Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 56: It’s Over If You Run Away, You Idiot

Chapter 56: It’s Over If You Run Away, You Idiot

Today, more than 2,000 tries have been made.

It’s been three and a half months since I came here. I’ve made 18 tame attempts per day, and it’s finally gone over 2,000. This battle, which only took 15 minutes as Seven, takes the current me nearly 40 minutes. Still, I’ve done it 2,000 times without batting an eye. There’s something weird with me.

“Excuse me, my Second. Isn’t it time to go back already? “

Most of the evenings were spent drinking together with Angolmois. We drank after spending twelve hours trying to tame Anko, so now it has become a habit.

However, lately this fellow has been noisy, saying “Let’s go back already”. Asking the person in question, it seems he has just been bored and worried about me. I’m kind of grateful for that, but I’ll still be worrying him for a bit longer.

“We’re still at a good time. I’ll go back home if there are any problems, but so far there hasn’t been any large developments reported in the weekly report.”

That’s a lie, though. The weekly reports from the three girls had some concerning issues.

It seems like the Reformists group led by the Prime Minister Val Morrow, who’s backing the First Prince Klaus, are finally starting to make their move in the capital. There’s little time left. In addition to that, I’m also interested in the growth of Silvia and Eko, and a bit curious about that mischief I left in the hands of Yukari. I’m also eager to see the completed mansions. And I’m a bit anxious about the progress of Second’s Castle (provisional). I’m bothered about everything.

And to be completely honest, I want to go back already.

Then, why? ……Why am I not going back?

Even I don’t know it myself. It’s just, I’ve simply been making excuses. Excuses to not go back home yet.

……Ahh, I’m addicted.

My outlook has narrowed. I haven’t been making normal decisions. I haven’t given up, nor have I wanted to give up. While trying to persist with the taming, I’ve been putting off a lot of issues. Even though I know the possibilities, I’m just ruining myself while hoping for that slight chance.


I will keep doing the same thing tomorrow. And the day after. And the week after, and the month after. Unless there’s a really compelling excuse, I will keep doing this until the very last moment.

I can’t help it. It’s only natural. Taming the Darkness Wolf is like a drug I can’t resist taking. And it won’t end until that moment when I taste that last pleasure of taming her. This feeling as if my head will burst open, it gives me a sensation of flying, and the descending euphoria engulfs me as we clash incessantly. All of this is carved in my brain, something that won’t be erased for a lifetime. There’s only one way to break free from this, and that is to tame her. What a nasty thing.

“…………I’m going to sleep.”


I want to hurry up and finish this. Closing my eyes, I wished so. Drowsiness soon came. And so, my daily routine started again.



Attempt number 2,159.

It was late in the afternoon, just a bit over four months since coming here.

I’m not sure if it’s because I am tired or something else, but I made a mistake for the first time.

I didn’t manage properly the cooldown time of 《Transform》, and I couldn’t avoid the Darkness Magic attack.

“(My Second!)“

Angolmois shouted. Hey, Spirit King-sama, stop with the useless actions. Nothing will come out from shouting. Also, you’re using telepathic communication.


――Should I use “that”? A moment of hesitation.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Approaching in Jojutsu mode, Anko was closing the distance while swinging the shadow cane in all directions at a speed the eyes couldn’t follow. And currently, my HP was 1. If I get hit, I’m done for.

What should I do? Should I keep going like this? Or should I use my hidden card? Whatever the case, I can’t choose to drink a potion. I would get hit while drinking it.

Well, with this being the case, I guess the answer has already been decided.

“(T-That’s reckless!)“

What I chose was to ‘avoid’ it. Moving past her right side, I went towards Anko’s back.

The weakness of the Jojutsu mode is the rear side. If you can go around her, you have the time to drink a potion while Anko repositions herself. That’s right, IF you can go around her.

The distance between us is about two meters. Aiming for the slight window after the activation of the 【Jojutsu】 skill, I dived towards Anko’s right shoulder side and rushed through without hesitating.

――Swoosh. I could hear the shadow cane swinging next to my ear. If that connected, I would have been taken out. Close, so close.

