like Cedric.

Vladimir became more cautious. He couldn't afford to be put under Kira's control. He moved a few steps away from Kira as he was preventing him from reading and controlling his mind.

'I should be more careful around him. This vampire is no ordinary vampire. Why do I feel like his level was the same as a vampire general?'

Meanwhile, Kira smiled inwardly. He already knew that Vladimir was very wary of him. He even distanced himself from him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Cedric asked Kira through his gritted teeth. Although he was frozen in his spot, he could still move his mouth to speak.

On the other hand, Kira just let out a husky laugh, provoking Cedric further.

"I Will Kill You! I will certainly KILL YOU!" Cedric's veins could now be seen on his neck and forehead as he was freaking mad. He felt like Kira was making fun of his current situation.

He hated it! How could this happen? A mere vampire put him under his mind control. It was a great insult to his ego and pride. Kira kept on defeating him.

"I'm not here to pick a fight with you. I just spared your life twice, you should be grateful to me. If I wanted to, you should be dead by now."

Cedric just shot him a cold sharp glare. He glanced at Vladimir, ordering him to eliminate Kira. But Kira could read his thoughts as he was still under his mind control.

Another chuckle escaped Kira's mouth. Then he shook his head while clicking his teeth.

"Tsk, Tsk! You can't kill me so don't waste your time. Now, let's proceed to business. I am here to make a deal with you. I already knew your secret."

Cedric and Vladimir exchanged a puzzled look at each other, wondering what secret Kira was talking about.

"Secret? What Secret?" Cedric asked.

Vladimir also focused his attention on Kira, anticipating his response.

"You are planning to overthrow the current King of Werewolves, Dominique Silvano. You also want to assassinate him if he doesn't pass the throne to you."

The two werewolves were at a loss for words. They didn't expect that Kira would find out this secret. This happened because of Kira's mind-reading ability.

Cedric knew that this secret might put his pack in great danger. Kira must be silenced! Though he believe that Dominique would not believe a vampire's word, he didn't want to create even the slightest of suspicion in Dominique's mind.

Once Dominique's trust would start to fade, it would be hard to earn it once again. So as much as possible, the Werewolf King must not know this secret.

Cedric was still thinking of what he should do about this when Vladimir suddenly expressed his thoughts.

"Do you think you can blackmail us or use this secret for you to make a deal with us? Hmm, even if you tell him this, the Werewolf King will not believe you."

Kira chuckled once more. Cedric and Vladimir were both stubborn, not taking his warning seriously.

"Well, he might not believe me but I think he is not that dumb not to investigate it. He might become more cautious once you are around. How can you eliminate him if he is on high alert? Dominique Silvano is good at betraying people. He knew how those people he betrayed ended up so he will not allow himself to be betrayed by others… or experience those tragic betrayals." Kira was speaking based on his past.

Vladimir and Cedric had to admit that Kira had a point. Dominique was a wise werewolf. That's one of the reasons Cedric and Vladimir were very careful and cautious in implementing their plan little by little. They would be doomed once Dominique detected even the slightest chance and possibility of Cedric's betrayal.

"Furthermore… It's not only one secret… but I learned more secrets than what you could imagine." Kira stepped forward, moving closer to Cedric's spot. Upon reaching him, Kira patted Cedric's shoulder.

Then he leaned over and whispered, "I saw it… in your mind. You assassinated the Werewolf Prince as soon as he stepped into this Human World. I think Dominique will not sit down without confirming the truth about his son's sudden disappearance."

After reading Cedric's mind, Kira also discovered that this mutt tried to assassinate Dominique's son, the Werewolf Prince. He had never imagined that the werewolf whom he saved and rescued from the Northleaf Timberland Forest was the Werewolf Prince, his sworn enemy's son.

Thinking about it, Kira mused to himself whether Dylan was Selene's son with Dominique. He was still lost in his thoughts when Cedric's voice was heard, snapping him back to the present.

"What do you want from us? What deal will you offer us?" This time Cedric toned down as he spoke to Kira. He was willing to listen to his demand.

He didn't trust Kira but it was so hard to eliminate him, especially now that Kira was holding him on his neck. He didn't know what kind of command this bloodsucker would give him once Vladimir attacked Kira so it's best for them to talk this out first.

"I will not tell Dominique about your plan of stealing the throne or assassinating him. I can even help you with that. But I have conditions…"

"First… STOP bothering Marceline. She can never be yours. She is MINE! We are now married." Kira declared to Cedric, giving him a great shock!

'WHAT?! Marceline Zhou married this bloodsucker! Is she even aware of her bodyguard's real identity as a vampire?' Cedric clenched his fists. At this certain moment, he realized that he could already move his body. Kira might have freed him from his mind control.

"What are your other demands in exchange for your silence?"

Kira had a smug smile on his handsome face. "Don't help Ronan Zhou. Keep pushing him away and don't listen to his words. From now on, don't get involved with the Zhou's affairs."

This time Cedric was the one who burst out laughing. But there was no humor in his eyes. "Are you doing this because of Marceline? Did you tell her what happened eighteen years ago? Have you seen it as well?" A cold glint flashed through Cedric's eyes. Mind reading was what he hated the most among vampire's abilities.

"Of course… I'm doing this for her. Afterall… She is my WIFE." Kira emphasized the last word.

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