Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife



No one can hate you

more than someone

who used to love you.


"This is very important Ace." Lucas Nicholas said. His face was unusually serious as he opened the Rolls Royce then climbed inside. Left without any option but to follow, I opened the other door and climbed on the backseat beside him.

"I don't like this Lucas." I snapped, closing the door with more force than required. Irritated to be dragged outside instead of coming straight into the nursery room to meet Faith Vienne, I shot the culprit who forced me to come with him with a?murderous glare to show my unwillingness.

"So do I." He replied. His eyes closed while leaning on the cushioned seat. His tone sounded resigned and defeated as if he was forced to do this against his will.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The engine roared to life before it moved forward. For the first time I realize we are not alone. A man in his early forties, wearing a perfectly ironed uniform, sat in the driver's seat.

New car and new driver? That's too unusual for Lucas. He hates anyone driving his precious baby especially if it's a brand new Rolls Royce that must have cost him a fortune. This must be a bad omen, I thought quietly. I wonder if I made the right decision.

For the umpteenth time, I brushed my fingers into my hair out of exasperation.

"I don't trust you Lucas." I said in between greeted teeth but he paid me no attention. "The last time you dragged me with you we ended up detained?in a police station for a fortnight." I added. I massaged my temples which were beginning to throb.

"Yeah, I remember that." He said rather casually like it was no big deal. "It's for drunk driving and overspeeding." He added without opening his eyes. His hands massaged his temples as if he too was suffering from a severe headache.

I sighed deeply. I left without telling Phoenix. I felt horrible. She would be worried if I'm gone too long. It's Lucas' fault. I want to throttle him hard until he admits where he's bringing me.

"What is this all about Lucas? I'm not in the mood to play games with you."

"This is not a game, Ace." Lucas finally opened his eyes.

"Then tell me where the hell we're going."?I shot back. It took me an extraordinary amount of self-restraint not to land a punch on his jaw.

"No." He replied with finality. "You will not wish to go if I told you where. Trust me Ace, I know you more than anyone else. I know more about you than Vince Greyson and Ybbrahim Greyson did."

"Goddamit Lucas Nicholas.?I cursed the day we became best friends."?I clenched my fist forcefully until my nails dug deep into my palms.

Lucas paid me no attention. He looked towards the window as if he found it more interesting compared to me. "Perhaps you will hate not just me but my whole clan as well once you know the truth." He added without tearing his gaze off the window.

"What are you talking about? This is not funny Lucas. If you're trying to make fun of me, cut the crap for God's sake. This isn't entertaining!"

Lucas said nothing more. Realizing I couldn't squeeze the truth from him even if I aim a shotgun to his head, I shut my mouth tight. I know him well. After all, we've been best friends for years. He wouldn't tell me the truth now. I have no option to wait what he's up to. I only pray wherever we are going that I could return safely home after this ordeal.

The car was wrapped with disconcerting silence. I shifted my gaze out the passing scenery on the car window. I swear if I'm going to think about my situation for another minute I shall go crazy.

Just when I thought we would continue to travel down the road forever the Rolls Royce turned left into a colossal iron gate. A dozen guards were stationed outside and when the gates opened and the car rolled inside another set of armed guards were scattered near the gates.

Is this a drug factory or a drug lord hideout? I can't distinguish between the two? I thought suspiciously. Before I could decide between the two the car's window rolled open. The guards salute to the man driving the Rolls Royce as it sped past them.

Whatever doubts I had quickly disappeared when the impressive Victorian modern mansion came to view. It was twice as big as Madam Stella's luxury estate and it's even bigger and wider compared to Crawford Mansion. From the outside it screams riches and luxury. I wonder what it looked like from the inside. It's not that I care. It's just I'm curious to know.

A vast swimming pool with ocean blue waters were spread in front of the mansion. The glittering light from the open windows glittered on the reflection of the pool.

The Rolls Royce pulled into a stop. The man in front of the driver's seat climbed out the car and moved to my side to open the door but before he could pull it open, I'm already out the door.

Lucas Nicholas emerge from the car and gesture towards the regal mansion. "Welcome to Claymore Mansion." He said in which I wanted to reply "The hell I care." but before I could say the words, the man in black formal suite gestured for us to follow.

The man reminded me of a butler.?He have the attitude and the calculating movements of one. Even physically he appeared well polished just like the spotless uniform he wore.

Lucas Nicholas walked at ease as if he'd been through the place a couple of time before and he knew where's going.

The man pushed the main door open. The elegantly furnished foyer came to view. A large chandelier hung on the ceiling. It reflected on the flawless white floor.

"Welcome to Claymore, Sir Greyson."

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