My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

While feeding, a rush of Gamma's unfairness, anger, and frustration flooded in, but... Well, it doesn't matter now.

'Concealment was the bloodline's ability. Does that mean mental manipulation is an innate skill?'

The reason for not detecting Gamma's presence, the superior secrecy of the barrier, was thanks to this "concealment."

'Good, isn't it? It's the best in the current situation.'

Now that I could better hide my own energy, I could more securely conceal being a vampire.

Even if someone stronger than me came along, they wouldn't easily figure out my true identity.

It would be useful for both stealth and assassination positions.

'Above all, being able to conceal traces of kin consumption is significant.'

Vampires are sensitive to blood.

Didn't Gamma immediately sense Heinz's blood scent and approach?

But if traces of consuming kin remained, I would likely be attacked even before a conversation could take place.

<Individual Information>

- Name: Heinz 2nd

- Species: Vampire (Pureblood)

- Common Traits: "Mind Hub," "Persona," "Enlightenment Index"

- Individual Traits: "Blood Kin (Pureblood)," "Hybrid Evolution," "Acceleration," "Regeneration," "Blood Magic," "Penetration," "Concealment"

- Notable Information: Through the blood of a vampire from another dimension, the internal vampire factor underwent multiple evolutions. All physical abilities, magical techniques, and skills have significantly grown. Due to the influence of "Mind Hub," there is no mental contamination.

Unfortunately, I couldn't immediately become a true vampire.

Perhaps qualitatively, I had grown significantly, but the absolute quantity of the vampire factor was insufficient.

Still, my combat capabilities would not lag far behind a true vampire.

While Heinz was sorting out what he had gained, Hans was attempting necromancy at the location where the vampires had died.

Necromancy involved summoning the souls of the deceased, a dark magic.

It was a regrettable but necessary method to gather information.

[Grrrr... What nonsense is this? Kin consumption... Strength... My origin... Grrrr…]

[I don't want to die like this. How long do I have to hide and live? Strength.]

The reason Hans had not used necromancy much before was this.

Spirits could only engage in fragmented thoughts, such as strong memories or final resentments.

The more negative emotions left in the thoughts, the larger the attachment of the soul, eventually becoming an evil spirit.

Getting information from these spirits was not an easy task.

It's easier and more certain to directly probe the brain to read memories.

[That extreme, kek! To gain... power. Research, research!]

Of course, it was difficult but not impossible.

Hans induced the direction of thought by inflicting appropriate pain on Gamma's spirit using dark magic, leading to the desired information.

[Kehk... Research, cooperation. Support... techniques of the Cheonhwehoe! Promise... Beta…]

All summoned spirits were interrogated, but for this incident, Gamma seemed to be in charge, and the others knew very little.

They followed his will for the sake of power.

The influence of covertly used mental manipulation was likely there.

[Rather, is it the Abyssal Conclave(Cheonhwehoe) again? Supporting the militant faction of the Blood Covenant with technology, but for what gain?]

Hans tried to further interrogate Gamma, but there was no more information on that matter.

It seemed like a promise of cooperation in exchange for support, and detailed conversations hadn't taken place yet.

[Is this 'Beta'... his superior? Seems like there's a limit to how far the line extends. Well, considering the scale, it's unlikely that a guy of this level would act alone.]

He would be one of the leaders of the Blood Covenant's militant faction.

If there's a rational deduction for an 'Alpha,' there might be an association with him as well.

'I'll find out from now on.'

Heinz entered the corner of the room where the unconscious Jinsol had been moved.

She still hadn't regained consciousness, lying there.

"But this room...?"

Heinz looked around with an uneasy expression.

The room was cluttered with various occult elements – magic circles drawn in blood, skulls with gold-pattern engravings, and all sorts of colorful trinkets.

It was beyond Heinz's ability to grasp that some aspects of blood magic were included.

[Oh-ho, this is a new discovery.]

Of course, this did not apply to Hans.

As Hans entered the room, he admired his surroundings.

The remnants of dark magic used throughout the room were dissected through "Vile Wisdom" and analyzed with "Forbidden Knowledge."

However, there wasn't just one or two other practices associated with dark magic in this place.

[Sorcery and curses... is this 'Ein Soph Aur' from the Kabbalah? And they've used Qimen Formation as well. There are quite a few systems I'm not familiar with. To weave together so many magical practices…]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While Hans was an expert in dark magic, his expertise had reached such an extreme that his perception of magic itself was different.

