Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 98 - Handle It Myself

Chapter 98 - Handle It Myself



"I do not understand sir." Hao Huizhong lied.

Of course, he understood but right now, he knew what Chairman Zhang’s next words would be, ’you knew and common sense did not let you do the right thing!’

"Shouldn’t your ignorance about the birthday party tell you that Ye Cheng no longer trust’s you and is keeping things from you?"

Hao Huizhong had no answer to give to him and could only just wait and bear it all. Yes, when he found out about the birthday, he did not think much about it as Ye Cheng rarely visited such events and even when he did, it was with Han Qing Qing or Bai Qing Mei.

So hearing from the horse’s mouth that he went to the event and with the new girl, Hao Huaizhong was at a loss for words.

"I would look into things and handle them well from now on."

"No need for that, I would handle it myself, grandfather. Leave it to a man to fix things and it goes awire!" the young lady complained and walked away.

"You heard her. Stay put and watch. For now, just keep your eyes on things for me and be more vigilant."

"Yes sir."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


As soon as the call went dead, Chairman Zhang dialled another number. "Yes, send a new phone to my home. The latest and with a sim card as well."

"Right away sir."


Once again he let out another sigh as he stared at what remained of his granddaughter’s phone. She had a temper and he was well aware of it. He could not count how many phones she had used that year as whenever she is angry, she throws whatever is in her hand, hard against a wall.

Prior to now, she would use it to hit one of the maids especially when they annoyed her. When some maids resigned, he had to quarrel with her and get new maids. That was when she made do of the walls in the house.

Her character was getting out of hand since she returned from the states this year and he was beginning to find ways to keep her down.

’If she keeps at this, it would be difficult to find a husband to marry her.’ Chairman Zhang thought to himself.

"And what are you all still doing there? Clear this mess right away," he yelled, pointing to the phone on the ground.

"Yes, sir."


Meanwhile, as the news was busy circulating around, it soon got to the star of the day, Ye Cheng.

At first, he suspected that Ying Yue would have a hidden camera since she was coming for the birthday party and should have avoided her, but he needed that to make a nice entry and a warning to his enemies that he was back and ready.

He did not want to drag Li Jing into this, but then, he wanted the world to know, especially her useless ex and sister, that she had moved higher than them, that was why he introduced her as such and the hand holding everyone saw, he was just trying to ease her.

He intended for the news to go one way, but leave it to Ying Yue who made it go another way.

"Ye Cheng," a male voice called out from the phone.

"I know, I have seen the news," Ye Cheng replied, knowing exactly what the person was going to ask.

"The Chairman would not be happy about this news."

"I know. I never expected him to be happy in the first place."

"Who is she? Is she really your fiancé or girlfriend?" the voice questioned once more, causing Ye Cheng to chuckle at his question.

"Are they not one and the same?" Ye Change countered.

"So you are admitting that she is yours?"

"I never said anything, did I? I only introduced a financial manager."

"The first female financial manager! It speaks volumes, Cheng. What is your goal? What are you after?"

"After? Let’s see..." he placed a hand on his chin and lifted his head up a bit and narrowed his eyes at an invincible object in his study. "Ah! I got it."

"Yes?" he could hear the anticipation in his friend’s voice and only smiled to himself. He loved where this was going. He loved that he placed everyone at the edge of their seats.

"Nothing." He stated plainly and relaxed back on his seat, moving it from side to side in a relaxing manner.

At the mention of nothing, his friend closed his eyes. He had been expectant and it felt as though, Ye Cheng shut his expectations down.

Letting out a deep sigh, he opened his eyes and spoke. "Just like you. So you mean to tell me that do not have anything planned?"

"Nope. She is not my girlfriend or my fiancé."

"Then what about Bai Qing Mei?"

That was it. All the colour and smiles completely drained from his face at that moment and he wore his usual serious and deadly expression back on.

His eyes blazed with untold anger as the memory of what occurred that day, flashed before his eyes.

"She... she died." At first, it was quite hard for him to say those words out loud, but then again after a little pause, he told his friend.

"What!" the person at the other end of the phone screamed at the unfortunate news he just heard.

"What do you mean by she died? How come I was nit aware or informed?"

"Well, you are informed now."

"Ye Cheng! Stop joking at a time like thus."

"You think I am joking? Well think again. I am not."

"I am sorry, I did not mean to shout or yell at you. Yu must be grieving. She was one of your best friends."

"Hmm." Ye Cheng could only reply with a hum as his mind was working more than he wanted it to , trying t process things again.

"I am truly sorry but what really happened? Why wasn’t it announced?"

"Are you kidding me right now?"

"I am sorry. Just calm down, please."

"I am calm, it is you who isn’t calm. Prepare your things, you should arrive in the country within the week. Hand over to someone you trust the most and should have been tested by you thoroughly."

"Okay, I would do all the necessary one more time. One question though."


"What really happened, Ye Cheng? Something is not right, something bad happened. Talk to me, tell me."

Ye Cheng could feel the concern laced in his tone. He was one of the few friends he had that he trusted.

"When you return, you would be briefed."

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