Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 80 - DUMBFOUNDED

Chapter 80 - DUMBFOUNDED

Nobody told the fish to swim,

Nobody told the dogs to bark,

They just did. Just like me,

Nobody told me to love you,

But I did.


Two hours later, the plane safely landed at the airport. It was already dark, and Brittania wasn't looking its best. Sharp lightning danced on the pitch-black sky to temporarily tear the darkness, loud resounding thunder shook the earth. Strong wind billowed the trees nearby. The storm raging outside wasn't the warm welcome I was half expecting to receive. It must be an omen or something telling me I made the wrong decision, and coming to Brittania wasn't a great idea. I thought grimly and try to banish the thought as fast as it occurred.

I try to cheer myself up but my efforts were in vain. Well, aware that there's nothing I could do to lift my sunken spirits, not even the gloomy scenery of trees dancing to the storm's harsh rhythm could help ease the sense of foreboding eating me from inside. From the waiting area, I stood, surrounded by my bag and suitcase, my gaze surveyed the crowd for a familiar face. There was no sign of Madam Stella in the crowd. I assume she was still on the way. The heavy rain is what was keeping her delayed.

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"Wait a little while baby, they would be here soon," I whispered to Faith Vienne's ears and tightened my hold around her. She was peacefully asleep, the journey must have tired her. I too was exhausted. I longed for a soft warm bed to rest my aching legs.

An hour passed by quickly but still, no Madam Stella is coming to fetch us. My feet ached badly from having to endure an hour of waiting while holding my daughter into my arms. I tried to put her down on her stroller a while ago so my arms could rest but Faith Vienne stirred and her eyes fluttered open and before I knew it is she succumbed into one of her unusual tearful fits. I gave up the urge to settled her down the stroller and decided to keep her in my arms and feel her warmth close to my chest. I sighed and assure myself that soon I could rest my aching legs inside the car. What I need to do for the moment is wait further.

The rain showed no sign of slowing down. Instead, the rain seems to pour heavier each minute. I checked my phone several times but there was no message. I wonder if something bad happened on the way…. hopefully not, it's must be the heavy rain delaying Stella's car.

It's becoming colder every minute. The aircon inside the airport was making it worst. I cursed myself inwardly for allowing a simple task to slip off my mind. It never occurred to me to put a jacket on before I left the? Mansion, perhaps it was the weather promising a wonderful day ahead that made me assume a thick layer of cloth isn't necessary. And because of that, I have to suffer the unbearable temperature which is now making me shiver.

The soft sensation on the back of my neck cut my wandering thoughts. As if on cue, the drumming sound inside my chest began, it was so loud that I wonder if the passers-by could hear it too. I could feel the weight of a gaze upon my shoulders. My eyes surveyed the crowd to search for the reason for my sudden discomfort but my eyes are either not sharp to spot what I'm looking for or I'm simply imagining things.

I look behind my back to investigate what was making me fidgety, my hawk-eye sharp eyes inspect the crowd but there was no one suspicious and there's nothing I found amiss. Perhaps, it was the cold temperature that was making me uncomfortable at all. Just as I was about to turn away, a man briskly walking in my direction caught my gaze. I was frozen to my tracks enveloped with pure disbelief. I have to blink rapidly to make sure my eyes were not playing a joke on me

Carter? I whispered weakly. My heartbeat was beyond normal now, it almost wants to burst inside my chest from excitement and anticipation. Dear Lord! It was indeed him. With eyes lit with joy, I waited for him to reach my side. The next few minutes seem to take an eternity and when he pulled into a halt closer to me, all the words I want to stay erupted into bubbles.

I took a deep intake of breath when his exquisite blue eyes captured mine. The worries and fears that kept me occupied a while ago faded magically as if they didn't exist at all. His eyes were looking at me so tenderly that I was confused for a moment if I hadn't imagined it all.

"Beatrix." He whispered softly. I nearly closed my eyes by the magical sound of his voice. How I missed this man. We've been apart for a matter of hours and yet it feels like years. I want to throw my arms around him and tell him how bad I had missed him but before I could shamelessly say the words I bit my lower lip to suppress them.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He said in a formal tone that shattered the spell. Gone was the tenderness I thought I detect from his tone. Even the emotions glowing in his beautiful eyes were gone. His face became a mask of paper blank expression. "Alexander decided to keep me with you. Congratulations, I'm promoted as your bodyguard."

"Bodyguard! Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed in disbelief, eyes wide with shock. I nearly stomped my feet on the floor like a child about to erupt into a tantrum.

"No Madam. I'm being serious here." He replied. His face shows no sign of humor.

I shook my head from the incredulity of the situation. What was father thinking for allowing this nonsense to happen? A bodyguard is only a nuisance. I don't find a use for any at this moment.

"Why would I need a bodyguard!?" My eyebrows were scrunched with confusion as I look at him. I did my best to ignore the sting of my shattered illusion after I realize he followed me because he's my bodyguard and not the other way around.

"It's for your safety Madam." He answered. He was looking intently at me now, the heat from his gaze was enough to melt the arguments I had prepared. My eyes left his, a sign of my defeat. There's no use arguing, whether I like it or not, he would become a tail who will follow me everywhere.

Carter took his jacket off. He moved closer until they were barely one ruler apart. His body was unnervingly near that I have to catch a sharp intake of breath to steady myself. His sweet natural scent combined with his musky perfume permeated my nostrils. He smells so heavenly that? I could bury my face into his neck without getting tired of inhaling his scent.

When he lifted his arms around my shoulders as if to give me a hug my lips parted in surprise. A blush crept into my cheeks from the intimate gesture. Before I could understand what he intended, he draped his jacket around my shoulders to protect me from the chill and pulled away. Disappointment hit me when it was over.

"You're cold. My jacket will warm you up." He said without tearing his gaze off me. A flicker of worry crossed his eyes.

"T-thank you," I mumbled and looked away. If I continue to look at the depths of his eyes, I fear that I would lose my way. I offered him a thankful smile while savoring the warmth of his jacket around my shoulders.

Carter was right, I needed the jacket.? Now that I have his jacket, I no longer feel the cold. In truth, I feel comfort from it.

"Allow me to carry Faith Vienne. You must be tired from having to carry her for hours." He offered. I didn't protest when Carter took my daughter into his arms. I was half expecting her to wake up and succumb to tears but I was surprised when she didn't even protest. Instead, she settled into his arms and sighed contently.

I breathed in relief when I was finally able to stretch my numbed arms. I realize how thankful I am for the helping hand. I still have my arms outstretched forward when my gaze averted to Carter. I was about to ask him how he manages to book a plane ticket on such short notice when I was confronted by a delighted glimmer upon his eyes. I was rendered speechless from the sight of his handsome face overcome with admiration.

I could look at him forever without tiring.

The sound of my phone ringing took my attention. I groaned as I fumbled with the phone from inside the pocket of my pants.

"Excuse me."? I managed to steal a glance from his face before I pressed the answer button.

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