Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 75 - ELISAH

Chapter 75 - ELISAH

"Is there something wrong Beatrix? Call me paranoid or something but I sensed weariness in your tone. Are you really fine?" Elisa sounded suspicious.

I distance the phone away from my ears to avoid her high-pitched voice from piercing my eardrum. Her Intuition never ceases to amaze me. No matter how I kept something from my best friend she would always find it out and she will find a way to squeeze the truth from me. This time, I wonder how she manages to feel it across another country. I'm convinced Elisa has a powerful instinct.

A burst of strangled laughter emerge from my lips, even my laughter sounded strained. I thought wincing from my failed attempt to act super fine. How I must convince her that I'm doing fine when I wasn't even convinced with myself? "I'm doing fine Lis! You needn't worry!" My voice rose into a convincing cheerfulness and I silently?I wished it worked. My friend didn't press the matter and I sighed with relief. I guess I have just won this little battle. If Elisa was here, my acting wouldn't work. Just one look into my eyes and she will know instantly as if she could read my emotions by looking into my eyes that things aren't perfect as it seems.

A couple of days had passed since my father announced his plans to send me to Brittania so I could attend Harvey University to help me polish my career. I'm quite elated at first but as I think of it for days, the excitement faded. Somehow it was replaced by fearful apprehension and doubt. I have once been bullied because I was born different. My eyes have a differing color. Somehow it was enough to scare me,?there's a huge possibility I would become another bullying target by some reach elites who act as if their family could buy everything.

"Harvey University is my dream school, Bea! My classmates were kind! The processors are very good—though some still rattle my nerves—still, they are wonderful!! I enjoyed every single minute I spend here in school. I'm sure you have doubts at first. That's exactly what I felt the first time I came here. But after a few months of adjustments to my new environment, I began to love this place." Lisa exclaimed, breathless. I could imagine her eyes lit with fascination, red lips parted in awe, and pulse jittering with unrestrained excitement as she paced back and forth.

"Thank you, Lis, that helped me a lot. Hopefully, I would have the same beautiful adjustment as yours."

"Why not? You have Faith Vienne with you. I'm sure you will adapt well to Brittania! You will not only enjoy the scene you will also enjoy the men as well!"

"P-pardon me?"

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"Don't be ridiculous Bea! Good-looking men flock here in Harvey University! Billionaires, future CEOs, Buisiness men, Artists, Model, Architect, and Engineer! You will all find it here. You will never get bored!"

"You just mentioned all the reasons why I should Lis." I sighed heavily. Elisa just explained how complicated the University.

"With your beauty, I'm sure as hell there wouldn't be any difficulty attracting a hot babe Bea."

My eyes rolled heavenward. "I've no plan to attract one Lis," I replied grimly after leaving the comforts of the Victorian sofa and paced back and forth in the middle of the empty terrace. Silence hung the room, only the soft sound of my feet pacing back and forth helped ease the disconcerting silence. It was so different without papa and my brothers in the house. I'm used to hearing their voices everywhere,?it gives me a sense of comfort and a sense of security. Once I leave the Mansion I would miss their presence every single day. Just the thought was enough to dampen my spirits. I don't know how much more would I react once I'm living alone.

"Forgot your boyfriend or ex-husband, Beatrix, if you have one. You deserve another man."?For the second time that minute I roll my eyes heavenward. This is going to be a lengthy conversation. I told myself.

"Don't worry Lis. I already forgot his existence in fact I'm trying my best to recall him." I replied after taking a deep, long breath.

"You really don't get my point, Bea. If a man existed in your life he should have found you already. I assume that if he did exist he didn't want you in his life. Perhaps after discovering that you're pregnant he left you."

My feet froze, I stopped pacing back and forth and sat on the long Victorian sofa. The long sofa was so big that it made me feel emptier. How I wished Faith Vienne was here but she was gone with Clarissa. Probably they are in the garden for a walk.

"I guess he wouldn't do that to me," I argued. There was suddenly a part of me who believes that whoever the man was, isn't capable of abandoning me.

"You're right, Bea. It would be your intuition telling you." Relief flooded when Lis finally agree. "Perhaps he passed away before he could discover your pregnant with his child." She added.

"Dear Lord," I mumbled grimly wondering how did our conversation turn so grimly. "I will call you again Lis, maybe tomorrow? I need to some packing."

"Sure, Bea. Some other time. Please do stop overthinking. It will only stress you out"

Just like you're stressing me out? I want to add but kept it to myself. "You take care, Lis," I said instead.

"You too Bea. See you soon." She hung up.

I moved to the sofa and took the spot where I sat a while ago. My back leaned on the soft cushion behind me. There's too much for me to do but so little time. I don't know what I should do first. But I still haven't summoned the strength to begin one of them.

Little by little my memories return but I still couldn't understand the short flash backs appearing in my thoughts and sometimes in my dreams. They remained a mystery like a piece of a puzzle that needed to be put together to form a perfect image.

Lisa's words reverberated in my mind. She had a point a while ago when she told me the possibility that my boyfriend or husband—if he even existed—would possibly be dead. How tragic. I thought while closing my eyes. Imagining a mysterious lover buried six feet below the ground. He was probably waiting for me to visit his grave. If he was a ghost, I wonder if he was with me now.

"A penny for your thought." His voice was soft and sexy, almost music to my ears. I wonder if I had only imagined it.

I forced my eyes open. A pair of exquisite blue eyes were intently looking at me. My heart skipped a beat. I still wonder how he has this powerful effect on my nerves. My eyes landed on his teasing lips, it was curved into a sultry smile. My throat gone has gone I straightened my spine and cast a casual glance on his direction.

"How long have you been standing there?" Warmth spread on my cheeks at the notion he'd been watching me without me knowing.

"Long enough to witness the unusual expression on your face." He replied, moved to the corner of the room and lowered a potted plant on the floor, an additional to Papa's collection of rare plants.

My eyes followed his movements. At the same time wondering how he managed to look so sexy without trying. He always remind me of someone. I was so sure I'd seen him before. Isn't it on a television or a magazine? I forgot. I'm not so good recalling the details.

He was now moving towards my direction. I impatiently waited for him.?He stopped when he was just a single step away from the sofa. His eyes never leaving mine as his fingers fumbled behind his back as if searching for something. Before I could ask what he was doing he was already holding a stem of pristine white roses in front of me. My pulse jittered and I found myself taking the flower with trembling fingers.

White roses were my favorite. I couldn't believe he guessed what I like in flowers. "Is it for me?" I asked, eyes wide and hopeful. It was so kind of him to give me a gift.

"No, It's for Faith Vienne." He replied without filters. My hope went down the drain. My shoulders fell. So much for hoping that he picked it for me. "You had plenty. Your suitor gave you a bouquet this morning."

Without another word he walk towards the door. My curios eyes trailed on his back until he opened the door and closed it again. Once more, silence hung inside the terrace but this time it was deeper than before. I made mo move to follow him. Why would I?

He was gone but I was still frozen on my seat?wondering why did he sound like a jealous lover.

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