Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 25: Sins and Guilt

Chapter 25: Sins and Guilt

The prideful Emperor was sitting in his throne with his dark piercing eyes, he was looking at a bunch of blue screens, a morning habit he picked up since acquiring the King Piece.

'Recruitment is all about timing.'

He always keeps tracks of the worlds where the people he is interested in live, awaiting to strike like an eagle patiently observing his prey. Some of these worlds had rapid time dilatations, some had slow ones, so he needed to always be on alert. For about a month he has been patiently waiting binding his time, not seeing a good enough opportunity. But

He crookedly smiled.

Today seemed to be his lucky day.


He immediately opened a portal.

Holy Empire of Britania, Sword of Akasha

A fatidic confrontation was going on in the world of C. Lelouch final clash with his Father and Mother. Yet unbeknownst to all present protagonists a much more terrifying was lurking in the Shadows. His dark gems of eyes were solemn as he looked at the familial tragedy:

'Even after already seeing it, it's still breaks my heart. Such a tragic character.'

He even felt a certain connection with him. His Father tried to sacrifice him too, after all.

'Finding it out that the mother he's been fighting so hard for, killing his own kin for, abandoned them.'

He had a heavy heart the more he though about it, his eyes changed into his Star-Sharingan, as he continued to observe him

'Anger, anger toward himself. Deep regret and guilt as he thinks if it was really worth all the sacrifices he made, for him to have come all this way.'

'He probably would have been better off, staying in high school, a loving mother in his heart and an atrocious Father in his mind.'

'Discovering that there was no deep meaning behind his suffering, behind his sister disability. Only that his Parents are freaking lunatics, engendered by this war thorn world.

He lost Shirley, her parents, Euphemia, Rollo, Nunally the rest of his brothers and his own sanity and free guilt. Committed fratricide, regicide for naught.

'So this what bring you, making sacrifices for attaining his goal.'

'I despise this idea from the bottom of my heart'

'There exists always a way for flawless victory, without a single loss.

And even if this solution is found in the jaws of the abyss, I will always find it.'

He focused again on the man:

'His psychological state is horrid, no different from a suicidal person. He doesn't find purpose in life anymore, and looking for a new purpose.

And he will find it. Dying for World Peace.'

He then smiled pridefully:

"Worry not, lost lamb. For this Emperor will make all this suffering into naught."

The confrontation ended as expected with the two lunatics disappearing into the C World.

'It's my time to shine'

He readopted his Imperial Bearing as he slowly marched in their way, the whole C World about to break from the sheer power of his steps. The three of them noticed the tremblement and they immediately searched for its origin, finding it in the process.

Suzaku was the first to see 'it'

"What in the hell?"

They saw a man in what resembled an Oriental dressing, advancing and shaking the C World with each of his steps. Lelouch immediately looked towards C.C trying to find a response to this situation, only to see her absolute shock.

'This is bad.'

He had long spiked hair moving with him as he moved, his prideful march made him even more imposing than Charles himself.

C.C saw a lot of personalities through the times, but never saw a person exude such a sense of power. His deep pupilless eyes seemed to see through all creation, like a moving deity. Arriving in front of them, he smiled haughtily as he said with his deep doubled voice:

"Lelouch Vi Britania."

"Son of Charles and Marriane. Grew hating a father and longing for a mother. Loving his Sister Nunally. To the point of even warring the world itself for her."

Lelouch only continued to look at him.

"Creating a miracle after another, like you are the son of the goddess of War herself."

They patiently heard the speech of the unknown person as they both looked at Lelouch meaningfully. Before they heard the rest:

"Yet unbeknownst to anyone, you lost everything in your fight, up to the very reason of your existence."

"And Now you are already thinking of another reason to die for."

The moment he said the both of them turned to look at Lelouch only to find his head hung down.

'It's true!!'

He immediately raised his head his Geass on as he ordered:

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

The Emperor only felt a little tickling in his eyes before he snickered:

"Trying to use the power of the kings on an Emperor. Such a waste of power."

'Dammit! I knew it! It won't work on him!'

"But I will answer your question, little prince."

"I am a secret option, that has been offered to you, by this Emperor's grace."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He narrowed his eyes as he listened carefully:

"I can rid of your guilt, of your sense of loss, and get you back your purpose of life."

Suzaku had a questioning gaze, Lelouch a melancholic yet snickering one. Only C.C understood the underlying meaning of the Emperor ! But she was too late to prevent her Lelouch as he raged:

"What can you do? Can you undo the past? Or you are going to bring them back from the dead?!"

C.C had a bad hunch as she saw the reaction of the Emperor:


He started laughing like a crazed maniac as the darkness in his pupils invaded his whole eye, making it look like a never-ending night. He suddenly stopped, did two hand signs before they heard his doubled voice again:


Suddenly two bodies emerged from the ground, two persons who just died!

The both of them had surprised expressions.

"What happened Charles? I tough we were absorbed by the C World?

-Lelouch?! What happened? You traitorous child!"

C.C had her hand on her mouth as she was barely keeping her spirit together. Lelouch has his eyes popping out of his head, as a terrified expression appeared on his face. Suzaku had a more obsessed one like he had found god.

"Can I undo the past? OF COURSE, I CAN!!

Can I bring people back from the dead? OF COURSE, I CAN!!


The couple didn't even have the time understand what happened before they were erased from existence again:

"Out of my sight, trash."