“Foo! That’s how you escape by a hair’s breadth! “

“(Cut it out! There’s only so much my heart can take!)“

Just like that, I successfully evaded using that special move three more times. And while I was drinking a potion, I received a scolding from Angolmois. Incidentally, the rest was a bit troublesome, but I managed to bring her down using 《Rook Archery》, and reset the fight.

…………I can still do it. I’m still alright.

I muttered to myself, while also holding my chest, feeling my rapidly beating heart.

I almost died. For the first time since coming to this world.

It was beyond my imagination.

――This overflow. This exhilaration. This excitement. This feeling I had forgotten for a long time, was now being awakened.

Fun. Fun. This is fun……!

When thinking about it, I feel like I forgot my original intention. Why did I start playing Mobius? Why did I decide to aim for the top in the world? I felt like the answer to those questions was revived here.

Mobius was the place where the ‘records’ of everything in my life were located. After doing nothing but running away from everything, I came to a dead end where everything just piled up, gathered and finally burst open. So, I decided to no longer escape. All that was left for me was to move forward. And just enjoy everything.

“Here I come! ! “

This is our battle; I can’t be rude to Anko.

This is the world’s best battle. A clash between me and her.

Holding up the Mithril Longbow, I went to Anko and took a shot at her.

Attempt number 2,168.

I expected it to happen by now.

Or should I say “At last”? Or should I say “Finally”? Or maybe “Now of all times”?

The timings of Darkness Summon after Darkness Shift, coupled with 《False Shadow》, made it impossible for me to prevent Anko from entering the “Strongest Mode”.

The current situation could be called “The worst of the worst”. Anko’s remaining HP is below 25%. That means, she’s also in “Berserk Mode”.

Strongest Mode + Berserk Mode.

Her whole body is covered by Dark Flames, and the Dark Flame Spear is amply spewing dark flames too. Her calm figure as she quietly walks wearing a gentle face, narrowed eyes and a thin smile, all while dragging the spear through the ground, is exactly like that of a demon.

In addition to her already stupidly high attack power, the Dark Flame Spear is a weapon with a reach of nearly three meters, and furthermore, it’s constantly launching Dark Flames as a long-range attack. After all, it’s not called “Strongest Mode” for nothing.

By the way, with my current status, the longest I can ‘touch’ that blackish flame is two seconds. Any more than that and I’d die. And if I receive even one hit of that Dark Flame Spear, I’m surely a goner. There’s no way to describe it other than outrageous.

Well then.

Getting to this point, I guess there’s nothing I can do.

Deciding to use my hidden card, I took out the “Goblin Mage’s Horn” from my inventory.

Well, even if I call it hidden card, it’s more like a ‘fleeing card’.

The Goblin Mages, the entourage of the Boss of the 『Ashaspern』 Dungeon, use the magic 《Random Teleport》. And this Goblin Mage’s Horn is an item that can be activated by thrusting it into a monster which sends it into 《Random Teleport》. However, there are many conditions that have to be met, and it basically has no effect on dungeon monsters. Furthermore, the experience value from the monster isn’t used to determine the distance of the Random Teleport. In other words, it is not a very convenient item.

However, it’s not like I’m going to use this on Anko. I’ll use it on me in order to escape. Then I’ll be out of here in an instant. Therefore, this can be used as a hidden card; an emergency escape item of sorts.

“It’s been quite a while……”


While holding the Goblin Mage’s Horn in my left hand, I looked at Anko as she closed the gap while swinging the Dark Flame Spear.

Like the incarnation of sun shining in the darkness, the lustrous Dark Flame raged from the surface of the black coat covering those bewitching limbs, and it also spewed from the Dark Flame Spear as it tore through the space and targeted me.

If it touches me for more than two seconds, it’s the end. Therefore, I can’t get close. It’s impossible like this.

I can’t win. There’s no way to win. I have no choice but to run away.

“I’ll come back.”

With that promised reunion, I swung the Goblin Mage’s Horn.




Unexpectedly. I felt like her facial expression changed.

