Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 59: Determination(Second Part)

Chapter 59: Determination(Second Part)

“I’d like you to fight me.”

I think this voice of mine that uttered such words was slightly trembling.

This morning remains fresh in my mind. I never imagined I would be so stiff the first time I’d meet with my master. It would’ve been different if the other party was an aristocrat. But because the one who opened the door and met me was none other than Second-sama, I was extremely nervous.

Well then. I thought there wouldn’t be more tension in my life anymore…… but soon enough, more than I could handle appeared.

However, this is an opportunity I can’t let pass.

It’s vexing to rely on this great person who picked me up from the rubble and gave me a more humane life. However, this isn’t a situation I can just grumble about.

Second-sama, at that time, said, “When you’re prepared, you can come to me”.

Ahh, how great and merciful he is. I honestly thought it was good that I had come to this great person’s place.

I have to meet his expectations. I have to resolute myself, I have to face him. This is a lucky chance I was given by the heavens. I need to grab it with my own hands.

“As for the method, I’ve prepared a Game Crown. We can use this to――”

“Nice, you’re prepared.”

Gulp――A cold chill ran through my back.

Second-sama’s face was floating a smile. He looked very happy. Almost like a child who had found a new toy.

“Cubero. I like guys who have a strong spirit like yours.”

“……I’m honored.”

Second-sama’s beautiful voice disturbed my mind, almost like a narcotic, as it entered my ears.

……I can’t be afraid. I can’t fall into his pace. If I don’t show my determination here, my wish will never come true.

“Well then, we’re going to have a match, right? “

“Yes, of course.”

After Second-sama finished those words, he took a step forward in order to grab the Game Crown. Not good. I failed as a subordinate for having my master walk up to me. Panicking, I rushed myself towards Second-sama――

――But suddenly, I tripped.

Did my feet catch on the gravel? No. Something grabbed my leg. But there’s no other person here. No way, was it Second-sama? But, why would he?

Without being able to avoid it, I fell forwards. At this rate, I will bump into Second-sama. Painfully, my body tried twisting itself to avoid him, but that was a useless struggle.

And so, I slammed my head into Second-sama’s chest.

He held me up before I could fall to the ground. Unexpectedly, blood rushed to my head, so I hurriedly moved back.

“E-Excuse me for being――! “

…………Then, I noticed.

I’m a slave. Even if unintentionally, I shouldn’t be able to do any act that would bring harm to my master. However, right now I just plunged into him ‘head-on’. I’ve done something that shouldn’t be possible. Just what in the world……?

“Did you notice it? I knew you were quite excellent.”

Second continued to smile. In other words, this mysterious phenomenon was caused by Second-sama himself. I now understand that, but I still fail to understand what importance that has for our current situation. I opened my mouth a bit in shame.

“Just what did you do? “

“It’s called Break Out. Right now, you are no longer a slave.”

“――eh! ? “

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Astonishment…… no, that word doesn’t even begin to describe the feelings of shock I received.

Did he just say he canceled the slavery contract! ? In an instant!?

I certainly knew such a technique existed. But I’ve never seen or heard of a method to do so in an instant.

And, above all else, one question remains. And that is,

“W-Why! ? “

Why did he release me from slavery just now?

There’s no benefit for Second-sama in it, just risks. If I were plotting to rebel, I could even slash at him this very moment――

“The match would be boring otherwise. With this, we can now go at each other without worrying about it.”


No, seems like I apparently have misunderstood him.

For Second-sama, the power of the servants of house Firstest aren’t even in his sight. However, to go to the extent of canceling the slave contract while grinning just because he wants to “go at each other without worrying about it”?

……Our levels are different. The place we’re looking at is completely different. I was made to realize I was defeated even before the battle started.

“Ha ha ha.”

A dry laugh escaped from my lips. This person, my master is, without a doubt―― “A strong man”.

“It’s okay. Just relax. The battle has already begun.”

“Excuse me. But I would like to say something first as a butler. Please refrain from one-sidedly canceling slave contracts like they are nothing in the future. If I were to be a traitor, you will be taking risks, Second-sama.”

“If I am to be betrayed, then that means I could just go so far. I took a liking to you. That’s why I ‘broke you out’. I won’t let anyone complain. And also, would a traitor preach to me like that? “

“……You will regret it, you know?”

