Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife



My breathing suspends on my throat as I watch the video play.

The video began with the door opening. Vince enters, dragging an unconscious body behind him. When the man's face turns to the camera, it could be seen that the man Vince dragged inside the room was Ace.

Just as he dropped the body to the floor,

the door unceremoniously opens, this time Angela strode inside. Her gaze falls to the floor and her eyes widens when she sees the body.

She rushes towards Vince and confronts him.

The two began to argue as she pointed a finger towards the body. She stomps her feet in exasperation. Vince seems not to listen as she speaks. He turns his head away from her. But she didn't give up just yet, she continued to nag him until his patience snapped. He pushed her hard and she stumbled towards the floor.

Angela was so shocked with his action that it took her a moment to recover.

When she recovered, she got to her feet, curled her fists to a ball, and landed a series of punches on his body.

He fell back from the sudden attack. His face twisted in an ugly mask of rage and he slapped her so hard that she wasn't able to get up for a while.

Vince strode to the door and slammed the door shut.

Minutes passed by but he didn't return.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Angela gingerly rose from the floor. Her gaze landed on Ace who was still unconscious.

As if making up her mind,?she hurriedly strode to the night table where a telephone stood on top.

That moment she reached for the telephone and dialed a number, the door flung open and Samantha entered. She was holding a kitchen knife.

Angela must be in a panic that she hadn't heard the door opening and closing behind her.

Samantha reached her target. She raised the knife to the air.

Before Angela could understand what's happening, the knife dug into her shoulders. Blood oozed from the wound and stained her pristine white dress.

Shock registered in her eyes after she turned behind her and saw Samantha, menacingly grinning at her like a demon.

Her lips opened as she screamed in pain.

She managed to grab the vase from the night table and smash it on Samantha's head. Blood began to flow from the grievous wound on her forehead.

She slumped on the floor rolling in pain. The knife dropped to her side.

She took the opportunity and she ran to the door while her killer was writhing in agony. But she was too weak to even move. Halfway to the door she finally collapsed. Her face twisted in unbearable pain as she lay on the flawless white floor which was now stained with her blood.

She didn't give up yet. Even if she was severely wounded she struggled to get up on her feet only to fall back to the floor.

She couldn't move this time. The more she struggled the more blood flowed freely from her gaping wound.

Samantha recovered from the pain of being hit by a vase. She slowly rose and picked up the knife. A sinister smile curled on her lips as she crossed the distance between them.

By the time she reached Angela's side, she was already unconscious by the amount of blood she lost. Samantha raise the knife in the air and without second thoughts, she plunged it again onto Angela's body.

She plunged the knife repeatedly and without remorse. She stabs her again and again as if she was butchering an animal meat and not a human being.

She wasn't content with what she did. She turned Angela's body upside down then stabbed her repeatedly until her hands were exhausted.

No person could survive after her organs were severely damaged by a large kitchen knife. Angela wasn't an exception.

Satisfied for what she'd done, Samantha straightened. She eyed the lifeless body without regrets. A triumphant smile curled on her lips as if she's hadn't just committed murder.

She shifted her attention to Ace. In her evil mind, she knew exactly what to do. In no time, she reached his side. She slowly took his left hand and spread the blood from her gloved finger around his palms.

When she was finished, he proceeded to his right hand and did the same. After covering his palms with Angela's blood, she placed the knife on his hand and curled his fingers around it to make it appear he was the murderer.


After I finished watching the video, my stomach turned upside down and bile rose on my throat. I have this urge to run to the bathroom and pour everything on the sink.

I swallowed hard and blinked back the tears.

I don't know how to feel at the moment. I was consumed with mixed emotions. There's a part of me enraged at the thought that Samantha brutally murdered her daughter in law without suffering from guilt afterwards. Perhaps she was as mentally unstable as her own son.

To think that she could walked away from murder just like that is what angered me the most. If Angela hadn't left any evidence that points out to her true killer that only means that the real culprit will never be caught.

Thanks to Angela. I owed her so much. If it weren't for her we wouldn't have evidence against Samantha.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and shifted my gaze away from the screen. I will not be able to sleep peacefully tonight, that is for sure.?After watching the disturbing video for the first time, no sane person would be able to sleep without?suffering from a nightmare.

Catherine Grace gave me a glass of water.

'Thank you,' I mumbled, taking it from her hand and drinking the contents in one go. I feel a lot better afterwards.

I let go a deep sigh. This ordeal would be over soon. The real killer would soon pay for her crimes. This time I will make sure Samantha would rot behind bars forever.

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