Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 71: Relaxation Journey, First Day

Chapter 71: Relaxation Journey, First Day

“Second-dono. Is it really alright to leave the capital for three days at these uncertain times? “

As we were on our way to the commercial city Le?ador, Silvia asked me while making a face of unease.

Certainly, I also had some anxiety about leaving the capital. I can’t help but to think that the life of Besaid might be targeted while I’m gone, or that the Prime Minister might set something up. But……

“According to Windfield, it’d be like ‘Sugatayaki’.”


“Sugatayaki? “

Eko tilted her head.

“It’s a cruel state in which the whole body is grilled after removing all fangs and hooks. As time passes, the heat increases, and so does the suffering. And it has no means to attack back.”

“In other words, does Windfield want them to keep getting impatient while the heat escalates and then they recklessly make their move?”

“That might be. Well, that’s why we don’t have to worry about it, and just take it easy.”

“Has Miss strategist seen through everything? She’s amazing.”

Eko, not really grasping the concept asked, “Is it yummy? “, to which I immediately replied, “You wouldn’t like it” while rolling my eyes back. If one were to look at this exchange, it would look like a stupid question, but I’m happy because Eko is simple like this.


……And then, a whole day later. I somehow killed time and we finished getting to Le?ador.

Then, after our arrival. All three of us, plus the First Royal Court Magician Division decided to check-in at an inn first. It was a high-class, large inn that you wouldn’t think it possible to get reservations made with just three days in advance, but it was reserved for our private use by using the names of the Second Prince and Earl Lumberjack.

“Why this place, this inn is……”

Sherry-chan asked this while looking up at the inn, in which one could tell it was expensive just by looking at it.

“An introduction from the Earl. I’m sure it’s a nice place, right? “

“Haa. So? What point are you trying to make by showing us the inn in which you’ll be staying? Is it some sort of snide remark? “

“Huh? You guys are staying here too. “

“Eh? “

“Eh? “

After a moment of silence, not really comprehending the situation, Sherry-chan then opened her eyes wide and came close.

“D-did you reserve rooms for 200 people in here! ? “

“Not at all, it’s all reserved.”

“All reser……! “

She repeated, turning sideways, being lost for words.

The leader Zephyr, after listening to our exchange, approached us rapidly.

“K-Kid! We don’t have the budget for something like this! Do you know how much it will cost!? “

“Didn’t I tell you earlier to leave all the accommodation arrangements to me?”

“But nobody would expect something like this!! “

Ahh, I made him angry.

“Second-dono. It’s bad.”

Silvia came and whispered in my ear. I knew right away what she was trying to say even before speaking.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After seeing the surprised Sherry-chan and the angry Captain, the members that were waiting in the back suddenly felt dejected. Well, that’s to be expected. After traveling the whole day, they finally thought they would be able to rest. They would surely find this unpleasant. Like this, the morale tomorrow morning, when they go to the Ngultrum Dungeon, would be quite low.

“Heeey, listen here everyone! “

Suddenly coming up with something, I stood up and walked in front of them.

The idea was to kill two birds with one stone, raising their morale while at the same time gaining their favor.


The moment I finished declaring so, everyone cheered in high spirits. Applauses and finger whistling echoed. Still, to remain in formation even at this moment, as expected of soldiers.

If they’re this happy with just spending some of my money, it somewhat makes me happy too. I learned that it’s better to spend the money you earn like this, comfortably.

“However, don’t drink too much today. If you have a hangover tomorrow, let alone a monster, I’ll be the one to kill you.”

When I spoke like that jokingly, everyone was surprised. Everyone was feeling better, that’s why the laughter was decreasing, probably. Ahh, this is nice.

“Kid. How should I say it…… Is it really okay? “

“It can’t be helped; the reservation is already made. You can’t decline.”

“Is, that so?”

“It’s alright Captain, leave the seriousness aside and enjoy yourself. This level of expenses is of no concern at all.”

“……Haha, that’s good then.”

Captain Zephyr bowed down as if to say “I’m grateful”, then went into the inn alongside the rest of the members. He had a nice smile. It almost seemed like he wanted to start skipping without minding the people. That merry mood was quite the polar opposite of before.

“Uh, what is it? You can also go inside, Sherry-chan.”

“What a blatant plan to earn favor. This is why I hate upstart rich people.”

“Yeah. Exactly because I just became rich, I don’t know anything about how to spend money.”

“……Hmph, is that so?”

Turning away from me, Sherry-chan followed the captain and the rest.

