Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 66 - A BABY?

Chapter 66 - A BABY?

Beatrix fled from my thoughts after I saw Alexander in the most unlikely situation. I have no idea whether to be amused, bewildered, or shocked. My eyes went so wide that an apple could nearly fit inside. My mouth parted so wide that I'm afraid my uvula could be seen sticking out. I told myself I lost my mind, perhaps this might be the proof I did. If not then why would I see Alexander Crawford holding a wailing infant into his arms with an expression a mixture of fear, anxiety, and dread. If the situation were not so grave, I swore I already fell into fits of hysterical laughter watching the alarm dancing on his handsome face. He looked far from a man who was feared by his enemies.

Gathered around him sharing his demise were eight of his children, some pacing back and forth while others remained by his side with a somber expression mirroring their patriarch's somber mood. Bloody hell! Was I dreaming because as far as I'm concerned this scene wouldn't possibly happen unless I'm into a deep state of slumber. Definitely, a?wailing child wrapped around my employer's arm would be the most impossible thing that I could come across in the real world. Soon probably I would find myself awake and laughing at how ridiculous the unlikely scenario is.

"Wah-wah." The sound of the cries intensified. It was so loud that I swear it could be heard up to the next block. This time it pierced my ears and nearly broke my eardrums too. The chance I hold that it's only a dream faded in a snap. It's as if I'd been splashed with ice-cold water and I found myself wide awake. My unblinking eyes remain transfixed on the cherubic baby which was far from angelic now as she plunged the entire Crawford Household into a chaotic disorder. All efforts had been applied to stop the baby's cries but none refused to stop her little tantrums. The baby misses his or her mother. In a time like this, only her scent would calm her down. She was overcome with tears since she couldn't sense that her mother was around.

Does Beatrix have a child?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly the thought made my heart hammer inside my chest. My heartbeat was so loud that it reached my ears. I was even wondering why the entire household hadn't heard about it. Could it be…. Could it be possible that the baby was….. I shooed the thought before I jumped to the conclusion. Impossible! It can't be, she wasn't even pregnant the last time I saw her and she didn't inform me about her pregnancy. But then, we divorced and she was furious with me, it was enough reason for her to keep the truth from me. I calculated the days after the last time we made love and everything seemed to fall into detail. There's a possibility that I was the father.

Rhyze, the man I initially thought was her boyfriend was in fact, her younger brother… and so the rest of the men living inside the Crawford Mansion. She wasn't involved in a romantic affair with anyone before I arrived. There's a fifty percent probability that I am the father. A surge of happiness filled my chest, I had to hold myself still for a moment to catch my breath. Without me realizing I suddenly felt the warmth leaking from my eyes. Bloody Hell… A man shouldn't be overcome with tears especially if he was uncertain of the facts. But I don't need any proof to prove that the child was mine, I could feel it…. I have a child with Phoenix!

My sentiments were cut short, pity took over my body as I witnessed how the baby was passed around like a piece of doll in an attempt to try if anyone from them could silence the child. Of course, it failed since the baby couldn't sense her mother's presence. The Crawford Men were a bunch of inexperienced bachelors who haven't once held a baby in their arms, they also simply lacked some skills. I have to clench my fist on my side to stop myself from running forward and snatching the child into my arms. It annoyed me that much to watch how to continue to cry restlessly.

Before I realized what I was doing, I found myself moving forward. Damm my impatience and lack of self-control, it will surely land me in trouble one day. But I don't care about myself anymore, all I could think of was to take the baby into my arms. Listening to her tears was crushing my heart into pieces. I couldn't bear to see her like this without me doing anything. "There you are Greyson." It was the greetings I received from Alexander Crawford. For once, he was somehow relieved to see me. What a miracle.

"As you can see Sir, I heard a baby wailing, I came to check if I could be of some assistance."

He didn't seem to think my offer was suspicious. His sleepy, tired gaze landed on mine. Beads of sweat formed on his temples. The shirt he wore was crumpled and it was soaked with his sweat too. "It's beyond your field of work but do you have an idea how to make a baby sleep?" His voice sounded tired."

My gaze surveyed the faces inside the room. It was obvious they are too happy to have me there and save their asses. I swallowed hard as Ethan slowly walked towards me. I caught my breath when he slowly transferred the baby into my arms Everything seems to happen in slow motion

My fingers were trembling as I held her. I nearly began to weep when her exquisite ocean blue eyes captured mine. She was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen…. So soft… so breathtaking… The moment she looked at me, there's no denying that the baby I'm holding into my arms was my daughter…. She was a splitting replica of our first daughter Vien.

The thought made the burden in my chest heavier.

A particular memory flickered inside my thoughts. It was the memory of me holding Vien into my arms after she was born. Phoenix was peacefully asleep that time and I crept inside her room to have a look at our daughter…. Yes, our daughter… The moment I saw Vien smile, I fell in love with her right away despite my belief she was not my daughter. But of course, it had been all a lie that it was my brother who wanted me to believe and he succeeded after he faked the paternity test result. I was a fool to fall on his tricks back then. The affection I have for Vien—I try to keep them—I hated Phoenix that time because I thought she cheated on me. I was a gullible fool believing so. And now it cost me my marriage.

Regrets… There are so many regrets in my life. But after holding the seraphic creature in my arms I forgot every single one of them. My life had been a?huge mistake, and this baby was the only thing that made my life right. It took me a moment to realize that the tranquil silence had fallen back inside the mansion. The baby was no longer wailing at the top of her lungs. Instead, she was now smiling, her ocean blue eyes wide with wonder. She felt a strong bond that a father and daughter could only share.

"Good Lord." Alexander Crawford exclaimed and sank into the long Victorian sofa with relief. For once, he shot me a thankful glance as if a thorn had been pulled out of his chest. He wiped the beads of sweat off his temples using a handkerchief.

Eight pairs of eyes glared at me with amazement. Somehow I?found myself pleased at the notion that my daughter preferred his father more compared to his uncles. The thought made my mood soar higher. If it weren't for the somber atmosphere I should have cackle with laughter. No one said a word. They just continue to stare at me with wonder.

The baby in my arms opened her tiny mouth and sighed sleepily in my arms. As I watched her, a sudden overprotectiveness swept over me. I suddenly made a promise to myself to protect her at all cost. Even if it means she will never have to know about me. I rocked the baby into my arms until her eyelids fluttered close. Before I knew it, she was already fast asleep. I sighed with relief. It felt so good while she slept into my arms.

"Where's her room?"

Alexander Crawford led the way. We entered an elegantly decorated room, it must be the largest room found inside the Mansion. The feminine pink interior confirmed that it was?Beatrix's room. Beside the Queen size bed, there was a movable crib. I hastily entered as nine men followed inside making the room crowded.

I carefully laid her back to the crib. She stirred…. Then she started crying.

I sighed.?It wasn't against my will but it seems I have to stay longer until Beatrix returns….

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