Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 96 - SWEET MOMENTS

Chapter 96 - SWEET MOMENTS

I love it when I catch you

looking at me,

And then you smile

and look away


The waitress arrived shortly carrying a tray filled with two cups of sipping Café Mocha and two platters of enticing Ice Cream cake.

The sight made my mouth water. I bit my lower lip while impatiently waited for the waitress to finish setting everything on the table. She gingerly places the cup down and then the other. I nearly roll my eyes heavenward by the slow service. It took me a considerable amount of

self-restraint not to get on my feet and help her serve the rest. I'm starving. Who could blame me?

Relieved to see she finally finished the job, I muttered a quick thank you before she moved to assist her next customer. I immediately grabbed the dessert spoon and scooped a mouthful of serving then landed it straight to my mouth. Heaven! I nearly closed my eyes as the ice cream cake melted inside my mouth. Perhaps I'll bring some when we return so Elisa and Madam Stella could eat too.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I'm glad you love it." He commented.

I nearly forgot Ace was with me. Everything just fades when I eat. Food is all that matters to me especially if it's dessert.

Slowly I lifted my gaze to his face. He was steadily watching me, making me a bit self-conscious. His exquisite blue eyes gleaming against the ceiling light making it extraordinarily brighter.

Embarrassed to be looked at like a species under a microscope, I looked away. Unnerved by the look in his eyes.


I lifted my head back to his. Surprise to hear him call my name. Just as when I am to ask what's wrong his fingers moved to touch my face.

I froze from my seat when the warmth of his fingers touched my skin. The burning heat began from the point he touched me.

His fingers caressed my cheeks until they landed on my lips to wipe the chocolate stain at the edge of my lips.

"Sweet." He mumbled licking the tip of his fingers that he used to wipe the chocolate residue from the edge of my lips. His eyes held mine captive. I try to tear my gaze off him but can't. I'm already hypnotized.

My throat went dry. I felt like the prettiest woman in the world while he continued to look at me like that.

I suddenly wonder if he feels the same way I do. We've been husband and wife, after all, perhaps he felt something towards me. Let's say if not love it could be 'infatuation?and admiration.' That would be enough for me. True, he said when we were having a confrontation that he still loves me but I'm not content with it. He might have been carried away that time. He might not be feeling the same intense feeling anymore now that his mind was clearer.

My tongue slithered to the edge of my lips where he last touched me. I could still feel the warmth of his fingers to my skin.

Ace was simply looking at me and yet every part of my body began to shake with anticipation. He was the only man who could make me fall in love over and over again without even trying.

At last, when I couldn't take his stare anymore I looked away. I bowed my head to the platter of ice cream cake and resumed eating. He didn't say anything and resumed eating too. Within five minutes, I finished eating the entire slice of ice cream cake from the platter. I was actually feeling a bit sorry that I didn't order two slices. I still wasn't quite satisfied but I said nothing, embarrassed that he would notice my 'unladylike' appetite once I ask for more.

Carefully, I took the cup of Cafe Mocha in between my hands and brought it to my lips for a quick sip. It wasn't so hot anymore, I noticed as I drank a large sip. It tastes so good. The ice cream cake only enhanced the tasty bitterness of the coffee.

Ace hasn't finished eating. I took the opportunity to watch him eat. He looked so damn good even while he's eating. I wonder how he was able to appear so regal and classy all the time. He has the elegance and sophistication of a king. Who would not fall in love with a man as perfect as this one? But it was not his looks which caught my attention, his handsome face was just a bonus. It was his personality that made me fall madly in love with him.

I couldn't imagine loving any other man except Ace. He was the only one who could make my heart skip a beat. Who could make me out of breath. Who could make me feel like the prettiest woman on earth by just looking at me. I shall secretly love him for the rest of my days.

He must have felt I'm watching him. He raises his head until his eyes were level with mine. A broad smile stretched on his lips after he caught me watching him. He licked his mouth and leaned closer.

"Did I pass your standards?" He asked.

A deep blush crept on my cheeks. I?fought his gaze unblinkingly. "I told you, you're overqualified," I answered.

"Hmmm…. If you will rate me one to ten, what score will you give me?"

"Without a doubt, I'll give you eleven!"

A burst of crispy laughter erupted from his lips forcing the guests from the nearby table to cast him curious glances. Ace on the other hand seemed not to mind the attention he was attracting.

He beamed at me. He appeared five years younger with his face stretched like that. I never saw him look this lively before way back when we were in Crawford Mansion. I even thought after knowing him for weeks that he was incapable of laughter. It seems I judged him poorly.

Perhaps our confrontation helped ease whatever burden he felt before. We've been released from our misery.

"I'm so flattered, Phoenix." He finally replied, wiping the tears at the corner of his eyes.

My eyes shifted to his half-eaten cake.?It looked so enticing. It makes me want to eat more. I'm just a bit embarrassed to ask for another platter.

"Ah." He motioned me to open my mouth.

Confused that perhaps an icing stained my lips, I opened my mouth wide.?But before I realized what he intended, he already brought a spoonful of ice cream cake into my mouth.

My cheeks turned into the color of a ripe tomato after realizing he used his own spoon to feed me. The seemingly sweet gesture made half of the guests—the majority were women—look at him with awe and admiration. I on the other hand was flustered and could barely speak as I swallowed.

"More?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

'Oh no,' I shook my head and swallowed the contents of my mouth. "I'm full" I finally replied when I recovered. He shrugged his shoulders and finished his ice cream cake.

Ace seems not to know his effect on me. Until now my chest pounded inside my rib cage. I took a swallow on the cup of cafe mocha to ease the dryness on my throat.

It wasn't clear to me if this was a date or not.?We both failed the exam and this is not a celebration either.

"I hope you're enjoying this simple treat. " He said as if he was reading my thoughts. He brought the cup to his mouth to take a sip."This tastes so good." He commented and I couldn't agree more.

He was waiting for my response.

"Of course, I'm enjoying it, Ace. Thank you so much." I replied. I couldn't put into words how much this means to me. He made me forget how disappointed I am with the examination results. And the fact that we will retake the exam together fills me with thrill. It would be nice to have him sit next to me while we're in the middle of an exam. I just need to look at him to vanish my worries. His presence would be an assurance that reminds me I'm not alone during the exam.

Ace placed the empty cup on top of the table. "I'm full." He said clutching his stomach. "Before we leave, we will take out some cakes for Elisa and Madam Stella." He added.

"That's what I'm thinking too," I replied, beaming at him.

The thought that he remembered to bring something for Elisa and Madam Stella made my heart swell with pride. He wasn't the type to think only of himself. He thinks of others too.

"I think I'll be ordering now. We've been here for an hour, it's about time we return."

When I vacated my chair, he did the same."Wait." He said, his arms moved to my shoulders possessively and pulled me into his chests.

"One. Two. Three. Smile Phoenix."

When it was over, he lowered his phone, turned towards me. He saw the confusion etched all over my face.?"Sorry.." He mumbled grinning. "I need an inspiring wallpaper."

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