Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 250: Inquiries

Chapter 250: Inquiries

Minutes later.

Three Silhouette, entered the beautiful garden. The Calm and appeasing environment couldn't even make them a tad calmer.

As they approached, a little table. appeared in their sight. Two gorgeously dressed women were sitting, and chatting casually.

They didn't know who the other one was.Rias quickly focused on the crowned beauty.

'Roygun Bel-, no Roygun Vega!!'

Her eyes glowed with a complex lightShe once admired this female Rating Game player from the bottom of her heart.

But nowShe became a behemoth, pressing on his brother and the rest of the Underworld.

They arrived and immediately the three of them knelt down:

"Issei Hyoudo(Rias Gremory), greets your majesty the Devil Empress."

Roygun smiled gently:


Devran locked her abyss dark eyes on the youth at the forefront.

The Three stood up. Roygun sipped tea once more:

"SoWhat is it that is worth the Sekiryutei coming by himself?"

Issei froze for a moment before he mustered, the courage:

"Your MajestyI-I request an audience with his Majesty the Emperor!"

The words were spoken and Rias felt her heart burn with anxiety!!

Silence ensued Only the expression of Roygun revealed a little surprise. Devran smiled mildly, and a tinge of interest appeared in her eyes.

The time seemed to freeze. As the three were waiting for a response.

"I see."

Roygun smiled lightly:

"May I know the reason?"

This was a question, not 'an order'. This showed that she was rather asking out of curiosity. After all, she doesn't have the authority to intervene with an Imperial Audience.

Whatever happens between Issei and the Emperor, is not under her authority even as a Devil Empress.

Issei didn't seem to flinch:

"I want him to ask of him some things."

Roygun raised her eyebrows:

"And do you think you are qualified to demand things from the Emperor?"

The question of the Devil Empress made the other girls feel cold. But Ise stayed true to himself:

"I am only a High School Devil! I've only been a devil for no more than a half year!"

"I am stupid, and lazy so I leave thinking for others!"

"I don't know what the Emperor represents."

"I don't know if I am qualified or not."

Roygun narrowed her gaze. Devran eyes brightened slightly.

"But I have to meet the Emperor!!"

His voice was loud yet firm.

"And I don't think he is a bad guy!!"

For the first time in monthsHe finally spoke what was pending on his heart!!

Rias and Akeno were dumbfounded. Do they think the Emperor is a good or bad guy?

Regardless of thatIt is completely out of their consideration!! But all their thinking didn't prepare them for what's coming next!!

"He loves women dearly, and has a proud Harem!"

"How can someone like that be a bad guy!"

The calm eyes of Roygun just widened in surprise!!


Rias and Akeno felt somewhat numb:

'No!! Now is not the time to act like that again!!'

In the silence, a light chuckling was heard and the person who was silent until now finally spoke:

"Why are you so silent, Roygun?"

"Does the Emperor 'love' his women dearly?"

"This is certainly a question within your reach, no?"

Rias and Akeno heard the teasing voice of the woman. And were immediately dumbfounded. Their head seemed to explode.

This woman who has been sitting here, sipping tea all along. Just called the Devil Empress 'Roygun' and started taunting her in the process. As if playing with a junior.

Roygun rapidly took back her calm:

"Of course it is indeed the case, your majesty."

The Mysterious woman looked at the Sekiryutei, but this time, she didn't hide her gaze.

Issei heard a voice in his mind:

'Be careful, partner.'

'This woman she gives me a bad feeling.'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ise nodded in his heart. There was a thread of silence before, Roygun continued:

"I see."

She retained her grace, and continued:

"If it is his Majesty's that you want to meet. Then I have nothing to say about it."

"I will bring him your request. You can be sure of it."

He narrowed his eyes as she looked at the two women behind him:

"But be sure of one thing."

Then her amber eyes fell on Ise:

"Whatever that you desire."

"Nothing will be given to you for free."

"There will be prices to pay."

Ise's face froze for a moment.

Roygun looked at him deeply:

"No matter how much his majesty appreciates you."

"He will never favor you more than the vilest citizen of his Empire."

"This is an unchangeable fact."

A doubtful color appeared on Ise's face before he held on:

"I am prepared to pay!!"

Rias cried:


Roygun smiled lightly:


"The Emperor shall soon be back."

"He will be delighted to meet you once more."

She spoke the previous words, to deter the three of them, from having any misconceptions. But she still knew that Marek liked Ise very much.

The Empress then held on for a while before turning her attention to Rias Gremory in particular.

A color of appreciation appeared on her eyes. It should be saidthat this girl had quite the character.

Despite her background, she still dared appear in front of her, to accompany her lover.

'Beautiful, kind, thoughtful.'

'TskIf I had a prince, she would make a wonderful bride.'

