Murim Recurve

Chapter 207 - 207

As the lady behind the counter handed Re'Kha the metal slab, her hand trembled, "The amount you submitted totals to 21,762 RuQi. Your seat number is printed at the back of the slab."

She then recounted the same explanation she had given to Ki'Nua, finally pointing at the door beside. Followed by a nod, Re'Kha opened the door and entered the path inside. It was a flight of stairs, carpeted to allow silent traversal.

Once Re'Kha had left, the lady behind the counter commented, "These Harmonisers from the Elemental Clans have amassed a lot of money. Once the quality of treasures has increased, they are bringing them out one after another."

"Indeed, this is precisely the reason we are conducting an auction in the first place." Another Harmoniser from behind her commented, "Otherwise, these Elemental Clans would affect the value of our coins as they please."

"Still," The lady behind the counter gazed at the door Re'Kha had passed through, "She seems young but possesses shocking wealth. Does any Elder from the Elemental Clans in our state match her description?"

"No idea. Though, we can obtain a lot of information about her based on her actions in the auction."

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She didn't have to travel much before Re'Kha arrived at the main entrance. It was a spacious passage, at the end of which was the entrance into the auction house. Ki'Nua had already entered, so Re'Kha didn't delay and proceeded through the entrance, gawking in surprise at the sheer size of the auction house.

'This can seat at least 3000 people.' The quantity itself was pretty high. After all, auctions were usually attended by people in the hundreds. There were times when an auction only had participants in the double digits.

Even though she hadn't participated in one before, she did hear some basic information about them. So, Re'Kha wasn't completely clueless about auctions.

A place to seat 3000 people wouldn't be very big. But in this case, because every person had an individual box to be seated within, the space occupied by 3000 seats was massive.

The auction house was shaped like a fan, with the stage set on the tip. And from there, the seats were placed on rings that acted as steps. This way, everyone was able to see the stage clearly. Moreover, the steps were steep.

Each box had a chair meant for one where two people could be seated side by side comfortably. Placed before the chair was a cylindrical platform, and forming an indent on it, shaped into a rectangle was where the metal slab had to be inserted.

And, placed right next to it were four levers. The levers were simple. They could be pulled and pushed. When pulled, each lever would lift a metal plate. And, inscribed on each metal plate was a number.

There were four number plates in total, inscribed with the numbers '1', '10', '100', and '1000' respectively. Except for the front, all other sides of the box were covered. Moreover, the cylindrical platform was placed in such a way no one else would be able to see the number inscribed on the metal slab placed in it.

This was to prevent people from peaking into their box while passing by the entrance in search of their seats. In an auction, the wealth one possessed mattered the most, especially in their auction structure, since no one was able to recharge money once the auction started. Therefore, knowing the money one had brought with them was a tremendous advantage.

That was why steps were taken to ensure nothing of the sort would happen. Plaques were hung at the entrance of every box, dictating their seat numbers. And, as they were arranged in order, it was easy for Re'Kha to locate her seat.

She walked through the narrow path present in every row, leading into all the boxes placed on it. Finally arriving before her box, Re'Kha looked at the plaque, reading in her mind, 'Number 207.'

She seated herself inside, taking out the slab from inside her gown. There was a pocket stitched in the gown, designed especially to hold the metal slab. Moreover, the way it was stitched prevented anyone else from determining the number printed on the metal slab, even through the protrusion.

'Thankfully, everything here is inscribed. So, I don't have to struggle to read.' Re'Kha heaved a sigh in relief, noticing the seat of Ki'Nua, seeing that she was seated in seat number 200.

As for her mother, she was seated in seat number 11. The earlier one arrived at the auction, the nearer to the stage they were allotted a seat. Depending on their preference, people arrived at the auction accordingly.

Auction veterans were precisely able to time themselves and arrive at the exact moment to obtain the seat they desired to be seated at.

After placing her metal slab in its designated socket, Re'Kha relaxed on her chair. In this place, where measures were taken to prevent people from glancing at the metal slabs of others, Re'Kha had the full advantage.

Wind Qi Perception!

Re'Kha expanded her perception, going through the metal slabs of everyone seated around her, proceeding through the lot one after another. Upon seeing the difference in the amount of money they had brought, she relaxed.

But soon, her relaxed posture disappeared as people continued to arrive, bringing with them bigger and bigger denominations. There were even some who brought as much money as her. And upon seeing the way they carried themselves, even though they were covered by a gown, their identities were obvious.

Clan Heads!

Only they were able to match the amount of money Re'Kha had brought with her. Soon, everyone was seated in their respective places as Re'Kha used the pen and paper placed on her chair's armrest to scribble some words.

She used alphabets to dictate the seat numbers of each Clan Head, intending to tally their expenditure. And, upon seeing how Re'Kha wasn't the only person doing this, she wryly smiled, realising the entire auction was one big mental battle.

The Clan Heads hadn't sauntered in their signature gaits without reason. They were simply announcing their presence, deterring others from trying to compete with them for the items they bid. Their actions simply meant one thing: Only fellow Clan Heads were worthy of competing against them in a contest of numbers.

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