Murim Recurve

Chapter 178 - Maturing

"Heart of Burfuna." As the words boomed into her mind, she jolted back to her senses and took a deep breath, "Well, it's the truth."

The Royal Clan was the beating heart of the city while the Four Great Clans under it were its four senses. The Elemental Clans, on the other hand, were its limbs. Together as a whole, they maintain the functioning of the city.

After all, their numbers were few, numbering in the three hundreds per each Clan as compared to the hundreds of thousands among the common populace. So, they were literally part of the governing body, almost all of them.

If she hadn't been ambushed and had to run away in the end, Re'Kha too would have taken up an administrative position by now. Though, it wasn't as if she would be running an organisation or a shop on her own.

She would just be the one calling the shots while everything else would be left in capable hands. And, if her performance wasn't satisfactory, she would be transferred to a different shop or organisation.

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Because of this reason, none of the Clan members would try to make rash decisions and would try their best to develop the shop or organisation they were allotted and try their best to keep it in their hands for as long as possible.

As for the older Clansmen in her Burkurel Re Clan, they had basically been maintaining their shops for almost a decade and had proven themselves enough to permanently maintain it. And in such a fashion, the greater the shops under them performed, the greater the weight they had in their Clan.

And, it was in such a manner her mother managed to become Head of the Burkurel Re Clan's West Lake. Though, if her strength had been lacking, she wouldn't have reached the position in the first place. She would have fallen under the schemes of her fellow Clan members.

After all, they just didn't sit all day and did administrative duties. They also had to move all over the city and its surroundings in the hunt for Sha and beasts that threatened their safety. So, it gave their competitors numerous chances to pull the rug from under them. So, they needed enough strength to protect themselves and deter their foes.

Just the gates alone spanned a width twenty times her height. It was massive. And, positioned to their side was a smaller gate, wide enough for two people to enter side by side. As Re'Kha approached it, the guards standing at the entrance respectfully motioned for her to stop.

They weren't ill-trained guards but were experienced enough to be posted for the important duty. After all, the visitors to the Royal Clan usually were from the Four Great Clans or the Elemental Clans. So, they had to be respectful.

Besides, once they motioned for her to stop, Re'Kha gently removed her hood, displaying the bright blue gem on her Tikka jewellery. For a moment, the guards stared in stunned silence, for this was the first time they saw such bright blue radiance.

Even for them, this was a rarity. After all, there were at most two to three such people in the entire Burfuna City.

"May I know the reason for your visit, my lady?" One of the guards cupped his fists and asked with a tone of respect. He didn't bow, for that would mean he was treating the visitors with enough importance that was greater than the people he served.

That was an act that was disrespecting the Royal Clan. So that's why he was respectful in his tone and actions without going overboard.

"I've come to meet Burfuna Ki'Nha and Burfuna Ki'Nua. Tell them Re'Luk has come to see them." Re'Kha cupped her fists, speaking slowly.

"Please come in," One of the guards showed the way in, motioning for her to enter through the gates. And, the moment she entered, she was directed towards the room on the side. It was the visiting room where guests would wait until the purpose of their visit was confirmed by the designated individuals.

Having known of the details beforehand, Re'Kha didn't say anything much, just smiling as she entered the room and took a comfortable seat. She was waiting as she noticed a guard take his cycle and ride it through the road, proceeding to inform Ki'Nha.

As she was waiting, Re'Kha calculated her breaths. 'One breath takes approximately five seconds. And, if I breathe slowly, it takes around 15-16 seconds. If I take an average of my breaths during my normal time, it comes to around 5 seconds. So, there are 12 breaths per minute.'

As Re'Kha continued to calculate the breaths in terms of the system of units she had learnt on Earth, time passed. After twenty minutes passed in such a fashion, Ki'Nua entered the room, beaming with a wide smile upon seeing Re'Kha, "Sister Re'Luk, you came at the right time."

"Ohh, did something good happen?" Re'Kha smiled as she got up and accompanied the chirpy girl to the outside of the room. After seeing as how the visitor had come with the right reason, the guards relaxed, watching the two girls walk further into the Clan.

"Our house is situated quite close, so we can just walk till there." Ki'Nua smiled.

"That's fine by me too," Re'Kha chuckled, "So, did something good happen?"

As she asked her piece, Re'Kha looked around, noticing how the design of the Royal Clan had combined the layouts of all the Elemental Clans into one. There were overarching bridges atop water canals, large pillars of metal that were placed everywhere, large granite vats with torches spewing out a blazing fire, and some beast rearing area where their dung caused the air to turn static.

The layouts of all the Elemental Clans were mashed into one cohesive whole, creating the perfect environment for the Harmonisers of the Royal Clan that were capable of wielding all four elements.

"Yeah," Ki'Nua laughed as she spun a couple of times while walking, "I'll be maturing sometime around tonight."

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