My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

The sword flies through the air.

I extended the shield in my left hand to parry the sword that was coming down...


"Too shallow!"

The sword that lightly scraped past the shield and bent continued on, aiming for the lower body.

I quickly swung the longsword in my right hand to counter the attack, but the opponent's assault didn't stop there.

Clang! Clang! Shwaang—

I blocked the continued onslaught with the sword and shield in both hands.

Thanks to the keen intuition honed through sharp training and a body pushed to its limits, I could barely react in time.

Then, at a certain moment,

"This is my chance!"

A momentary opening revealed itself to the opponent swinging the sword.

It wasn't a perfect opening.

If I aimed for it, I would have to endure greater damage myself.

But if I was willing to sacrifice bone for the opportunity to cut flesh!

Without hesitation, I swung the sword...


I was knocked back by the impact pushing against the shield.


"Heh, heh, whew... That was surprising. Are you insane?"

The staggering opponent, pulling one leg, shook his head while catching his breath.

At the last moment, he had stopped swinging the sword and kicked my shield away to create distance.

In the process, he seemed to have exerted himself considerably, as he furrowed his brow and shook his body.

"Hey, let's stop here. Why are you running to your death in a sparring match? Even if we don't fear getting injured, there's a limit."

The senior paladin, who had been the training partner, grumbled.

Upon hearing this, onlookers approached, discussing the battle as if reviewing a combat.

"Heinrich's resilience is truly outstanding. Considering that, isn't this an acceptable combat style?"

"Even so, there's a limit. What's the use of resilience if you take a fatal blow and can't recover?"

"If you can control that aspect well, it seems quite effective. Endure some damage, swiftly defeat the enemy, then recover..."

"Well, if you have enough divine power, it might work. And that guy's divine power... well, everyone acknowledges it. In the end, it'll rise so high that we won't even be able to see his face."

As they said, after a few months since the baptism, my divine power was almost close to the level of an archbishop.

Since the archbishop was responsible for the temple in a small city, it was by no means a low position.

'The bishop responsible for this Talia temple is right above the archbishop. Of course, the gap is significant.'

As you climb higher, the disparity widens in any field.

But lately, I was troubled by the feeling that the growth of my divine power had slowed down.

'It feels like I've reached some kind of limit. To grow further from here, I need to surpass this limit. I still can't grasp it.'

That must be the criterion that distinguishes a paladin from a holy knight.

For now, all I could do was devote myself more to training.

《The Entity has gained enlightenment through repeated training. Acquires the skill "Holy Warrior Combat Tactics."》

It was fortunate that there was progress.

<Entity Information>

- Entity Name: Heinrich

- Common Traits: "Mind Hub," "Persona," "Rapid Recovery," "Enlightment Index"

- Entity Traits: "Sacred Baptism," "Undaunted," "Holy Warrior Combat Tactics"

- Special Note: Connected to Outerica's deity and ley lines, the mana within the body has been replaced by divine power.

Through training that surpasses limits, physical abilities are growing significantly.

Approaching the senior paladin who had been my sparring partner, I nodded respectfully.

"Thank you for the sparring!"

"Oh, yeah. You did well. You've really improved a lot. At first, you were just a guy relying on physical abilities, but it's been a few months, and you've grown this much. Is this talent or what..."

"That's true. Originally, you were someone who believed only in physical abilities, but now, even combat skills are mastered. Now, even the instructors are training with you because ordinary folks can't keep up."

A shower of numerous praises.

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I awkwardly smiled, simply repeating my thanks.

"By the way, didn't you say you aspired to be a holy knight?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Yeah, speaking of it, holy knights who occasionally come to the training ground seem to be keeping an eye on you. If you keep this up, there'll be good news soon."

"Hahaha, I hope so."

Although there was a separate training ground for holy knights, sometimes there were joint exercises to synchronize their movements for real combat preparation.

From the baptism ceremony, I gained attention in training, and even from the so-called 'higher-ups,' I received quite a bit of interest.