What cool, intense words. Enduring the tears of joy and yearning, I took some distance from Second and got into stance―― Preparing my “Fists”.

My main skill is 【Martial Arts】. In particular, my 《Knight Martial Arts》 at Grade 1 and 《Silver Martial Arts》 at Grade 3 made me the strongest in my ‘Team’. Thanks to these two fists, that helpless little brat of the past is no more.

These two fists that have been with me for 24 years now will at least hit Second-sama once. I’ll show him how far this Cubero has come. That is my determination. I’m resolute to fight til the end. Even if I have to bet my life for it, I’m prepared to do so for my desired wish.

Clenching my fists, I turn my gaze forward. Second-sama, on the other side, was…… simply ‘standing’. With his arms hanging loosely, he just stared at me with absent-minded eyes.

“……You won’t take a stance? “

“Yeah. You, on the other hand, are quite stiff, Cubero. I said it during the day but, you don’t have to be so stiff. Relax, just relax. What would you do if this staring contest continued like this for hours? I can see who the winner would be. Don’t you agree? “

“I’m very grateful for the advice…… but, I think it’s better if you don’t look down on me so much.”

While slowly and steadily closing the distance, I said those words packed with provocation. In the current situation where the skill of my opponent is unknown, the normal way to proceed is to let them take the lead. That strategy isn’t wrong. However……I immediately noticed this was the worst kind of opponent to use that strategy.

“Aren’t you the one looking down on me a bit too much?”

Second-sama’s gentle attitude made a sudden and complete change.

In just one instant――My whole body trembled, and my fighting spirit disappeared.

This is something my body remembers. It understands it since it has dived into many lethal fights. This is real ‘murderous intent’. In other words, Second-sama is seriously trying to kill me……

“――gghuu! ! “

Suddenly, my cheek was struck by Second-sama’s fist. I’m not even sure what skill that was, but I was blown away.

After I hit the ground, I probably bounced a couple times and then rolled on the gravel for a few meters. My cheek, my jaw, my head, my whole body was hurting. What, what strength……

……From a distance, the footsteps crunching on the gravel sounded as they approached. He’s coming to deliver the finishing blow, to this me pitiful enough as to not being able to stand. Ahh, I’ll be disposed of. He sure is disappointed in me for not being properly prepared. Still…… There’s no way I could win. No matter how much I plan, no matter what skills I use, there’s no way to win.

Those were my sole thoughts, almost like returning to when I was a child.

I’m scared――

“Are you stupid? Get up. Show me your determination. Come at me with the intention to kill.”


What is……he saying……?

“Is this all you amount to? Hey, Cubero. That’s wrong, right? If you’re not going to stand firm right now, when will you? “


Ahh, I was wrong!

That’s right, it was different!

It’s not about reason! It’s not about strategy! It’s not about skill!

Damn, I’m really an idiot! I had it totally wrong!

Second-sama hasn’t abandoned me yet!

If I don’t stand firm now, then when!?

If I don’t stand firm now, then when!?

If I don’t stand firm now, then when!?

“U゛AA゛AA゛AAA゛! ! “

I could no longer hold back my tears. These tears crawled towards my wounds, reminding me I was alive.

――Get up, he said. I have to get up no matter what. I need to show my resolve. It’s fine if I die here. Second-sama surely will manage the rest. He promised he would. That’s why I can have peace of mind, leaving it to him. Am I really going to give up? I’m determined. I’ve put everything on the line. So, I’ll stand up even if it kills me――!

“……uh……fuh……! “

Gathering all my strength, I stood up. I stood up.

Raising my head throbbing with pain, I looked at Second-sama.

……Yeah, he’s scary. Tremendously frightening.

However, what of it?

Fighting to maintain my consciousness, I just tried to hit Second-sama without even preparing a skill.

But the moment my fist was caught by Second-sama’s hand, my sight went dark at the time I heard these words.

“You really are great.”

* * *

“……Where am I?”

“Oh, you’re awake.”


Cubero, who was lying asleep in my bed, finally regained consciousness.

“Want to drink a potion? “

“Ugh…… no, I’ll pass.”

