Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 167 Difficult Times

[ Golden City District Hospital… ]

Kira and Marceline rushed to the hospital after receiving the emergency call. She was worried sick about her grandfather. Her heart was pounding so hard against her chest.

Kira was holding her hand tightly as he stepped on the gas. He was the one driving the car. If only it was nighttime, he would just carry her and used his vampiric speed to reach the hospital as soon as possible.

When they arrived, the doctor was still reviving Grandpa Roland. His heart had stopped beating a while ago. Marceline didn't know what to do. She was in pain to see her grandfather in this situation.

While watching this scene, Marceline recalled her childhood memories with her grandpa. When her parents died, Grandpa Roland tried his best to fill the missing gap of her parents' absence.

He provided her with everything. Aside from Aunt Brianna, Grandpa Roland served as her second parent. But Marceline slowly distanced herself from him when she thought he didn't believe her when she told him about the existence of werewolves.

She asked for help from Grandpa Roland to investigate further about those giant wolves but he was always saying that they didn't exist… that they were just part of her imagination.

Now, she realized that she wasted her time, getting upset with her grandfather. He was just trying to protect her. In everything he did, she was his first priority.

He believed her but he didn't let her know it. Not telling her the truth about the existence of werewolves, vampires and other supernatural creatures was one way to keep her safe.

In the past decades, she spent her time researching werewolves, looking for some clues about their existence. She seldom bonds with her grandfather.

She couldn't remember when was the last time they hang out together. Marceline started to regret her actions and how she treated her grandfather.

She took him for granted. She focused all her attention on getting revenge and seeking justice for her parents' deaths.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She had forgotten that her grandfather also needed her. She failed to protect him. She should be the one to take care of him since he was already old, but it was her grandfather who was always looking out for her.

She moved closer to the glass window of the ICU, pressing her hands against the crystal. Her eyes were fixed on her grandfather, shedding droplets of tears.

'Grandpa, please stay alive. Fight it… for me. Please,' she was silently wishing for a miracle to happen. Kira and Raizel were telling her that it was already too late. They couldn't treat her grandfather. He was dying!

But Marceline was not ready to let go of him or rather, she would never be ready as her grandfather was the only family she had. She could no longer consider her Uncle's family as her own family.

'This is my fault, grandpa. I'm selfish. I have forgotten that I was not the only one who lost them… You also lost your son. If I got hurt and sad, I know you also experienced the same pain that I had.'

Kira could feel Marceline's sadness. His heart was also aching just seeing her like this. Marceline always wanted to hide her weakness and not show other people her vulnerability.

She always tried to look brave and strong outside, but deep inside, she was slowly breaking. Other people always thought she was an iron lady but they didn't know that she had a fragile side too.

Kira could only rub her back, letting her know that he was just there for her, especially in difficult times like this.

After a while, the doctor was able to revive Grandpa Roland. Both Marceline and Kira could hear the beeping sound of his heart monitor. His heartbeat came back.

But the doctor still had a sullen look on his face when he glanced in their direction. Seconds later, the doctor came out of the ICU room to talk to Marceline.

Marceline and Kira approached the doctor as soon as he stepped out of the ICU room. The doctor shook his head while looking at Marceline with an apologetic look.

"Miss Zhou, we managed to revive your grandfather's heart but… he fell into a–." the doctor suddenly stopped midway upon noticing the dark aura surrounding Marceline.

With their super sense of hearing, Marceline and Kira heard the nurses' conversation inside the ICU room who were fixing everything. They mentioned Grandpa Roland being a brain-dead patient.

Mustering up his courage, the doctor gulped hard before explaining things to Marceline. Grandpa Roland's condition worsened further after this second heart attack, affecting even his brain. He told her the real situation of Grandpa Roland.

The doctor was very cautious with his choice of words since Grandpa Roland was not an ordinary patient. He was a VIP patient… a prominent figure in the Golden City.