While I looked at the back of that girl in a bad mood, Silvia came while carrying a tired Eko.

“Uhm, that kokeshi-looking girl, doesn’t she look similar to someone we know? “

“Is that so? “

“Umu. Who was it? ……yeah, who was it?”

“Who? “

“……Yeah, don’t you think she looks similar to someone we know? “

“Like I said, to whom?”

In the end, Silvia just kept saying “yeah, yeah”, while not remembering whom.

So, she looks like someone……? Well, Sherry-chan’s sharp tongue and coldness are not like Yukari’s. By appearance alone, she might look closer to Eko. However, by the fact that Silvia can’t remember who, I guess it’s not one of those two who are close to me.

Well, whatever. More than thinking about this, I want a drink and take a bath. It’d be a waste if we don’t enjoy this high-class inn now that we’re here.

I then went inside the inn while feeling pretty good with myself.

The next day.

Soon after the sky had brightened, a total of over 200 Court Mages and the three of us gathered in front of the Ngultrum Dungeon.

The Ngultrum Dungeon was commonly known as the “Hallucination Dungeon”. Other than that, it was also called the “Mushroom Dungeon” or the “Euphoria Dungeon”.

The monsters that come out are a mushroom-shaped-type, poisonous ones, or zombies that sprinkle spores from their heads, and I can only think the Mobius management aimed to make this a dungeon of weird monsters.

This Dungeon, honestly speaking, is quite easy. There’s no other dungeon as easy as this one.

All the monsters that appear use 《Illusion Magic》. If you are hit by it, for about ten seconds afterward, you’ll be shown a hallucination, making it difficult for you to act. And then, the monsters will all rally and attack you during that time.

There are two measures against it. Resist the 《Illusion Magic》――Or, eat a “banana”.

“What are you talking about? “, you might think I’m kidding, but this is the reality. For one hour after eating a banana, even if you’re directly hit by 《Illusion Magic》, nothing will happen. Don’t ask me why a banana. All I know is it was that ‘setting’.

“HA? What are you talking about? “

When I told them this story, Sherry-chan spoke on behalf of the astonished Court Mages. Well, I was already expecting this reaction.

“Eating a banana against Illusion magic, that’s common sense.”

“Something that weird can only be common sense in that strange head of yours. “

Seems like they don’t know. Or rather, it seems that hallucination countermeasures have not spread in this world.

It shouldn’t be because there are no hints. There was an NPC in Le?ador that was called the “want a banana ojisan” who just gave you a banana without any context, and also, there were many shops nearby that sold an unnaturally large number of bananas here.

Even then, it is still unknown? ……Did that ojisan suddenly leave? Or maybe the shops’ business policies changed? Even if they stock up on so many bananas, they won’t be able to sell them. No, I guess a random old man giving you a banana without saying anything won’t make you eat it in the first place.

In other words, since the game world has become the real world, something like this “game-specific peculiarity” has been corrected to fit reality. To the extent that what was impossible before might not be impossible now. This is quite an interesting change. After becoming the number one in the world, it might not be a bad idea to take a trip and find such changes.

“In any case, if you eat one banana per hour, Illusion Magic won’t pose a problem. Like this, the monsters inside the Ngultrum Dungeon will all be small fries.”

I then took 2,000 bananas out of my inventory and handed over ten to each person. Everyone should be able to fight without problems for ten hours.

“It might be a bit dumb to ask this now, but isn’t the amount you can put in your inventory abnormally high, Second-dono? “

Asked Silvia, who was next to me, with too much free time in her hands.

“Probably, it’s about 60 times more than normal people.”

“Sixty……! Isn’t that amazing!? “

If everyone in this world has the default inventory space, then I, who bought the maximum expansion inventory space, has 60 times more. The price was fairly high, one “Yukichi”. (TLN: A 10,000-yen bill) But I bought it without any second thoughts. I didn’t do it despite this being my alt character but instead, it was exactly because this was my alt character. After all, Second was originally a “Bank” character. If it didn’t have a lot of inventory space, there was no meaning in having it.

And, while I was remembering that, I finished handing out all the bananas.

“Now then, divide into squads and enter in turns. I’ll be waiting in front of the boss. I leave the patrolling to you both, Silvia and Eko.”


“Rogerー! “

This time, each group was made up of ten people each. So long as they ate their bananas, the monsters in this dungeon are no opponent to ten Court Mages. However, since I’m a bit anxious about the boss, I’ll stay at his spawn location and “spawn kill” it.

