Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 140 They Met Again!

,m Since Marceline kept pacing back and forth while waiting for her grandfather's surgery to finish, Kira held her shoulders, pushing her down on the bench.

"Here, sit down first. I'll buy you something to drink. I think a hot choco will do. You need to calm down," Kira mumbled, letting Marceline sit comfortably.

"Okay. I'll wait for you here. Come back soon." Marceline said weakly, still holding Kira's hand. Kira stared at their entangled hands, very reluctant to leave her.

"Yes. I'll be back in five minutes."

She nodded her head, finally letting go of Kira's hand. He left her for a moment to buy hot choco.

Kira was walking in the hospital hallway when he bumped into two people– Lyca and Dylan. Dylan was the first one who recognized Kira.

"Bro!" Dylan shouted, calling the attention of Kira.

Kira came into a halt, moving his gaze in Dylan's and Lyca's direction. He didn't expect to see Dylan in that hospital. And the most surprising thing was that Dylan and Lyca were together.

'Dylan… what is he doing here with Lyca?' A cold glint flashed through his eyes as he remembered Dylan's real identity. 'He is the werewolf prince, Dominique's son. Is Selene his mother? He introduced his name as Dylan Athanasia, so he might be…'

Kira clenched his fists. He thought he couldn't be affected by Selene anymore, but here he was getting worked up just thinking about Dylan as the son of his mortal enemy, and her ex-werewolf lover.

Meanwhile, Dylan was puzzled when Kira looked at him in an unfriendly way. It seemed that Kira was displeased to see him.

'What's wrong? Why is he acting so cold? Is he not in the mood? He looks like he is about to eat me whole.' Dylan mused to himself, feeling a little bit anxious because of Kira's sharp gaze.

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On the other hand, Lyca frowned, looking at Dylan with disbelief. 'Bro? Is he related to Marceline's bodyguard?'

Lyca was not yet informed that Kira was now Marceline's husband in the eyes of the public. Marceline didn't find time to explain her situation to Lyca.

For the past few days, she had been relying solely on Kira. She couldn't tell Lyca about her plan of getting revenge on the werewolf clan as well as her own Uncle.

She didn't want her to get involved in this conflict. Marceline thought that it would be best for Lyca not to know the existence of the other creatures. It's for her own sake.

"Where's Marceline?" Lyca asked Kira right away. Though she was curious about the relationship between Kira and Dylan, it could wait as her priority right now was to accompany her best friend and comfort her.

"She's waiting, outside the operating room. Her grandfather's surgery is still ongoing." Kira answered Lyca, ignoring Dylan's presence. He was not in the mood to interact with another mutt. He could only tolerate interacting with one wolf, and that's Marceline's wolf, Stella.

"Alright. I'm going there. How about you? What are you doing here? You are supposed to accompany her and escort her all the time." Lyca asked Kira, thinking he was still working for Marceline as a bodyguard.

This time it was Dylan who darted his gaze back and forth between Kira and Lyca. What a small world?! His mate also knew his savior.

After a while, Dylan's eyes widened in realization. 'Wait? Don't tell me… his woman in the mansion is Lyca's best friend?'

Dylan blinked his eyes several times, still amazed by this coincidence. 'I have this feeling that the four of us are destined to meet each other. Hmm.'

Dylan was still lost in his thoughts when Kira spoke again, answering Lyca's queries.

"I just left her to get her a drink. A Hot Choco. She needs it to calm down. She is very nervous and anxious right now," Kira informed Lyca. There was a hint of worry in his voice.

"Okay. Go ahead. I will accompany her while you are not around." Lyca said goodbye to Kira. She was now heading to where Marceline was waiting.

"Dylan, you must behave. Don't talk if you are not asked to. And give us some space. She didn't like strangers. She might beat you up and kill you if you offend my best friend," Lyca warned Dylan. But to her surprise, he didn't say a word. She turned around to check on him only to find out Dylan was no longer following her.

"Eh? Where did he go? He disappeared again without telling me. I said lots of things but no one was listening to me. I'm going to punch that man!" Lyca said, stomping her feet while pouting her lips. She thought he was following her. It turned out Dylan followed Kira instead.