But the bottom line was, the doctor's message only meant Grandpa Roland had no chance of recovery. He was as good as dead now.

Marceline felt like unleashing Stella and her beast side because of the negative emotions she was feeling right now. She hated Evelyn and Cedric's pack. The black flower poison came from them. She wanted to destroy them all.

She almost lost control, fortunately, Kira was there to calm her down. He held her hand tightly. He could also feel the hatred and fury inside her heart.

"Please calm down, My Lady. I promise… we will make them pay ten times. For now, you have to control your anger." Kira knew that werewolves were hot-blooded. He was worried that Marceline would suddenly lose control in this hospital and go on a rampage.

He had to protect her and her secret. No one should know that Marceline had become a werewolf… a giant white werewolf.

Because of Kira's presence, Marceline was able to control herself from unleashing Stella and turning into her wolf form.

"Go inside… Talk to your grandpa," Kira softly said, encouraging her.

Marceline didn't know how long before she was able to step her feet, going towards Grandpa Roland's bed.

Upon reaching his bed, Marceline's eyes assessed her grandpa. He had become frail and pale but he looked like he was just sleeping soundly.

With her trembling hand, she held Grandpa Roland's hand. She had a lot of what-ifs.

"Grandpa, please don't die on me… Please recover… I promise I will spend more time with you. I will take good care of you. I will be by your side. I will live with you under one roof."

Marceline continued shedding tears as she talked to her grandpa.

"Please just wake up… I will never leave your side. We can eat together during breakfast, lunch and dinner. I miss going to the amusement park with you. Let's play there just like how we used to be when my parents were still alive."

'Was our last night's dinner our last meal together?' Marceline's heart constricted at that thought. She felt like she was being stabbed by million daggers.

Marceline's tears kept on flowing, dropping on the floor. Kira could only watch her silently, allowing her to say everything she wanted to say to her grandpa.

"Grandpa! I love you… please wake up now. Don't you want to see your great-grandchildren? You have to survive this, grandpa, if you want to see them. You will help me raise my children. Please grandpa…"

Marceline could no longer hold it in. She burst out, hugging her grandpa while crying on his chest.

"I can't lose you too, Grandpa. Why? Why is this happening to me? Why are you all leaving me behind?"

Marceline was in that state when Enrique and Ronan entered the room. Just like Marceline, the two men received an emergency call from the hospital, informing them about Grandpa Roland's condition.

They bumped with the doctor in the hospital's hallway. They were also informed about Grandpa Roland's hopeless situation. Both men were in low spirit upon entering the room, most especially Ronan.

"No… this is not happening. My father is a strong man. He can't die like this," Ronan mumbled absentmindedly. He was also in denial. He couldn't accept the fact that his father was dying with no chance of recovery at all.

"Grandpa!" Enrique also joined Marceline, holding their grandfather's hand. He didn't know what to say. He was overwhelmed by this series of events. The Zhou Family was now in a chaotic state.

p Seeing the two men, Marceline wiped her tears and stopped crying. She gathered herself and left the room without saying a word to Enrique and Ronan. She just gave them a cold shoulder as the two men were reminding her of Evelyn and her evil deeds.

"Ki… just stay here…and watch grandpa. I will just go to the comfort room."

Kira nodded his head in agreement. "Ok, My Lady. If you encounter another enemy don't hesitate to call me and send me a signal so that I can come to your rescue right away," Kira reminded her. He didn't want the last incident to happen again.

"Don't worry about me. I will be more cautious now." After saying that, Marceline went to the comfort room.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the hospital, Raizel just arrived intending to meet Grandpa Roland's granddaughter. He would try to check whether the old man's granddaughter would be a great support to them.

Since he couldn't afford to lose the key to the portal which was the Zhou Family, Raizel would do anything just to get an ally from the Zhou Family.

'Roland Zhou shouldn't die…' Raizel thought to himself.

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