Murim Recurve

Chapter 133 - Quest

Re'Kha felt a mild headache as her eyes shot open, squinting under the sharp rays of the morning sun. The weather was hot, while the surroundings were bright. Adding onto all the glass-panelled walls that reflected the sunlight, her eyes hurt.

"Ugh," Re'Kha grunted, feeling pain in her back and heel. She also felt stuffy thanks to the uncomfortably tight clothes she was wearing. Moreover, the layer of coating on her face and the thick perfume on her clothes made her frown, feeling difficulty in breathing.

The scent wasn't something she liked. She was currently positioned at the side of the road, wearing branded clothes, present in a position where she had picked up a pocket makeup kit and had looked into the compact mirror attached to the underside of its lid, intending to check her appearance.

Re'Kha looked at her appearance, noticing that she looked like a woman in her late thirties. Her hair was long and braided, and the bangs on the front made her appearance seem younger than her age.

Mellowed wheatish skin complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair, wide facial structure with slightly puffed cheeks, sported by a sharp jawline, it was an entirely different person.

To her right was a luxury car out of which she had just alighted. It had been parked at the entrance of a building. A chauffeur arrived and took the car, shooting a glance at her through the corner of his eyes as he went about driving the car.

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Her current appearance screamed of a wealthy successful woman who was trying her best to maintain her fading youth. Everything had been happening simultaneously; Re'Kha hadn't even grasped her situation yet.

When she looked at the compact mirror held on her left, its name automatically resounded in her mind as she knew what it was supposed to be used for. It was the same for the handbag hung on her right. Just the sense of touch was enough for all the information pertaining to the bag, the type of items in it, their brand names, their value, their use, etc. resounded in her mind.

It was a seamless transmission of information, as if Re'Kha had been this particular lady from the start. Re'Kha took a step forward, feeling difficulty in walking thanks to the heels worn by the lady. She almost stumbled. Her second step was better as an instinct of sorts guided her actions, making her third step become the same as someone who had a habit of wearing such heels usually.

'I am on earth now.' The thought just popped in her mind when the sounds of a bike whirring into life resounded beside her with great volume, causing her to flinch instinctively. A hand shot forward and grabbed her handbag, pulling it out of her hold using her instinctive action to their advantage.

The dangling earrings on her ears moved in conjunction with the draft caused by the bike; the tyres of the bike scrapped on the road, causing tyre marks as faint smoke was generated. Two people rode on the bike; the driver had his right hand on the accelerator while his left hand had grabbed hold of her handbag.

The left hand of the other guy trailed right behind her butt, only separated by a small distance. It was slowly inching forward as the grin on the guy crept into a wider grin. The ambience changed as the sunlight lost most of its colours.

The world turned black and white, slowing down by one hundred times. The sound from the bike, his action of stealing her handbag, and her instinctive reaction caused the compact mirror in her left hand to fly up.

It slowly rotated in the air, reflecting the surroundings, turning as it showed the figures of the two men on the bike. The scene paned as the face of the lady in her thirties was reflected in the mirror. Everything happened slowly as Re'Kha felt the heightening of her consciousness.

She was able to process information at a faster rate now as a soft sound echoed in her ears.


Letters flashed on her compact mirror, the information in them was registered in her mind instantly.

<Processing partial recognition of the Quest Scenario>

[Quest: Reclaim your belongings from the purse snatchers.]

[Quest Description: Hari and Giri are two lecherous brothers who thrive by snatching the purse of hardworking women. Chase after them and reclaim your belongings before they are sold.]

[Time Limit: Until your exploration ends.]

[Restriction: Usage of Harmoniser power is restricted.]

[Quest Reward: 2 Prana Stones.]

Information pertaining to the quest resounded in her mind as Re'Kha immediately understood the basics of the concepts that revolved around her. Though, it was only limited to the quest. Anything else beyond that would not be fed to her.

Moreover, all the information that was fed to her would vanish the moment she left the Earth. Her eyes moved to the sides as Re'Kha etched the faces of the two thugs in her mind. The black and white ambience turned normal as the speed of flow of the events became real-time once again.

The driver thug laughed boisterously as he had succeeded in snatching the purse of a rich woman. The scene was something that happened in a second. So, Re'Kha was unable to react to something in such a short time frame, even if she had been able to grasp the situation properly when the time was running slow.

The left hand of the other thug slapped her butt and pinched her while he was at it.

"Perky!" The other thug laughed lecherously as he turned his head, making a licking action as he looked at Re'Kha. The two thugs sped on their bike, moving at tremendous speeds, the likes her feet would never be able to catch up to.

Re'Kha caught hold of the compact mirror and closed it, aiming with it as she threw it with all her might. Her arm strength was tremendously weak, incomparable to her actual body. Still, it was barely sufficient to send the compact mirror flying and hit her luxury car the chauffeur had just begun to drive. The sound caused him to stop the car and turn around, noticing the figure of Re'Kha run towards the car, at a speed that was akin to a normal person's jog.

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