Murim Recurve

Chapter 180 - The Subtle Strokes Of Blank Space

"This is for training too?" Ki'Nua expressed her confusion, "What does this training do to you, sister?"

"Well," After a moment of thought, Re'Kha smiled, pointing at her back, "Show any number on your finger while standing behind me. I'll state it."

"Really? You can do that?" Even though she was partially in disbelief at the claim, Ki'Nua did as told, standing behind Re'Kha as she pointed four fingers.

"Four," Re'Kha chuckled.

"Awesome," Ki'Nua exclaimed as her eyes widened in surprise. She then showed one finger, watching Re'Kha guess it correctly once again. After thinking, she smiled and gently turned around, facing her back to Re'Kha.

She then showed five fingers, shocked when Re'Kha guessed it correctly once again. She then showed two fingers using her right while covering it with her left. "How much is it now, sister?"

"Hm, you are covering it too much. I can't tell. Is it two?"

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"Right again," Ki'Nua jumped around in shock, expressing her wonder, "Just how did you do it, sister?"

"Well, my master did something to me. After that, I was able to sense this. But, it wasn't this good before. I have been training it constantly, relying on it more than my eyes." Re'Kha chuckled, "Desperation in training often produces results."

"I want to learn it too," Ki'Nua pouted.

"That will depend on whether you can meet my master. He's a mysterious man. I've only met him once." Re'Kha weaved through into the lies to make it believable, sighing, 'Sorry, Ki'Nua. I cannot tell you the whole truth. That would just put your life in danger.'

"Now, leave that aside," She smiled, "You'll meet him if you are fated to meet. I'm hungry now, let's eat something."

"I'll order some sweets. Our new maid is pretty talented in cooking." Ki'Nua said, flexing her arms as if she would be the one to cook.

"I'll look forward to it then," Re'Kha laughed as her expression stilled. Her sudden change in demeanour frightened Ki'Nua, unable to determine the reason as to her change.

Just when she was about to ask, Re'Kha motioned for her to remain silent as veins popped on her forehead; she concentrated fully on her Wind Qi perception. She sat cross-legged on the floor, scouting with better balance without having to fear she would just fall while immersed in her search.

Starting from the ground floor, her sweep covered one place after another, looking for any traces of blank spaces. After all, if it was a blank space, it meant it was fully of Elemental Qi in concentrated forms—of elements different than the one she was perceiving.

And, the sharper the blank space, the greater the concentration of Elemental Qi in them. Normally, it was hard to notice them, after all, they just looked like empty spaces in her grey sand world. So, it was easy to miss them when she searched through a wide scale.

After all, if they were hidden under a leaf, she wouldn't even notice their existence and just gloss over them. After all, her mind was trained to spot the objects or protrusions in anything. So, even if she looked over slowly, she was bound to miss the blank spaces.

It was unless she was searching for them right from the start. In this case, she wouldn't gloss over their existence. And, the moment she used her Wind Qi perception, she hadn't even done much of a sweep when she noticed a blank space.

It was a tiny pebble in a potted plant. It was buried under some similar-looking pebbles. If Re'Kha didn't focus on them, she would have assumed the blank space in it was just because the shape of the pebbles caused them to form such a gap between them.

That was the first one she noticed.

As she continued her sweep, she noticed a similar blank space within a book. It was an old book that probably hadn't been touched in years. But, it had a blank space too, or rather, one of its pages had it.

And in such a fashion, Re'Kha noticed a lot of objects in the house that were blank spaces. And, all these objects were those that were used by wealthy people like the Clansmen of the Royal Clan.

But, they were objects the Clansmen themselves would hardly ever touch. The only ones who touched them would be the servants who would do so to clean them. Therefore, they wouldn't have noticed the concentration of any form of Elemental Qi in them.

Even for a Harmoniser, only after they activated their Elemental Qi perception would they be able to sense the blank space of the objects. And, if it was their respective element, they would be able to sense it clearly. It wouldn't look like a blank space to them.

So, this might have been the reason the household hadn't sensed them yet. Moreover, Re'Kha was startled because of one fact. The painting that Ki'Nua had boasted about too was a blank space.

But unlike the other objects, it wasn't completely a blank space. Most of it was a normal metal. But, some of the subtle indentations, ones that wouldn't normally be accessible to the touch of the fingers due to the lower levels—depressions—and closeness of the surrounding metal, such strokes were blank spaces.

As they couldn't be touched, it wasn't possible to sense their blank spaces. But, as long as the wind could seep into it, Re'Kha could sense them. That was why she noticed the oddity. And now, as she looked at the painting, focusing solely on the indentations forming the blank space while ignoring the rest, her heart shuddered.

For, what Re'Kha could see was the silhouette of something that was a mix between a man and a beast. It was unclear as to what it exactly was, but Re'Kha could feel that whatever it was, would have been the reason for whatever was happening to Ki'Nua.

"Come with me," Re'Kha pulled Ki'Nua with her as they exited the room immediately. As she had been looking through the Wind Qi perception, Re'Kha hadn't been facing the painting, so Ki'Nua was unable to guess as to which object had been the cause.

The two sprinted through the house and appeared at the living room, barging into the study, startling Ki'Nha and her husband who seemed to have been in a political conversation.

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