Through his activities in the vigilante group, he had encountered enough magical practices from various worlds to have sufficient insight into how they were used.

'I never imagined something like this could be possible.'

Currently, Earth was filled with individuals who had acquired various technologies and mysteries from countless worlds.

There were those who learned technology from more advanced civilizations and others who delved deep into magical engineering.

These returnees had appeared about 20 years ago.

However, magical artifacts were still rare, and technological advancements were not as dramatic as expected.

How could this be?

'It's because the laws applied in each dimension are different.'

From the elements that make up the world to the physical laws occurring in the microcosmic realm, everything adhered to its own set of rules.

'Among them, the most extreme case is undoubtedly magic.'

While physical laws had some external similarities, the laws of magic were entirely arbitrary.

Moreover, since it was energy from different dimensions in the first place, it was impossible to pass on to others or scientifically study.

'It's a power that doesn't even exist on Earth and can't be used.'

Except for magically stabilized artifacts from other dimensions, the exception was when a returnee directly used magic.

The returnee himself was a conduit that favored the laws of his world.

'That's why Hans could use dark magic on Earth.'

When activating the established barrier, a returnee had to be at the center, serving as a conduit.

The development of magical engineering was impractical.

'Excluding the magically stabilized artifacts from other dimensions, there's only one exception – when a returnee directly uses magic.'

Even if one was a skilled artisan in another world, materials conforming to the laws of the origin world were needed to create a magical artifact that operated independently.

Most items on Earth were brought directly by returnees, making magical artifacts rare.

The current scenery in this room was like combining programs from different dimensions, tearing them apart, and integrating them into a single system – all adjusted to Earth's environment.

[This should make anyone proud.]

Hans admired his surroundings.

Although there remained a limitation requiring a returnee to activate it, just achieving this much was a remarkable feat.

Even for Hans, it was only possible with the assistance of "Vile Wisdom" and "Forbidden Knowledge" – limited to the category of dark magic.

[Hmm... but it seems like something's missing. Could this be the end?]

Certainly impressive, but it felt incomplete.

While it looked intricate, the enchantment was still unstable, and in such a precarious state, it couldn't safely remove the consciousness of the bloodsucker.

[Even if additional processes are applied here... considering that, the enchantment itself is too unstable.]

One could tell without trying it firsthand.

Even Hans's "Vile Wisdom," at the pinnacle of dark magic, revealed its glaring flaws.

It might seem effective immediately, but it was a time bomb that could explode at any moment.

'At this level, it seems like it could be triggered with just a slight trigger... unbelievable.'

The organization that supported this research was mentioned as the Abyssal Conclave(Cheonhwehoe).

They likely contributed significantly to gathering and improving magical practices from various dimensions.

The detonation button for this time bomb was clenched in their hands.

'Ha! Those guys are causing quite a stir in various places.'

Moreover, their capabilities seemed beyond imagination.

Gathering and modifying necessary magical practices to blend them together wasn't something anyone could do.

'I wish there were more information...'

In hopes of finding other clues, I immediately summoned the undead to search the entire building.

As a bonus, I also get some of their research results.

In a shared world, it seemed only fair to benefit together.

While Hans explored the interior of the building, gathering useful items and immersing himself in information gathering...

Heinz approached Jinsol, sprawled in the middle of the room.

The injuries from the fierce battle with the vampires had already healed, and there were no traces of blood.

'She even collected blood for self-healing while unconscious?'

Despite not being able to witness her fighting at full strength due to losing consciousness, she seemed to be a much stronger vampire than expected.

Heinz immediately used the newly acquired "Penetration" on her.

'Hmm, this... it might take some time to get used to.'

I had hoped for neatly organized information, much like a status window.

However, what I felt was closer to the distribution of an abstract aura.

The vibrant crimson energy moving actively within her body and...

'But strangely blurry. As if something is obscurely veiled... Ah! This is 'Concealment,' right?'

Currently weakened due to unconsciousness, it was still the remnants of the 'Concealment' aura that Gamma had stripped away.

The opaque energy covering her entire body made everything, even the crimson energy, appear hazy.

'Does this woman also possess bloodline abilities like Gamma? From the same dimension?'

For some reason, she seemed oddly unagitated.

Most of the emotions were close to hostility, but either way, this woman was a crucial figure for approaching the blood alliance.

