Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife



You know you're in love

when you can't fall asleep

because reality is finally better

than your dreams.

— Dr. Seuss —


The honeymoon suite was large and spacious, the red and pink interior design set to establish a soft calming effect to guests has the opposite effect on my nerves. I found myself freaked out and uneasy. My pulse wild and jittery as I

took a reluctant step further inside the room. I swallowed hard when my gaze landed on the fancy, canopied bed frowning at how small it was, wondering how a man with Carter's size could possibly fit in it. It was called a honeymoon bed for a reason, it was designed to be a bit small to keep lovers snuggled to each other's arms. Perhaps I could encourage Carter to sleep on the floor but I wonder if he would surrender to my wiles easily.? I wonder if social distancing would be a smart idea.

Carter moved closer. The size of the room seems to have shrunk and the walls constricted. I became totally aware of his presence as he inched closer until his arms brushed mine. "You okay?" He inquired, frowning. His observant eyes skimming on my flushed cheeks and startled eyes.

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"Yes, of course." I lied avoiding his eyes. He was unconvinced but he made no comment. Instead, he moved to the bed and settled Faith Vienne on top. He unsling his backpack and let it drop to the floor beside my large suitcase. He breathed a sigh and untied his shoes before removing them. He sprawled on the bed with arms pillowed behind his head. He lay unmoving for so long that I wondered if he had fallen asleep. He must have been too tired.

Embarrassed to find myself looking at his feet I tried to turn my gaze away but couldn't. I never took considerable interest to a man's feet before and yet I found myself watching his feet with keen interest while using the word 'sexy' to describe them. I never knew sexy could be used to describe feet not until this moment.

I shook my head. Telling myself Carter would melt soon If I kept looking at him like this. Finally I tore my gaze off him and slid the backpack which seemed to grow heavier each minute down my shoulders. I

lowered the backpack on the foot of the bed. It dropped to the floor with a soft thud. My gaze landed back to Carter, his eyes remained close. Long, enviable eyelashes draped the skin under his eyes. His face was too close to Faith Vienne and I took the liberty to indulge myself by watching them.

It was cold inside the room but I felt my heart warmed up. If only I could hire Carter to become my husband so Faith Vienne would have a father, I would. The idea was insane and I know it couldn't possibly happen. I still have propriety with me. One doesn't hire a husband unless of course, if one loses her mind.

"Are you hungry?"

I flinched at the sound of his voice. When my gaze shifted to his, he was looking at me with sleepy eyes. I wonder how he managed to still look good in that state. As if on cue, I heard a rumble. It took me a minute to realize the sound was coming from inside my stomach. "I think I am." I replied, embarrassed. I was half hoping he didn't hear the unattractive sound from my rumbling stomach.

"Obviously." He replied, amused, making me roll my eyes heavenward. So he heard. Too late to wish he hadn't.

He carefully climbed out of the bed and moved towards my direction. Panic rose inside me and at the same time butterflies began to flutter from inside my stomach. He continued to move closer and I found myself making a retrieving step backward from alarm. The round wooden table touched my back restricting my movements. It was a dead end and there's no escaping. Carter was inching closer and closer until he was alarmingly close to mine that my nose almost touched his broad chest.

"Carter?" I choked in panic. His musky perfume combined with the enchanting smell of his body invaded my nostrils. I breathed it in and found myself drowning at the addicted scent of his sweet natural scent. He was so tall that I barely his shoulders, my head fell just below his armpits. It took him a bit of effort to bow his head down so he could look at me.

He didn't respond. He continued to stare at me with his deeply penetrating eyes. I would bribe anything just to read his thoughts. I sucked in a breath when his hands moved to the table behind me. I found myself imprisoned by a pair of strong muscular arms. If he would take advantage of me tonight I would be helpless to fight for my life. But the thought didn't scare me at all, instead it sent shivering excitement down my spine. A part of me trusts him. I know I ought to. I believe he wouldn't do anything to harm me.

"What do you want to eat?"

Are you on the menu? I cleared my throat and banished? ideas running wild inside my thoughts. "Anything would be fine." I replied rather calmly, swallowing hard from the disturbing heat from his body.

"Well then I must go downstairs and order some food. I'm famished." He straightened. His arms fell into his side. I let go the breath I didn't know I was holding when he moved towards the bed to put slippers on his bare feet. He cast Faith Vienne a quick glance and his face softened. He then scurried to the door and closed it behind him.

Jeez. I wonder what just happened. My heart didn't calm down even after he's gone. Probably it would take me a little longer before I could regain my composure. I manage to reach the bed the bed using my slightly trembling legs. I sat there on the edge careful not to wake up Faith and waited for Carter to return. At this point the growling inside my stomach intensified.

I didn't wait long before Carter returned. He looked jubilant. A wide smile was stretched on his lips. I noticed it was the first time I saw him this lively. Gone was the trace of exhaustion I saw looming beneath his sleepy eyes. He appeared to recover his strength in such a short few minutes he was out.

"Our order is on the way Madam." He said cheerfully as he moved to arrange the chair around the round table.

Few minutes later there was a soft knock on the door. Carter opened the door to let the uniformed attendant in and pushed the food trolley until it reached the round table. Carter didn't move as he watched the attendant moved.? His eyes are keen and sharp and it reminds me of a strict supervisor eyeing a worker from under her department.

The attendant appeared uncomfortable but he managed to fulfill his task well without spilling anything on the table. When he finished unloading the dishes on top he hurriedly moved to the door to escape, almost tripping on his way out.

"You don't need to terrorize the poor attendant, Carter." I told him in a reprimanding tone as I walked towards the table and occupied the seat he pulled for me.

"Sorry, just force of habit. I can't help it." He replied, shrugging his shoulders. He didn't sound apologetic.

I cast the bed a quick glance to make sure Faith Vienne didn't awaken. When I was sure she was still safely asleep on the bed, my wide inquiring gaze averted to Carter. "So you worked in a Hotel before?" I asked pretending I wasn't interested.

"Sort of." He replied plainly. It was obvious he was uncomfortable with the topic. I didn't force the conversation to continue. Instead I poured my attention on the foods on top of the table. The mouth watering scent of food permeated my nostrils.

"Chop Suey!" My eyes widened in surprise. When I looked at him there was a smug smile on his lips. How did he know that it's my favorite. This man never ceases to amaze me.

We continue to eat in silence. I casually shot the bed quick glances

to make sure Faith Vienne didn't fall off the bed. And from time to time, I stole glances from Carter who didn't appear to notice. He was too focused on his food. When I finished eating, I stretched my feet and caressed my full stomach contentedly.

Carter appeared to be done eating too. He leaned on his chair. Perspiration formed on his temples. "I'll call the front desk for a staff to bus out the plates."? Carter said and moved to the night table where the telephone is located on top. Hwe dialed the number to the Front Desk and when he was done, he put the receiver down, and he walk towards me.

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