Also, there’s the possibility of something unexpected happening. That’s the reason why I asked Silvia and Eko to go around the dungeon, checking on them. However, even if I say go around, it’s not them simply wandering. Making use of their great combination and their experience in clearing a dungeon, they can go around over and over again at an insane speed.

“Well then, let’s begin.”

At the same time as I clapped my hands, the first group went into the dungeon.

And like this, the first clear of the Ngultrum Dungeon by the First Royal Court Magician Division started.



“Alright, you’re group sixteen, right? Ohh, is this your fourth round? Nice. You’re currently at the top.”

When I pressed a stamp on the stamp card, the girls of the sixteenth group cheered happily.

This is the end of the Ngultrum Dungeon, a dome-shaped room where the boss appears. However, once you defeat it, it won’t respawn until 15 minutes have passed, so right now I’m free.

Pushing the stamp on the card meant they had completed “one round”. In the end, I planned to give a prize to the squad that had the most rounds. And then, everyone went back to take a short break before the next round.

“Uhmm, Second-san. Can we keep this card as a memento after we’re done? “

Irie-san was the one who said those words just before leaving. Team sixteen, the squad she was on, was made up of ten girls, and as you could see from the last round, their speed was great.

When I answered with “I’m fine with it”, the girls in team sixteen were very happy. I felt like I heard the words “janken” and “auction” being said, but since it was about the time for the boss to spawn, I decided not to worry about it.

“But even if I say that it only takes one hit.”

The last boss of the Ngultrum Dungeon was a huge poisonous mushroom called 「Magical Fungus」. Other than 《Illusion Magic》it was a nasty monster whose attacks had an added poison effect…… however, it was very weak to Fire Attribute magic. With the status of the current me, having grown this much, a single 《Fire Attribute?Third Form》 spell was enough to deal with it.


Just as the Magical Fungus was crawling out of the ground with a huge “GUOO! “, I critically hit it with a 《Fire Attribute?Third Form》 spell right in the abdomen. The mushroom was already dead by the time the dazzling flames ran and engulfed his whole body.

Then――A commotion. Several surprised voices came from near the entrance to the boss’ room.

Then, the girl who was at the head of the group walked up to me.

“Can you hurry up and stamp it?”

It was Sherry-chan. Why is she in such a bad mood? Can it be that it’s because they are not the top team?

“Alright, team four, right? This is the fourth round. You’re in second place as of now.”

“I know. Hurry up and give it back.”

“Hey, hey, why are you so grumpy? You’re doing quite great.”

“It’s none of your business.”

What’s with her……?

After taking the stamp card from my hand, Sherry-chan walked ahead by herself, leaving behind the other members who were resting. Then, those members chased after her, their faces filled with trouble and tiredness.

I don’t know what she’s so upset about, but there’s nothing I can do but to leave her alone. For the time being, I decided to contact Silvia using team communication.

……Ahh, it seems like something troublesome is going to happen. Ahh, this is a bother.

I’m sure something like this happened before.

Who was it……?

* * *

An irritating man.

At first, I thought that this bastard who became our lecturer only did so because of his connection with the Second Prince.

But unfortunately, his ability was real.

The things he says too, they sound like a complete mess, but he’s correct.

But more than anything, I just don’t like him.

I hate being swayed by his way of doing things, I hate his broadminded behavior and confidence. I can’t stomach it.

It makes me feel all the efforts I’ve worked so hard at for all my life have been for nothing.

In any case, I don’t like him.

Even if what he says is true.

In magic talent, I’ve always been second to none.

But he alone shattered my pride.

But as if that alone wasn’t enough for him, my discipline too, my environment, my common sense, he shattered everything that was around me.

Just by looking at this man’s disgusting face, I can’t help but feel helplessly irritated to the point my heart is shaken.

I can no longer be in control of my emotions.

The same happened yesterday.

He made me and the Captain out as the bad guys and used us to make a good impression of himself.

It wasn’t just a little extra money; it was a lot.

Surely, the inn was wonderful. The food was good, the bath clean and the room comfortable.

However, I am not such a person who can enjoy this sort of gift obediently.

I am the ace of the First Royal Court Magicians. Even I can afford to stay in a high-class inn like this.

So, I decided to pay for my own lodgings.


I became a first-class Court Mage by my own strength.

It has to be the same from now on.

I will not become one of that guy’s achievements, I’ll do it with my own ability. Otherwise……

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