Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 121 - I am in CEO office getting tortured...

Chapter 121 - I am in CEO office getting tortured...

Jean walked inside her boss’s room nervously.

"Lock the door Ms. Grey. And don’t allow anyone into my office until I say so" he instructed his PA angrily while Jean and his PA exchanged nervous looks. She felt very pity for Jean...

As soon as door closed he stormed towards her totally raged. He pushed her into sofa and hovered over her.

"Though you care to explain I am not in position to listen" he roughly kissed her until her breathe hitched

"Scott I-"

"I said don’t care to explain. Don’t talk"

Cassandra POV

After receiving call from Jasor, Cassandra is delighted. Jean will be in difficult situation and will definitely get humiliated in the meeting.

Now she should curry up favors from them and as her father asked she should now go to CEO’S office to give the confidential report to Scott.

Adam have already talked to Scott about personal visit if his daughter to handover because he didn’t believe in others. Jean have many admirers in his own team and office.

Cassandra made her way to his office when the scared PA stopped her. "Apologies. Sir is talking about something important and I am instructed to inform you to wait patiently."

"Ok. Who is there inside"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Your sister. Ms. Grey"

"He is angry because she made many mistakes in her reports" the chatterbox PA of Scott blurted out.

"Oh..." Cassandra is now in seventh cloud of happiness imagining her sister getting scolded endlessly.

After one hour....

Jean sat weakly on sofa sipping her juice made by Scott. She looked exhausted while she glared at man who is working on her reports attentively.

He is correcting her mistakes because she is damn tired to do her own work. Scott can feel the piercing glare from the angry woman.

Damn she have a meeting to attend which is very important to her...

He should be guilty but he is not..

After getting her reports free of even single mistake she felt contended. She pestered him to read the reports again and again until she felt it flawless.

She took notice of every word and letters including full stops, commas. She didn’t offered her mercy even to uppercase and lowercase letters in the confusing strategies.

She gave him a deadly glare and stormed out of the room. Cassandra and his PA can see that she is dead tired and angry.

They can only conclude that their boss has given her very tough time. When Cassandra went inside Scott looked like he aged up ten years. His eyes looked so stressed and he emitted deadly aura.

She can know he is very angry. Though she tried to prevent from making mistakes while explaining her father views. She often got scolded for technical mistakes she did. By the time she came out she too looked exhausted.

Both the sisters got tortured from their boss’s ire but in different way. For the first time Cass felt pity for her sister.

Jean who entered her room tumbled over the door because of her tiredness. Jasor chuckled as he approached her to help.

Jean throwed the file on him angrily while she stood up herself. After all this is all his fault. Jasor saw the file which is perfectly flawless " Got tortured until there is no mistake in the file..ha"

Jean just acted like there is no one in the office except her. He noticed her hatred glances at him. "Hey...I am not responsible for this. You got distracted because you feel for me"

"Shut up" Jean muttered and strode out of the office to Hannah’s cabin. Who want to get tortured again because of his provocation..

There is still ten minutes for meeting so Jean usually takes rest away from the reports and files which make her anxious again.

"Hey, Look who came. The great heir of Grey’s who gave up her empire out of generosity" Hannah teased her friend.

"Stop it Han. I am here to escape from that lousy Keller"

"Girl, you didn’t come to lunch with us. You truly changed" Hannah pouted adoringly.

" I am in CEO’S office getting tortured"

"Mistakes in report. Huhhh...Mr. Keller distracts you I guess."

" Hannah.. please stop Ok" Jean don’t want her friend to get punished because she is teasing her on name of Jasor.

Hannah saw how exhausted her friend looked. She felt sad for her friend. If someone let her to sleep Jean will here and now will go into deep slumber. " Should I bring you lunch"

"Hmm..little" Jean don’t want to feel drowsy during meeting.


"It will do..thanks" Jean nodded gratefully at her friend.

Hacker’s base

Their boss sat elegantly in front of his laptop. He just now received some important and flashy news from the Cyphers.

But they have to wait until their big boss passes the orders to reveal it.

They all are excited to see the outcome.

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