Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 39: NEW LIFE

Chapter 39:NEW LIFE

"This place is heaven," I mumbled cheerfully, fascinated by the magnificent view of the boundless ocean glittering like silvery crystals against the early morning sun.

The strong wind billowed my hair as it draped my back like a luminous cape. The dancing waves washed the sand ashore, and I giggled in delight as they tickled my feet.

This was the paradise I have known after I lost my memory.?I can't imagine living in any other place. This was the peaceful haven anyone would wish to live and I am lucky enough to find my way here.

I guess I turned on the wrong way and almost got me killed but fate has taught me it was the right direction. I?lost my memories but I found myself in the process.

This was the simple life I imagined living. I am thanking the Lord for sweeping me away to this little paradise. To reside in a place where the radiant sun rises each morning was a sight that brought me so much happiness that even words could not describe.

"Isn't it beautiful?" A voice behind me spoke, tearing my gaze from the rising sun. It was Elisa, the only daughter of the couple who took me in and made me a part of their family.

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We are about the same age. She works as a part-time tutor in the city. She graduated this year but she couldn't proceed to college since the nearest college was private and they couldn't afford the tuition. She applied for a scholarship too but failed since they lack the connection.

I lovely smile crept on my lips when a pair of soft, bright eyes met mine. A giggle escaped her rose-red lips upon seeing my bare feet wrapped in the sand.

"Beautiful? That's an understatement." I responded, giving her a quick glance before shifting my attention back to the view. "It's heavenly!" I mumbled with awe and Elisa couldn't agree more.

I don't know how long we've been looking over the breathtaking sunrise, I was too engrossed to even notice, I even forgot about my leg cramps. If it weren't for the soft tug at the sleeve of the dress Elisa lent me I wouldn't even tear my gaze off the sky.

"Baby Faith must be hungry." She began, glancing at my round, protruding stomach with the tenderness that melted my heart. "Let's have breakfast, Mama had prepared it already."

My fingers automatically flew to my stomach, my eyes glowing with pride. Two more months and I will give birth to Faith. That's a gift which I will soon receive. I took Elisa's fingers, clasp it to my own, and we walked hand in hand as our bare feet traversed the sands.

A few moments later after breakfast, the doorbell rang. Elisa stopped knitting the sock she was making for Faith. I threw her a sideway glance as she got up and hurried to open the door.

I was still attentively sewing a torn dress for Faith when she returned clutching an envelope on her trembling fingers.

Elisa slumped on the long wooden chair beside me. Her surly mood was the first to greet my sight when I looked up. I knew that instant something was wrong.

Her mother left for work a few hours ago after breakfast, and so her father. That

Concern bloomed inside me, I stopped sewing, placed the garment I was repairing the tear and gave her my full attention. I knew the moment her teary- eyes met my own this was a huge problem.

"A notice had just arrived. We should leave this house ASAP!" She murmurs tearfully, gaze looking straight on the wall. The news shocked me,?I nearly fell to the floor.

"L-leave? Why?" My voice trembled. Not that she announced the news it was hard for me to calm down. I can't imagine leaving this place! It's... It's just too painful.

"The houses living in this area would be demolished by next week. The owner wanted to take his land back."

"Couldn't we just convince them to wait a few more weeks? We have no place to go!"?I exclaimed, filled with exasperation.

Elisa shook her head making my spirit sunk. She plainly handed me the folded piece of paper. I tore the envelope open. I couldn't be more shocked after reading the ultimatum. I was punched in the face. We have less than a week to leave before they demolish the whole area. I was like a candle whose light faded as it finally melted. My hands fell to my side, and so the paper.

"The houses built in this property would be demolished. Reason? Business. This land would be converted to A Luxurious Hotel we can never afford." Elisa added bitterly, the thought left a sting in her heart, it showed in her expressive face as I looked at her.

"Maybe we could talk to?the owner for one last time."

Elisa did not respond, just shook her head. I didn't argue further and I hugged her into my arms as she burst into tears.

I closed my eyes firmly, I couldn't allow this to happen without doing anything. I told myself as my hold tightened around her.

I must do something! I just couldn't watch the people who helped me suffer!

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