To become a holy knight, I needed to show outstanding skills among the paladins, so it was a welcome opportunity for me.

And a few days later, it quickly became apparent that the senior's words were not empty.

"What? To the Roselia Grand Temple?"

Roselia Grand Temple.

The central sanctuary of the Outerica deity in the heart of the Ion Continent, one of the largest among the few grand temples in Outerica.

It was the heart of the sect where the Pope and the Holy Maiden resided.

I received an offer to go there together.

"Yeah, if they're planning to take you to the main headquarters, they must really think highly of you. They might be planning to nurture you for sure?"

The senior paladin who came to convey the message scratched the back of his head.

As he said, this was a significant opportunity.

An opportunity to move beyond the borders of the Talia Kingdom and onto a larger stage.

"First, they want to hear your opinion. After all, it's leaving your hometown. The distance between the main headquarters and here isn't short, and it might be hard to come back to your hometown unless absolutely necessary."

For me, who was originally not from here, it didn't matter much.

Of course, as someone who lied about his place of origin, it was not something I could easily say.

"It's okay. I don't have any family left here anyway. Moreover, a grand temple! It's like a dream from the perspective of serving the deity. I really want to go!"

"Yeah, you thought well. This is a really good opportunity. I'll report like that. Get yourself ready."

After that, the paladin left to report, expressing envy for going to the grand temple and lamenting that he would like to go someday, but it was difficult due to family matters.

"Roselia Grand Temple..."

A place far away from here, on the western outskirts of the continent.

The anticipation of seeing a broader world of Outerica made my heart race.


The Immortal King Subjugation Force has disbanded.

Although they fought more against vampires and dark wizards than the descendant of the Immortal King, it was still a task that continued for several months and couldn't be ignored.

After a brief farewell gathering, everyone returned to their respective positions.

The overall commander, Archbishop Latius, and his assistant, Paladin Tooskin.

Seven high-ranking combat priests under the command of a bishop.

Ten members of the Silver Winged Holy Knight Order under Tooskin.

And one accompanying holy knight.

They were the ones leaving the Talia Kingdom.

"Whoa... Are you the Heinrich, the holy knight? Indeed, a devout young man."

"Aspiring to be a holy knight? Do you have any thoughts of walking the path of a priest?"

"What are you saying! Your divine power is excellent, aside from just being divine power. If you continue to work hard, you can become an outstanding holy knight."

"I heard from the training ground that you have perseverance and exceptional talent. You might even become a paladin."

I stood with a group of people over twenty, politely responding to those who showed interest in me.

The priests and holy knights here were all equivalent to high-ranking positions.

Based on faith in the deity, divine power was granted, and the stronger it was, the higher one could climb in rank.

High-ranking positions had to have strong faith, so corruption was unlikely.

Therefore, the organization didn't worry about spies or the like.

This was also one of the reasons why Heinrich could easily become part of the organization.

If someone had ulterior motives or became corrupt, weakening their faith, it would show in their divine power.

That was why the Central Temple became the de facto single religion.

'I am in an exceptionally exceptional situation. Well, since the deity knows, I suppose it's allowed?'

So, those who desired to be holy knights or combat priests were given some freedom.

This was also one of the reasons why I wanted to become a holy knight—to spread the will of the deity while traveling the world.

While conversing, the door on one side opened, and Archbishop Latius and Paladin Tooskin entered.

"Is everyone ready? Since the teleportation is prepared, let's move now."

With Tooskin's words, we moved deeper into the temple.

Having packed only light belongings as instructed, I simply followed along.

And the place we arrived at was somewhat expected.

'From the western tip to the center of the continent... Given the transportation situation here, if we were to go by land, it might take several months. It was expected since the moment they said only a small number of people were being urgently dispatched.'

An arched stone gate made of white marble in a vast space.

The white stone gate was adorned with beautiful golden decorations, and the golden waves starting from the gate spread to illuminate the surroundings faintly.