When I tried to pass him a potion, Cubero laughed bitterly while making a painful sound, like he had a cut in his mouth. “I’d like to keep this wound for a while,” he said.

I didn’t know how to answer, so I just said “I see”, and placed the potion back in my inventory.

For a while, there was nothing but silence.

It was Cubero who was the first one to break it.

“Thank you very much.”

“Why are you thanking me?”

“Maybe for picking me up and making me a slave. Maybe for giving me an opportunity. Maybe for allowing me to face against you.”

“Maybe? “

“To be honest, I’m not sure either…… however, I simply wanted to somehow thank you.”

“What’s with that?”

Thinking that he might still have his brain a bit shaken, I stared into Cubero’s eyes. But, after just one second, Cubero embarrassingly diverted his gaze. Eh? What’s with that kind of reaction?

“……Second-sama is a truly strong one. I’ve been made painfully aware of that.”

“I suppose.”

“Even if I look like this, I was very confident in my martial arts.”

“Hee. So, what is it that you want? “


When I asked him that question, he got up from the bed with an expression of pain while responding, he then corrected his posture and faced me straight on.

An expression similar to that he had in the carriage. I thought he was going to talk about how pitiful his life had been until now, but I guessed wrong.

“I used to be the young leader of a team called R6 (Rimusuma Six).”

“R6? “

“Yes. A group of righteous bandits based around the capital.”

“……Righteous bandits, huh?”

Righteous bandits were thieves who only stole from the bad guys. They stole from the strong to give to the weak. They are groups disliked by the knight orders but quite loved by the people. Pretty much like ‘robin hoods’.

Ahh, come to think of it, I’ve heard a bit about some bandits that made a base near the capital. I think I received some reports about that while I was in Isoreus, from Yukari. In any case, the bandits who were praised to be the best in the Kingdom were crushed without leaving a trace by the Knight of the Castall Kingdom―― or so it seems.

“Even if we’re righteous, since we’re basically ‘stealing’ we surely gather a lot of resentment from various people. Particularly, the nobles who fatten their bellies at the expense of others and are the main targets, they try to crack down on us. And, the same is true even for royalty.”

“You mean to say the Castall Kingdom itself launched a thorough suppression of righteous bandits?”

“Just like you say. Due to the Second and Third Knight Orders’ repressive force, our R6 was pushed to the brink of annihilation in just a few months. However, as I learned later…… It can be said our destruction was solely due to the First Knight Order.”

“The First Knight Order? “

That is very strange. The First Knight Order worked mainly as Royal Guards. If you wanted to suppress bandits, it’s weird not to do so with the Third Knight Order, which act like guards, or the Second Knight Order which are like an army.

It makes no sense at all. However, I had a hunch. It must have something to do with that rotten first prince Klaus who’s leading the First Knight Order.

“……Our boss Rimusuma, he made a deal that in exchange for his head, they wouldn’t lay a hand on us. He gave his life, bowing his head so that we would be pardoned. It was the First Knight Order who worked as intermediaries. All we did was wait. And so, the Second and Third Knight Orders accepted the conditions…… Or that’s what should have happened.”

“Were you deceived?”

“Yeah. In just a few days, the bandit suppression unit led by the First Knight Order was formed, and dozens were killed in a surprise attack. The First Knight Order was feigning neutrality, but they were orchestrating it all from behind the scenes.”

“How terrible.”

“Some of my subordinates sacrificed themselves for me, the young next leader, and so, I finally arrived…… at the Maurice Company.”

“……So, you escaped.”


Cubero nodded, with an almost quiet voice and on the verge of tears.

He probably regretted it a lot. It must’ve been bitter. That regret…… he might be exhausted. It might’ve been eating on to him for the past four months. He might still want to help out his men who are now scattered and hiding. He might want to do something for his men who died while believing the will of their boss Rimusuma would be inherited by the young head, that 『R6』 would keep existing.

“Do you want revenge?”


“Do you want to help out your men?”


I’ll leave aside whether this is right or wrong. However, this is Cubero, a man who showed me his courage. He has the will to keep going even if he dies. He has the guts to face this head-on. And he has shown me that determination already. Then, now it’s my turn.

“Come with me. I’ll do something about it.”

“~ssn……Yes! “

This was a promise between men.

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