She appeared quite capable, and as long as she moved according to my intentions, it would be more than satisfactory.


Clatter, clatter!

Outside the room, undead following Hans's orders noisily ransacked the interior.

'Hmm, waking her up here would be difficult, huh?'

Heinz, with clenched fists, looked down at her.

Tied into a ponytail, her long, black hair scattered on the floor, pale and transparent skin contrasting with crimson lips and long eyelashes – every element blended with the inhuman charm of a vampire, radiating overwhelming beauty.

'Alright, let's go with the concept of a knight rescuing a sleeping princess.'

Heinz picked her up.

Having never lifted an adult woman before, I couldn't tell if she was light or heavy, but under my overwhelming strength, it felt incredibly light.

'More importantly, where would be a good stage...'

Of course, creating a scenario was a priority, but for now...



With a peculiar groan, Jinsol's eyes blinked open.

Knowing through "Penetration" that she was slowly waking up, Heinz, with a mask on, casually looked at the adjacent seat.

"Now you're finally awake."


A sleek sports car smoothly raced down the road. It was the new steed generously donated by Gamma to Heinz.

"Um... What happened here...?"

Confused, Jinsol looked around the driver's seat at Heinz, who was driving, and then examined the interior of the vehicle before starting to inspect her own body.

Except for minor wear and tear due to the battle, there was nothing wrong.

"I thought I died without a chance to move... Uh, you're the one who was there earlier, right? Do you know what happened?"

Unlike her interaction with Gamma, Jinsol now displayed a significantly polite attitude.

"Well, I was lucky. Seized an opportunity and swiftly got out. Looking at the situation, it seems you're a victim too, so I brought you along."

"Luck? In that situation?... Could you elaborate a bit more?"

Jinsol asked cautiously, slightly furrowing her brow.

After all, having experienced the situation firsthand, this simple explanation might not convince her.

"Hahoe mask, have you heard of it?"

"Hahoe mask... Yes, I've heard of it. It's said to attack not only criminals but also organizations. Could it be...?"

"Yes, Hahoe mask appeared there," Heinz calmly continued, weaving a fabricated tale.

The chaos caused by Hahoe mask's sudden attack had thrown their base into disarray.

Taking advantage of their fierce clash, Heinz seized the opportunity, securing the unconscious Jinsol and making a swift escape.

In the process, he fortuitously used Gamma's stolen car keys for a seamless getaway.

"Wow, you really had incredible luck," she murmured in a dazed voice.

Despite her expression, Heinz confidently nodded.

"Uh, but who's that person...? No! I mean, thank you! It must have been challenging to escape alone amid all that chaos, let alone going out of your way to rescue me."

The initial confusion in her mind, just after waking up, seemed to have cleared up somewhat.

She bowed her head, expressing gratitude for the unexpected rescue.

"I'm sorry. My mind was a mess, and I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jinsol, affiliated with the Blood Alliance. I'm a level 6 from Nokternia, and we discovered evidence that the Wolfpack, including Doo Hansu's gang, kidnapped our crew members..."

As she earnestly explained, she suddenly paused.

After a moment of hesitation, she continued, stumbling over her words.

"So, I... Um, well, went to confront them because my close colleagues said they would help. Although we were in different crews, we belonged to the same moderate faction. But then... Yeah, it turned out like this."

Jinsol concluded her shaky explanation, lowering her head.

It was evident that being betrayed by those she considered comrades was a significant shock.

Uncertain of what comforting words to offer, I silently observed the surroundings, maintaining a thoughtful silence.

"That's how it happened! Still, I'm grateful for getting out of there safely! We exposed the traitors, and we've identified that scoundrel's plot. They say hardships lead to good fortune, right?"

She tried to lighten the mood with forced cheerfulness.

She went on to share her optimistic views, claiming that reporting to higher-ups and dealing with those connected to that scoundrel would bring an end to their troubles.

'Well, I wonder if it'll be resolved so easily.'

Considering the scale of the issue, it seemed like even the upper echelons of the hardliners were involved.

Raising the issue might only lead to internal strife, not a peaceful resolution.

'Of course, I won't just let it slide.'

After all, an intact organization was preferable for my consumption.

'Overthrow the hardliner leadership, seize control of the Blood Alliance led by the moderates.'

The first step toward that happy ending would be using Jinsol.

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