Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 164 - Confused

Chapter 164 - Confused



"What now?" Ye Cheng’s smile dropped. Why couldn’t she just let him enjoy this while he could?

"Anything, as long as it does not involve me going to a dinner party with you. I think I have had my fair share of dinner dates for now."


"Fine then. Wait a minute," she seemed to have recalled something and it was now that her own lips curved up into a triumphant smile.

"What is the matter?" He assumed his cold demeanour like before. Something told him he was not going to like what she was going to say next and that was why his smile dropped.

Even though Li Jing looked naïve, she could be mischievous sometimes.

"Hehehe, we only stated a condition for you not liking it. What of a condition if you like it?"

’This little girl. She is not so simple after all.’ Ye Cheng thought and mentally praised her.

"Why should there be a condition when you are doing it to thank me?"

"Well, you gave a condition as well. It is only natural that I do the same."

"Are you bargaining with your boss?"


"I would fine you for that," Ye Cheng threatened. He was hoping with that she wouldn’t ask for her own condition.

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"How can you do that to a sick person?" If only Ye Cheng could see her now, he would have had a fit of laughter from how she pouted hand crossed her arm on her chest.

"But then, am I not supposed to enjoy your threat since it is your thanks? Considering you did not let me choose what you should treat me with."

Hearing him place his argument so well, Li Jing could not argue with him and resigned herself to her fate.

Here she was hoping that having him owe her a favour would enable her to have a triumphant card over him but her hope was dashed to pieces by the amazing businessman. "Fine. You have a point."

"Of course I do. I have been in business all my life dear. You cannot possibly win against me."


’Wait, did she just whatever at me?’ Ye Cheng could not believe his ears. ’This girl sure is getting...’

Her next words cut him short into his thoughts. Never would he have expected that from her.

"Anyways, I would be inviting to dinner at my place, Saturday night." She dropped the bomb on him without a second thought.

"Hmm, dinner."

"Yes, dinner."

"Do you know how to cook?"


"Ye Cheng!" she could not believe he would ask her that all of a sudden and that only irked her. Of course, she could. If not why would she be inviting him for a homemade dinner?

’Just you wait, when you taste my meal, you would beg me for more, but I won’t give.’ Her wicked thoughts had consoled her sand she looked forward to making him eat his words back.

"I would let you be the judge of that. It seems you have forgotten my cooking all too soon. I would help you remember."

"Hahaha, I look forward to it."

How could he forget her cooking? That day was awesome and he loved all of it. He was waiting for her to offer him that one of these days, but she never did and now...

He was planning on even using his favour to ask her to cook for him but when she offered, pff he decided to tease her with it. Who knew it would get her all riled up and ready for action?

At the end of the day, he was still a prominent businessman in everything. He got what he wanted while having a favour still waiting to be used.

"Okay then, I would leave you to your work, bye."

"Bye and rest well."

"I will."

The call went dead and that was when he realized that he failed to tell her who the mastermind of her assault was. Letting out a deep sigh, he roughed his hair at his forgetfulness.

’I guess she is not meant to know about this now. I would let her know about it later.’


By the next day, Li Jing got prepared for work and waited for Hua Duyi to pick her up. She was all riled up and happy as this was the day she had been waiting for. The day when one of her ideas was going to be approved as a worthy business strategy by two big companies while still being acknowledged.

This had never happened in her father’s company because he was not always around and her mother and sister had a way of always stealing her work and saying it was Li Xiu’s giving the older sister all the credit.

Even though it hurt her, she just had to swallow it as Ding Jiaying’s slogan to her whenever they wanted to steal her work was that ’It was for the good of the company. Who cares if Li Xiu pitched it and takes all the credit, so long as their company succeeded, then everyone would be happy.’

Li Jing was forced to accept it as it was without complaint. She did not have a say in matters of the company anyway and her father would fail to allow her to leave either way.

Even though she wanted to report, she couldn’t as Ding Jiaying and Li Xiu would look for ways to make her life more miserable.

So she bore with it, hoping that when she married, it would be over but now, no more.

Now she was free from their clutches and could finally get what was hers.

By the time she got to the company, she saw everyone looking at her like she was a snake and a traitor. She did not understand why she was getting the cold shoulder and glares from the workers till she got to her office and her personal assistant rushed up to her, informing her of Ye Cheng’s message for her.

"Ma’am, the boss wants you in his office. He said you should hurry over as soon as possible."

"Thank you. Did he say why?"

"No, ma but he did not sound pleased as well."

"Oh, thanks." Her assistant left her and she went into her office. She did not understand what was going on but she knew if she wanted to know, she would have to hurry to his office to find out.

Dropping her bag, she made her way out of her office to his. On her way, she met Yi Wang Lei and hurried to meet him.

"Good morning, Jack."

"Li Jing, how are you?"

"I am not sure."

"Why?" Yi Wang Lei asked, his eyes going over her body to be sure if he saw right. "You look okay to me."

"The stares I have been getting all morning and Ye Cheng’s order to come to his office. Something is wrong."

"Oh yeah."

She furrowed her brows and narrowed her eyes at him. It was obvious that he knew something and she was the only one who seemed unaware of what was going on.

"Tell me what is going on, Jack."

"I am sorry dear, you would have to hear it from the boss himself."


"Patience is a virtue."

"That I do not have at the moment."

"Why so when we have already reached our destination." Yi Wang Lei gestured towards Ye Cheng’s office door which was right opposite from them.


They greeted Han Qing Qing before moving towards Ye Cheng’s office. She could see how down Li Jing was looking and knew that the news must have weighed her down somehow.

"Ye Cheng had been having a fit all morning, causing almost all the workers to be aware of what had happened. It took Yi Wang Lei’s intervention for the latter to calm down for a moment and wait for Li Jing’s arrival.

He had finished what he was checking out and decided to return to his worried friend when he met Li Jing on the way.

Yi Wang Lei knocked on the door before opening it and they both entered. They met Ye Cheng pacing in his office and his hair was already a ruffled mess as that was a habit he had done when he was stressed out or worried.

As soon as his eyes landed on her, his anger resurfaced and his coldness overtook his every being, freezing her with his glare, telling her through his eyes about how disappointed he was through them.

"Ye Cheng." Yi Wang Lei called out sharply. He did not like the cold gaze he was giving her. From the few days he had known Li Jing, he knew without being told that there must have been a misunderstanding.

He knew Yew Cheng knew it as well but he was too hurt to even think straight. From his point of view, Yi Wang Lei could understand his hurt. Li Jing was someone he trusted, so getting the information that he did was definitely what he wanted to see.

"Let her be. Find out the truth first and do not judge. You are better than this."

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