But for Lelouch and the others this wasn't nearly as important, he had only an idea in mind, he stuttered, his voice became acute like a crying child:

"NUNALYCan you


He made another step as he slowly approached him:

"Nunally, Shirley, her parents, Rollo, Clovis"

As he kept enunciating one name after another, tears started descending in Lelouch's eyes and his legs gave out.

"Please, I beg you. My.My mistakes.."

He lightly looked at Suzaku before continuing:


"Every life you have taken, every sin you have committed. I am prepared to wash it away. I am prepared to give you the safe life you have always dreamt off."

"The question is are you prepared?"

He slowly approached him, his face solemn and stern, like a tyrant:

"Are you prepared to bow your head to your Emperor? Are you prepared to serve him? To become his right arms and to watch his back like his shadow. I want you to become my First Vizir and to accompany me in peace and war for the thousands of years to come. And for my part I pledge to protect you and your family like my own, as a part of my Empire."

C.C looked deeply at Lelouch before sighing:

Lelouch stared flabbergasted at Marek, before slowly closing his eyes and gradually kneeling down, under the astonished gaze of everyone present:

"I, Lelouch Vi Britania, is honored to serve your majesty."

Immediately his face changed as a never seen before warm smile appeared. His dark abyss eyes had a little soft glint. The affection he has been hiding for this character all reappeared at the same time, he looked delighted from the bottom of his heart. C.C who saw all that had a secret smile on her face, as she remembered Lelouch having the same expression when he was with Nunaly:

'I am happy for you, Lelouch. You too, have a person you can depend on, now'

He extended his arm:

"Welcome to the family, Brother."

He raised his head to see a bright face talking to him. He smiled lightly as he took his arm to stand up.

A big smile on his face, Marek looked then at C.C:

"Will you be accompanying him? He is useless without you, after all."

Lelouch immediately had a weird face on:

"Your Majesty!"


C.C immediately exploded in laughter; she even teared a little bit:

"You are rightHe is completely useless without me"


But Marek wasn't nearly done embarrassing him:

"You should marry her."

The Great Zero immediately started blushing:

"What areyou? We obviously!!"

"Shirley, and Kallen too, but let's go one at a time, shall we? You handsome playboy.

-Your majesty! This is! Are you just spouting names of girls I know?!

C.C had a blank face as she never even thought in her dreams, the mighty being from before would suddenly talk about such matters. He winked at her before saying:

"Don't worry about your immortality. Being my Vizir your Lelouch is destined to outlive the God themselves, so longitude is pretty meaningless at this point."

Suzaku how have been tensed up from the beginning to the end, dropped wailing like a little child:

"EUPHY.I get to see you again."

Lelouch looked at the broken Suzaku emotionally convinced he has made the right choice. He was then interrupted again:

"Oh! More good news, Nunnaly isn't actually dead."

Lelouch had a shocked face:


"She is with Schneizel, he will use her against you."

He punched the ground:


Marek lightly patted his head, with the same big smile, Lelouch raised his head:

"Don't worry, I am here after all"

He extended his hand:

"Banshoo Tennin!!"

Immediately after they saw a familiar silhouette approaching in the air, she was screaming of fright. But Lelouch kept running and falling off like an injured horse.

Marek stayed silent as they continued their family reunion, he heard C.C footsteps behind him:

"Is there anything you can't do?"

He responded bombing his chest:

"I already told you, didn't I?"

He kept silent for a while before continuing:

"Nevertheless, there is certain things I lack. I a alone, can't rebuild a destructed Empire. No matter, how strong it's Emperor is, a nation is before everything it's people who work hard for building it. That is why I need the both of you by my side."

"Are you sure you can trust us that much? I am pretty fickle; I could leave anytime."

"You won't.


-I have faith in you and I have faith in all the trials you passed to become who you are now."

He shut his eyes before speaking again:

"You made the right choice by staying alive. I don't believe that life lose meaning with time. I know thousand year old angels and devils and million year old cultivators who still find a reason to continue to wake up every day. Actually in some countries we will be going to war against, you would be considered pretty young."

She had an astonished face watching him continue:

" Life only lose meaning when you stop giving it one and stop trying to search for a reason to continue."

She looked up to him and found a teasing smile on his lips:

"Though, I think you already found an interesting fellow to share it with. I was serious you know, about the marriage proposal."

She lightly laughed.

"You are an interesting fellow, Great Emperor. I look forward seeing what kind of Empire you will build.

-The Greatest. I will never settle for less."

He said disappearing and appearing behind the cute little girl.

"Hello, Nunnaly-chan.

-HelloAre you the Mister who bought me here?

-Yes, My name is Marek Vega, your brother will be at my service from now on."

He suddenly picked up in a princess carry. She immediately, embarrassed:

"Mister VegaI amHeavy."

"Let's go get you cured.

-What? Are you serious?

I will be making you a strong girl in no time! Even stronger than your wimp of a brother."

A blue portal opened in front of him, he faced Lelouch his serious face back on

"Lelouch, I will give you, your first order! I want Schneizel under my orders. Can you do it?"

He kneeled as he said:

"Yes, Your Majesty!!"

He smiled warmly again:

"Do so quickly, I will be keeping an eye on you."

He stopped before the portal:

"You will find the people you cherish, waiting for you

At your new home"

Lelouch had still a mess of a face but responded:

"I look forward to it, your majesty."

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