Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 169 - Caught 2

Chapter 169 - Caught 2



Li Jing’s brows creased at his words." What do you mean by that?"

"What if what they are discussing isn’t the conspiracy but she confessing her love for him like I told her to?" Yi Wang Lei asked her.

Li Jing sighed. Was he seriously thinking that right now? Who would actually believe that such a thing was happening there?

"How do they look like a couple confessing love? First she is not even shy about it or look like someone in love. Rather, she looks like someone who is about to go ballistic about something at him. She ius clearly frustrated if you ask me."

Li Jing stated her point clearly and that was the truth but Yi Wang Lei was not one to believe that as he preferred to rule out all possibility and if that could be considered qa possibility, then why not?

"You are right though, but she look like a lady who was turned down and is not happy about it. Not many people accept rejection so easily, she may be questioning him, angrily why he is not choosing her and if you are better."

"Me?" Li Jing’s brows furrowed and her eyes became sharper as she stared at Yi Wang lei. "Why use me as the case scenario?"

"Because she caught you two talking sweetly to her love interest."

"That is just silly assumptions if it is true. So because she loves him, he shouldn’t talk with other girls?"

"Not exactly what I am saying. She knows you are better in all way possible than her and trust me, a lot of ladies envy that especially as Ye Cheng seems to care and favour you."

"Hey, care is one thing, favouring me is a different situation which is most unlikely."

"I know, if there is anything, it is you that is favouring that naughty friend of mine."

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"You were saying?"

"Oh my God!" Yi Wang Lei jumped instantly as he heard the cold voice from behind them. He did not need to look to know whom the voice belonged to. Without being told he already knew.

Li Jing who was startled but not as the naughty friend who was calling the boss naughty, smiled at Yi Wang Lei’s startled self.

"Ye Cheng, come on, do not scare me like that again," Yi Wang Lei cautioned him as he turned to look at the cold boss.

"I wouldn’t if you are not here arguing baseless argument when you should be working."

"It is not baseless. It is a good assumption that needs taking care of to be sure. Leave no stone upturned, young man. Besides, it is past working hours. How much would you be paying us for cleaning your mess?"

"My mess?" Ye Cheng asked pointing his index finger at himself and Yi Wang Lei nodded. "How is it mine?"

"You are the boss."

"Ohh, have you forgotten that if this company goes down, you go down too?"

"How can that be? I can look for job elsewhere."

"Who would be willing to trust your capabilities when you couldn’t save your company from its presumed doom? Face it Wang Lei, it affects you too."

He was right but not entirely and Yi Wang Lei who was always the perfectionist could not rule out that scenario from happening. At the end, Ye Cheng won.

Seeing that he had successfully shut up his annoying friend, Ye Cheng turned his attention to Li Jing. "How has it been?" There was no ounce of care in his words, just strictly professional.

Even though Li Jing felt sad about it but she couldn’t blame him aft6erall there really was nothing going on between them and his care was just based on friendship scale.

Unknown to her, he was very concerned about how she was doing but when he got there and he heard her statement, he felt a bit hurt even though he knew she was stating the truth as it was.

That was why he decided to shun care and just go straight to the point with her.

"We have found some leads, but once I can prove to Jack that his scenario isn’t what is going on here, then we have our culprit and if they are working together then Li Xiu is the master mind."

"Bingo. Ignore Wang Lei and his assumptions. Let me see what you’ve got."

"Yeah right. Like hell we didn’t do this together."

"And why are you acting like a child?" Li Jing could not hold in her chuckle as she listened to the two grown up men behave like little kids, well one especially who was frowning and pouting at Ye Cheng.

"Li Jing, whose side are you on? Yi Wang Lei shot at her.

"Yours of course."

"In my presence," Ye Cheng attacked her, his face looking stern as though she had committed a serious offense.

"No one’s. Happy now?" Surprisingly he nodded at her. He preferred she was either on his side or no one else’s and Li Jing found that being selfish.

"Do not give me that look. I supported you but yet you throw me away like I do not matter and support him. It is either him or me."

"Fine! Can you two just get your heads thinking straight and let us figure this thing out?"

"Okay. Let us move on to the next footage, shall we?"

They spent the remaining hours of the day checking all the footages and it was only on one other occasion that Hong Haoran met with the lady and nothing else.

After which they shut the whole thing down and proceeded to Ye Cheng’s office to figure everything out.

"It is simple."

"Yeah, she was sent to steal the file while I was distracted by Hong Haoran. Unfortunately, she found nothing about the document in my system."

"Then Hong Haoran became the next option. It wasn’t just to sleep with you. I bet they wanted to get you drugged and get the information about the file from you," Ye Cheng analyzed. His gaze became even more cold and distant as he thought things through.

It was obvious Li Xiu carefully planned out what needed to be done.

He just did not want to believe someone could be so wicked but then again, considering he had his own best friends lie and betray him, who was he to talk.

At the end of the day, both of them had got it hard.

"Checkmate. How do you hope to make her pay, Ye Cheng?" Yi Wang Lei asked. "I mean your girl almost got harassed and has her name soiled."

"I am not his girl. He doesn’t need to feel responsible about anything. This is my fight with my sister."

"No, it stopped being your fight when she went against my company but that is not the main problem now."

"What is?" Yi Wang Li asked him.

"It is obvious the file wasn’t stolen from us."


"So, only one other person had access to the file."

"Mr Kang. But he would never give..."

"It to her." Ye Cheng completed her sentence. "Yes, he wouldn’t but who said anything about him giving it to her. She could as so much tried to steal it the way she tried to with us."

"It explains quite a lot then."

"Exactly. I would put a call through to him and get him to go through his CCTV footage. If there is one thing, your sister wasn’t as smart as to try and avoid the CCTVs. I am guessing she and her goons wouldn’t be so smart this time as well."

Li Jing could not argue with his words as he spoke the truth. Although Li Xiu was intelligent, her misbehavior and laziness had made her dull in some ways.

She always expected everyone to do everything for her and would get mad when things weren’t done her way.

To Ding Jiaying she was making her daughter feel like the one and only first daughter of the Li Family but ended up spoiling her at the end of the day.

"Okay. I would keep my fingers crossed about the whole thing."

"Good. I also want to apologize for putting you through so much. I know it was because of the embarrassment they got that day at Mr Yu’s party that caused all of this to happen."

"No, Ye Cheng. They are just sore losers who believe in blaming people for their problem. My sister and my ex brought it upon themselves. There is nothing to apologize for."


"But there is one thing I am in need for some clarification about."

"State it." Both Ye Cheng and Yi Wang Lei shifted in their seats at her words.

"If Li Xiu is the master mind behind the whole thing, do you think she is also responsible for the rioters at the gate?"

"No. That was strictly Bai Qing Mei. I guess it so happened that Hong Haoran had thought it nice to use saving you as a way to get close to you and get on your good side."

"I feel so stupid right now."

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