Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 132 - You know him??

Chapter 132 - You know him??

Jean woke up after seven in the morning. As she slept all the evening and also night she is more refreshed and brimmed with energy. The previous day have been roller-coaster for her.

Scott who is more tired than her is in deep slumber. His limbs are wrapped around her like a vine and his head is resting on her shoulder. She played with his hair gently for a while as she observed his peaceful face.

As he sleeps less than her she rarely gets to see him sleeping. She reminisced wonderful moments of previous day which filled empty gaps in her heart that were left with lack of pure love.

Small smile formed on her face as she thought of various dishes Scott and her mother made for her. The wounds and heartache of loosing mother at tender age are now gradually fading with the care she received from Scott’s mother.

Suddenly a thought lit up in her brain. She will prepare breakfast for them as a small gratitude. Pleased by the idea she tiptoed out of the room.

After seeing her mother sleeping she went into kitchen. She has spent more than enough time with Scott to know his favorite but what about his mother.

Thinking about Shawn she dialed his number. "Sis in law how did you have a heart to woke up your poor brother this early." He pouted adoringly.

He returned back to his house midnight after finishing the work his brother gave him. "Shawn stop your melodrama" Jean rolled her eyes as she gently scolded him.

"Sis, you don’t know how much stress your boyfriend is giving me. one are helping me.." He acted like as if he is crying like there in no tomorrow.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

" Oh...poor crybaby how could you forget that you have amazing sister in law to help you with your brother. Come over here to breakfast we will play with your brother"

Jean smiled at her brother in law. He is so cute and childish when he will be around her. But she know how tough nut he is to crack by others.

She wonder why this brother’s relationship is always special and childish. Though both are very well known for their cold and unconvincing nature. Shawn always follows his brother’s orders obediently whereas Scott pretend like he don’t care about his little brother’s small wishes but provide him with every small thing his brother wants even he never asks.

"Sis, if it is mom then don’t call me for breakfast. I had enough of her dishes." His voice is full of feign fear.

" I am the one who is preparing Shawn. Don’t you want to eat your favorite sisters amazing dishes." Jean proudly flaunted her not so good culinary skills.

" I am only if it is safe. But don’t worry sis your handsome brother will of course eat your dishes. I will also bring medical team with me if in case anyone suffer with food poison." Shawn teased her.

"You...., ah forget about it. I am ok in cooking so don’t doubt my skills. I called you to ask favorite dishes of mother."

"Hmm..little tough. Let me think." He pretended as if he is thinking deeply.

"Gotcha...scrambled eggs, pancakes, four cheese lasagna, French dip sandwitches,Brocalli pasta, mushroom sauce, cranberry cake, apple smoothie, yogurt, beef stew, black bean soup and at last as a desert pumpkin pie."

Jean gulped her saliva as she listened to the big list.

" What about you"

"Sissy that list is for your glutton brother. As for mom her tastes are very much similar to brother. I will come soon sis." He laughed as he end the call.

Jean know that Shawn is very picky and eat very less. He is just testing her again by mentioning some of the food that Scott is allergenic to and some other he loves very much to eat.

Shawn is now testing how deep and understanding his brother’s relationship is. And of course Jean will not fail. She might not be good cook but she is also not stranger to kitchen.

She lost her habit of cooking only after Scott started pampering her very much that she is not at all allowed into kitchen. Not to mention her overprotective brothers.

Now all are busy in their exhausting schedules but they will be meeting this month many times. David’s birthday, Nathan’s engagement will be celebrated soon in this month.

Within one and half hour she completed most of her cooking when a strong pair of arms wrapped around her possessively from behind while she is showered with series of kisses on her neck.

"What do we have here. Aren’t someone breaking rules by doing this" his voice is so deep that she shivered involuntarily.

Jean turned around to see the handsome man in his sleeping clothes. His hair is disheveled and his eyes are still sleepy. Jean chuckled as she tidied his unruly hair and planted kiss on forehead standing on her toes.

" I am making breakfast for loved ones" her voice is extremely soft and sensitive.

Scott who saw her standing on her toes to reach him grabbed her waist and deposited her on kitchen counter.

" loved ones?" he raised his brow as he leaned dangerously close to her.

Emphasizing ’ones’ because it is plural

" and mother" Jean didn’t mention Shawn because she knew Scott will eat vinegar once again though it is his brother who will be her brother in law soon.

"Does that also includes my brother. Are you are afraid of mentioning him because I will be Jealous." He raised her chin with his index finger making her look into his eyes. He is already eating vinegar.

"..." Damn is his own brother.

"He called me now to tease me that you are preparing breakfast for him" Scott pouted and kissed her roughly.

" I am preparing for all of us so I called him." Jean tried to reason with king of jealousy.

"I am jealous" Scott said sadly like he is a small child who is angry because his brother also got to eat his cake on his birthday which should be only for birthday boy.

"I am preparing your favorites not his" Jean protested like a child.

"But baby...I am still jealous. You has to prepare only for me" He pinned her hands to the wall behind the counters and kissed her.

"You thief, you selfish. How dare you snatch my daughter’s hand cooked breakfast from me" his mother rushed in abruptly making Jean push Scott away from her.

In other hand Scott acted like he didn’t see the fuming woman and continued kissing his girl. Shawn who just entered the house saw the scene in front of him.

His brother is kissing his girl aggressively in front of his mother who is glaring at her son. Which will be more hilarious than this. He fished out his mobile and snapped it secretively.

"Whoa...bro let her breathe" Shawn laughed seeing Jean blush. She is trying very hard to push Scott away from her but her strength is not even compared to Scott’s strength in left hand.

Scott who is pleased by Jean’s red face at last freed her and grinned before storming back to his room.

After fifteen minutes of hard work from four pair of hands sumptuous breakfast is laid beautifully on the dining table.

After Jean, Scott and Shawn got ready for their work they started eating harmoniously when Nathan called Jean hurriedly.

"Jean Grey could you please on the TV and see how negligent you became" Nathan used Jean’s full name which only means he is very angry on her.

Scott who listened through speaker hurriedly turned TV on.

The news is full of photos of Raymond and Jean stating them as couple. In one of the photo he is catching her wrist while pulling her back to him. Other one is when Jean is smiling at him after she mocked him. Many more like that are taken exactly only when it is intimate.

" You know him" Scott’s voice is extremely calm and void of emotions.

"Yes. I know him"

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