She then slowly surprised herself!

'Since when did I start thinking like that?!!'

'It seems the Mother Empress influence on me is quite big'

"Rias Gremory."

The voice of the Empress made the nerves of the Gremory Princess tense once again.

"Did you only come here to support your beloved?"

"Or did you have any other inquiries?"

Rias looked downshe thought deeplyIf she had questions in her heart?

Of course she has!!

'But would it be suitable'

She clenched her first and in her green eyes.


'I can't be like that forever!'

'I am Rias Gremory! The Heir of the Gremory!!'

'If Ise is willing to take a risk! I should at least be able to stand up for myself!'

Her eyes suddenly glowed with unbending determination.

The eyes of Devran who were fixed until now on Issei slowly moved to the Crimson Princess. Her calm face and her deep abyss eyes, scrutinized every change on her face.

"I have some questions, your majesty."

Roygun sipped tea, nodding lightly:

"Bold but resolute, the Sekyruitei has at least some good influence on you."

"Speak. I have time."

"I shall discuss with you all your inquiries."

Akeno looked at Rias who marched and stood by Ise's side, with deep worry.

"What is your objective for the Underworld?"

Roygun didn't even lift her head but responded calmly:

"For the Devils to evolve beyond their simple lives."

"To grow into a race with a civilization able to rival Multiversal Civilizations."

"This is my short term objective for the Devil's race."

These three sentences that the Empress spoke casually. Revealed explosive information's that made them unable to even understand.

Rias determined eyes froze, before she pronounced:

"Your Majesty.Forgive my ignorance, could you make it clear to what it is a Multiversal Civilization?"

Roygun spoke casually:

"You should have a rough idea about the size of the observable Universe?"

"You should already know this much, right?"

Rias eyes shrunk. It was indeed as she thought.

"A Universal Civilization, is one that is in the complete control of a Universe and is able to travel in it, and is free of it's restrictions."

"For this kind of civilization, space and time in the Universe are merely dimensional variables that could be controlled at will."

"A Multiversal Civilization is one that regularly conquers new ones, or had a found a way to create new Universes."

"This is the simplest explanation I could come up with it for someone at your level."

This explanation not only was heard by Rias. But was also understood by Akeno and even vaguely by Ise.

Akeno, had her hand on her mouth.

'This is.'

'What kind of Behemoth are we facing?!'

Rias eyes widened in horror!!

How big was the Observable Universe?!!

How infinite was it?

19,6 Billions Light Years!!

Such a distance could make anyone feel despair and insignificance!!

Let's not talk about the Universe, even The Milky Way is a faraway dream for the Devil Race!!

And the Woman is talking about Sci Fi concept like the Multiverse!!

Rias started trembling as she asked as if to confirm:

"Please, your majesty"

"And in how many years did you estimate this objective to be attainable?"

Roygun sighed:

"WellI had estimated beforehand that it would at least take two centuries."

"But in light of recent development, it may not exceed fifty years."

Rias breathing became stagnant. 200 years? 50 years? Some devils seem to sleep longer than that?!!

She then retained her bearing, her eyes became more determined

"If it so"

"Then does your Majesty think that the current political situation of the Underworld is conducive to such development?"

Roygun titled her head:

"Of course not."

"The 72 Pillars system is too old fashioned."

"The New Maous are indeed much more competent than the old ones. But lack vindictiveness and resoluteness"

"Sirzechs is someone who wields power reluctantly as if it was pushed in his hands, while Ajuka's place is in a laboratory."

"I have no comments about the other two, since they are more like assistants than rulers themselves."

"Zekram Bael, is ambitious but not strong nor competent enough to realize his ambitions."

"And other old devils are just about the same."

Her eyes then became cold:

"This why"

"The Majority of Devil Clans will be dissolved."

"And some may be purged."

The words were like a bombshell in the head of the three!


Ise felt his heart turn cold!!

"Didn't you just resurrect the 72 Pillars?"

Roygun's eyes narrowed, her eyes cold and ruthless:

"They have already served their purpose."

"They are a vestige of the past."

"All the old devils who are restraining progress need to be obliterated."

Rias took a deep breath:

"Their purpose"

"From the beginning, your goal wasn't the revival of the 72 Pillars at all!!"

"But the dead devils!!"

Roygun nodded:

"IndeedThe dwindling populations of devils was a problem that needed to be resolved."

She looked deeply at Rias:

"Now, tell me. Rias."

"As, the Heiress of the Gremory Clan."

Rias felt deep and endless coercion from the woman. Powerful Imperial aura was brewing in her eyes:

"Do you think that the future I envision for the devils can be realized by Sirzechs and Ajuka?"

"Can the both of them bring the devils out of the depths of the Underworld to roam the Multiverse unhindered?"

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