Those gently closed sharp eyes and mouth fixed into a smile. Both opened slightly, almost as if saying…

Don’t go――


“(……? What’s wrong, my Second?)“


What am I…… While fighting this strong of an opponent, what am I trying to do……?

What am I scared of? Why did I plan to run away from the very beginning? What the heck is wrong with me?

Remembering my thoughts from six hours ago, I began to question myself.

This is stupid.

――”If you run away in Mobius, it’s over”. I’m an idiot!

How come I’m trying to break that absolute rule?

Casually thinking “I don’t want to die”. I’m just a coward.

If I run away from Mobius, what’s left? I’ll have nothing left; I’ll be worthless. The same as being dead.

The best in the world has to be strong. Stronger than anyone else. Stronger than anything. And that strength must be shown not only with statuses, but with everything. I’ve said it over and over. In Mobius, ‘there’s no escaping’. Why did I forget that foundation?

Foolishness. The top in the world, I said? That would be over if I run away. I won’t have a place if I run away now. So, don’t run away. Don’t make excuses. Stand firm. Face it head on. Don’t show that pathetic gait. Be strong, even if you have to swallow your bloody vomit. Aren’t you the top in the world? Aren’t you the strongest in the entire world!? And for the top in the world to be running away, even dying would be much better! !



“Transform――! ! ! “

Immediately after, the black flame swelled up, completely engulfing me. I’ve got eight seconds of invincibility. I’ve only got 2 seconds to spare after the 6 seconds of the transformation. There’s nowhere left to run. Everywhere around here is a sea of black flames. And Anko is already close to my face. When the invincibility wears off, I’ll die for sure.

……But that’s okay. I’m not afraid.

“Hahaha, HAHAHAHAHA! ! “

Suddenly, laughter comes out. It bursts out without me being able to control it.

I’m not imagining this. Neither is this a mistake. And behind the swaying black flames, Anko was also laughing. She looks so happy. So blissful. Right in front of my eyes.

Hahahaha! This is the best! And so are you! You’ve managed to corner me this far! You’re strong! Incredible! The best! Ahh, I’m so happy, so very happy right now!

“Rook Archery! “

I shout out the name of the skill to decide this all. It was not needed, I just did it as a courtesy.

My aim isn’t her feet. I aimed straight at her head. Ohh, did you see that!? It was a critical. I thought so. This has shaved off Anko’s remaining HP to below 20%.

0.2 seconds remaining.

Should I escape? Don’t be stupid.

I’ll stand dauntlessly, dignified, the obvious thing to do is――

――《Tame》 was activated the moment the black flames enveloped my whole body.

…………How stupid.

There’s only a 0.0001% chance, right? There’s no way this will succeed.

Ahh, I’m going to die. However, I have no regrets. Right here, right now, I didn’t run away from this. I stood proudly as the best in the world until the very end.

How’s that? Did you see this? Were you impressed? This is what the top in the world means. Amazing, right? Very strong. Without par. Therefore, you guys better respect me.




Did you think I’d say something like that?

You see, I thought this was strange.

So far, there had been nobody who used 《Tame》 while she was in the Strongest Mode + Berserk Mode.

Or rather, it was impossible to do so. You can’t get close after all. In the first place, theoretically “You can’t approach during the Strongest Mode”.

Therefore, I only had one path forward. After failing to stop the Strongest Mode due to 《False Shadow》 and Berserk Mode, I had to bring her down below 20% HP and use《Transform》‘s invincibility time to approach and apply 《Tame》.


Who could notice this? Who could accomplish it? Who could try it? Something like this.

……That would be me. Yeah, that’s right. In your face.


It hurts. My breathing has gone crazy. There’s something wrong with my blood flow. My heart is beating so fast it’s painful. I feel incredibly dizzy. The ringing in my ears isn’t stopping.

While feeling completely exhausted, I drank a potion. I could feel the heat coming back to my whole body and my physical condition gradually returned.

However, as my senses went back to normal, the fluffy sensation increased more and more.

Well, this is something that can’t be helped. The natural outcome.


“――It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, my Lord.”

In front of me, this girl was kneeling down.

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