"Whatever! He is like a bubble… disappearing without a trace!" Lyca continued walking, already thinking of scolding Dylan once they saw each other later. She didn't know if he went home already.


Meanwhile, the person whom Lyca was thinking of grilling was now tailing Kira like a puppy following his master. Dylan wanted to ask Kira about what happened to his woman.

'Maybe he is not in a good mood because his woman is sad. Her grandfather is sick.'

Dylan was clueless that the reason why Kira was grouchy was him. Seeing Dylan, Kira was reminded of the man who betrayed him and the woman who broke his heart into tiny pieces.

Kira just finished ordering two cups of hot choco when someone wrapped his arm around Kira's shoulders. It was Dylan.


Kira immediately yanked Dylan's arm, removing it from his shoulder. Out of annoyance and irritation, he twisted it hard, making Dylan whimper in pain.

"Awww! Bro, let go! You are hurting my arm! It's me, Dylan!" Dylan was tapping Kira's hand, begging him to let go. But instead of releasing Dylan's hand, Kira tightened his grip further.

He didn't control his strength as he knew that Dylan could endure the pain as he was a werewolf. Furthermore, he's not an ordinary werewolf, he's the Werewolf Prince! If Dylan was just an ordinary human, his arm would have broken already because of Kira's tight grasp.

'This mutt. He is the guy from the Silvano Family who was supposed to marry Marceline if the arranged marriage between the Silvano Family and Zhou Family was finalized and agreed by the two families.' This thought added to the rage and hatred he was feeling toward Dylan.

"Hey bro! I said let go. The people are already looking at us." Dylan felt uncomfortable as people began murmuring while watching the two handsome men.

The bystanders were thinking a different thought, mistaking Kira and Dylan were a thing.

"Whoah, they are both handsome. Urgh!"

"Are they having lover's quarrel?"

"Oh my gosh! They look good together. Why? Why are these beautiful beings have to be together? I sense bromance here. But I love their pair!"

"Who do you think is dom and sub between them?"

Kira who also heard those people released Dylan almost immediately. He cringed when people started talking about them as a couple. Just the thought of it, Kira wanted to puke.

Aside from Kira, Dylan also felt embarrassed when people were talking about them, mistaking them as a couple. For goodness' sake, he had a mate! Although Kira was super handsome, Dylan was not into guys!

Since the two of them had super auditory ability, they could hear the people around them, even their whispers and murmurs. This made the two feel so awkward after meeting each other's gaze.

Dylan was looking at him as if he was blaming Kira. But Kira just shot him a cold sharp glare. "Go away! Don't come near me."

"It's your fault! You pulled me closer and twisted my arm. They thought you were hugging me. And your dark grumpy expression… you look like a jealous lover," Dylan said with a teasing smile on his face. He just wanted to lighten the mood between them.

Kira arched his eyebrow. His lips already formed into a thin line. "Just shut up! Do you want me to beat you?"

Kira looked very serious when he said those words, threatening Dylan. However, Dylan just let out a loud chuckle.

"Beating me? Hmm, I completely recovered. I can fight you now because I'm in a good condition. But since you are my savior my answer is HELL NO!" Another husky laugh escaped from Dylan's mouth, his eyes gleaming with humor.

He was truly glad and happy to meet Kira. For some unknown reason, he was very fond of him. He was considering Kira as his true brother. He couldn't explain why he became attached to him even though they only interacted once when Kira saved him.

"But kidding aside, is your woman just fine? I think she's going through a lot. You have to show her that you will always be there for her, especially in times like this." Dylan patted Kira's shoulder.

Kira's brows twitched and he remained quiet. He didn't want to admit but he could feel Dylan's sincerity when he expressed his concern towards Marceline and gave Kira a piece of advice.

"You don't have to tell me that. I already planned to do that."

Dylan just smiled sheepishly while scratching his face. "I know. I just want to remind you. And please, don't be scary and grumpy. You have to look gentle when comforting a woman. Why are you frowning?"

"Because I saw you," Kira replied matter-of-factly.

Dylan: "..."

'Eh? Why me? What did I do?' Dylan blinked his eyes several times, wondering what he had done wrong.

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