-...So the shepherd said, "Let the faithful servants have the strength to convey His words." With a step, crossing the mountains, and with two steps, crossing the seas...

-...Spread His will to everywhere, and with this command, the earth folded, allowing it to go anywhere. The eyes look a thousand miles away, and the feet tread a thousand miles...

No, upon closer inspection, it was a prayer text finely engraved with gold leaf.

Each one depicted miracles ignoring the constraints of distance and space.

"Let's begin."

As we entered, after exchanging nods with the priests guarding the place, they immediately began reciting prayers, and the golden prayers began to glow from the outside to the center stone gate.

The radiant golden glow surrounding the stone gate and the blue whirlwind that emerged from the center, creating a beautiful spectacle.

It was still a phenomenon that Heinrich couldn't understand with his limited knowledge of the Holy Laws.

A new power that couldn't be grasped even with Hans's knowledge of "Black Magic" or Heinz's "Blood Magic."


With a small vibrating sound, the blue whirlwind in the center gradually expanded, filling the inside of the stone gate.

And the golden light that had been illuminating the surroundings gradually faded away.

A quietly vibrating blue gate.

"Then let's move."

With the words of the archbishop, everyone moved through the door as if it were a familiar sight.

'Well, when we came here, it was like this. Am I the only one seeing this for the first time?'

Having exchanged farewells with Bishop Cromville, the person in charge of the Talia Temple, the group disappeared one by one beyond the gate.

Finally, my turn approached...

Without hesitation, I threw myself into the blue whirlwind.

'Farewell, Talia Kingdom! I depart in search of new lands!'

Beyond this gate, the sacred center of the continent, the sanctuary, awaited me!


Although I confidently crossed the threshold, the place awaiting me wasn't the sanctuary.

It was the temple of Sharoti Kingdom, located northeast of the Talia Kingdom.

I heard that crossing half the continent in one go was quite challenging.

"There's no urgent reason to return quickly now. We plan to move steadily and divide the journey."

"Ah, I see."

Thanks to this, with the luxury of taking a break each day, I was touring the city with the youngest holy knight in the group.

Perhaps considering that I was seeing the world outside Talia for the first time, he volunteered to be my guide.

After a few days, "This is the last one. Everyone, prepare yourselves before entering the sanctuary."



Crossing the blue whirlwind.

Finally, we arrived at the Roselia Grand Temple in the sanctuary.

The first thing I saw was a teleportation space, not much different from other temples.

And gathered on one side were priests in uniform.

"Welcome. You've all worked hard during this time."

A girl standing among the priests stepped forward, smiling as she greeted us.

Bright silver hair and sparkling golden eyes that scattered the surrounding light.

Just her appearance brightened up the surroundings.

'No, isn't it because of the lighting? Wait, is that actually a halo?'

It was the first meeting with Hatiannus, the Saint of the Roselia Grand Temple in the Central Temple.


"Heinrich has laid the foundation for stable growth, now all that's needed is time."

Upon reflection, going to the sanctuary was indeed fortunate. It allowed me to visit cities along the way.

After reaching a certain level of growth, I would be able to travel freely around the continent under the pretext of missionary work.

'As a respected holy knight by all!'

It had been quite frustrating for Hans, who couldn't step forward in front of people, and for Heinze II, who had to hide timidly.

Now, such a life was goodbye.

"I should start disposing of these now that we're here."

I looked proudly into the storage room.

Various precious metals, including gold bars, piled up in the corner.

It was the reward for my hard work.


Heinz, who had silently appeared, took some of the precious metals into his bracelet-shaped magical space device.

The bracelet was one of the treasures found in the vampire mansion.

Although its capacity was only about one bag, its convenience made it a favorite.

'Since it's a magical space device, it's rare.'

Heinze, who took the precious metals, headed towards the window.

It was well past 10 p.m., an excellent time for activity.

Heinz, who opened the window, disappeared into the darkness of the night.

The decision on how to dispose of them had already been made.

We hadn't just been idling while Heinrich was working hard.

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