My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

In the quiet dusk as the sun began to set, I found myself once again engaging in proper greetings with the clan members of this place.

While searching for clues about the disturbance, I noticed Jinsol talking to someone.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now, right?"

"Yes. It seems like everyone is being cautious since it's a delicate matter."

"Sigh... Can't be helped. Alright then."

"Alright, I'll take my leave."

As her conversation partner disappeared, Jinsol, left alone, stared at the ground, her face wrinkling with contemplation.

Heinz, observing her for a moment, approached.

"Seems like something's not going well."

"Oh! Mr. Heinz. You came?"

"Yeah, what's going on? Your face tells quite a story."

She awkwardly smiled, avoiding eye contact before finally exhaling deeply and opening up.

"It's not exactly a secret, and since you're involved, you should know. Remember the report I made to my superiors?"

"About the Gamma faction preying on their own kind?"

"Yes, that's it. An investigation team was sent, but they couldn't find any evidence. It seems everything was burned down by the time they arrived after the attack. It's a sensitive issue, so they can't move without evidence."

She couldn't continue, displaying a troubled expression.

Having worked hard without making any progress was frustrating.

'I may have gone a bit too far to erase Heinz's traces.'

In a world where various magical techniques existed, I thoroughly dealt with Heinz's cannibalism by using Hans's hellfire filled with dark magic.

The entire building's interior was obliterated.

'In fact, it looks fine from the outside, but inside, it's completely melted away. It could collapse at any moment. Moreover, the influence of dark magic makes any exploration impossible.'

I felt sorry for what I did, but since there was little chance things would go as I wished, it was the best option.

More importantly, different information was crucial now.

"Huh? Where is the stronghold of the hardliners?"

It was an unexpected question, and Jinsol seemed flustered.

"Well, um, may I ask why you're inquiring...?"

She seemed anxious, as if wondering if I had changed my mind during this time of turmoil.

Given the pacifist nature of the moderate faction, there was a lack of military strength, especially since two strong members betrayed and left yesterday.

Because of that, she was one of those who welcomed Heinz's joining more than anyone else.

"After experiencing yesterday's events, it seems like these guys are even more dangerous than I thought. Since things turned out this way, we should at least know their whereabouts to avoid any further harm, right?"

"Oh! That's true! We should be careful until everything is resolved. I'll make sure to warn our crew members again."

Jinsol nodded in agreement, accepting the vague excuses.

She willingly shared all the information she knew about the stronghold of the hardliners.

"Ah... Since my phone got destroyed, could you turn on the map app? I'll mark what I know for you."

She worked hard, almost excessively.

As the alliance was composed of various factions, detailed information about each other was scarce.

However, through periodic interactions, she knew enough about those nearby.

"Alright. This is what I know for now. Is there anything else you need?"

"No, it's fine. Thanks for your help."

The rest could be figured out by delving into those guys' minds.

Just select those who already had acquired vampires and hand them over to Hans.

However, while looking at Jinsol, who was smiling brightly ahead, I suddenly remembered the information I learned in the morning.

"Are you planning to broadcast from now on?"

"Uh... what?!"

A bewildering response came back as if she had bitten her tongue.

"Uh... did you know...?"

She blushed gradually from the tips of her ears, but it was probably proper to pretend not to know in this situation.

"I knew from the beginning. Orchid, right?"

"Uh... Well... I guess you recognized me even though I looked quite different from the broadcast. It's the first time hearing it in person, so it's a bit embarrassing..."

Jinsol tried to find composure by twirling her hair with her fingers.

Although her face turned red from ear to neck, I decided not to mention it.

"Uh... by any chance, did you watch my broadcast? Surely not as a follower? You didn't even subscribe?!"

Her voice, initially embarrassed, became louder towards the end, excitedly throwing the words.

Seemed like meeting viewers abruptly made her quite nervous.

"No, I just remembered seeing it on the internet and briefly looked it up."

"Oh, you saw it online~ That's a relief."

Her expression was subtly a mix of relief and disappointment.

"But it's definitely a good method. You can engage in social activities without meeting face-to-face. How did you start doing this?"

"Um... I used to be a trainee idol, you know, before going to the other world. I had to quit due to some unpleasant incidents, but when I returned with difficulty, I felt regretful."

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So, she started broadcasting to follow the public's interest.

She added that during the broadcasts, she did her makeup to resemble how she looked before becoming a vampire.

"Weren't you exposed to the Ability Management Bureau after returning? It must have been a few months of a gap at least."

"There wasn't such a system when I awakened. It seemed to have been established shortly after my return..."

She answered with a wry smile.

But there was one thing I was curious about.

"If you went to the other world after quitting as a trainee... how old are you now?"

"Oh, I awakened at 18. I quit school to become an idol, so it wasn't widely known around. Now, I'm 22."

She was older than me.

I tried to maintain a dignified expression while subtly avoiding her gaze.

It seemed a bit awkward to treat her with such respect now.

"Wait, didn't you spend several years in this world?"

"That's right."

"Then you should include that period to calculate your actual age..."

"I'm 22."

She continued to smile brightly, cutting off my words.


"I'm 22. Want to see my ID?"

"No, it's fine. Age is usually counted based on the birth year."

I reluctantly accepted her smiling face with a gleaming expression.

Yeah, age must be an important issue. I was too careless about it.

"Well then, good luck. I'll be on my way. Contact me if anything comes up."

Not all crew members live in one place.

Although it's recommended for safety, those with separate homes were fine gathering when needed.

'Now, where should I visit first?'

I looked at the map app, feeling like I was deciding what to pick from a buffet.


Late at night.

"Cough... cough, you... even after all this, you think you can escape unscathed..."


Considerable commotion erupted from a home in a high-end apartment, but no one seemed to notice.

''Concealment' is useful in many ways.'

I would ambush unsuspecting vampires, causing fatal damage, and set up concealment fields in the surroundings to eliminate any signs of combat.

It was Heinz's main skill that allowed him to hunt vampires solo.

'I owe a lot to Gamma. He has been so generous, providing not only 'Concealment' but also Heinz's new sports car, and various magical tools and research facilities for Hans's extradimensional space. There's no shortage of generosity here.'

Thanks to these resources, the work was more comfortable than ever.

Heinz, sucking the blood of a subdued vampire, planned the next target.

Based on information received from Jinsol, Hans and Heinz attacked the gathering place of the hardliner crew.

The suppression of internal personnel was quickly completed, and Hans delved into the minds of some seemingly clever individuals.

Newly acquired information.

'Those who belong to the crew but don't live in their stronghold. Since the attack information hasn't been transmitted, it's a good opportunity to crush those who are complacent.'

The two scattered and were each eliminating their targets.

'Collecting new vampires. Due to the influence of the special skill 'Blood Fusion Evolution,' the individual's blood control is enhanced.'

Comparing with Hans, Heinz was still inferior, but he was by no means weak.

Although still having some pure blood due to the shortage of new vampires, considering the power of the evolved factor, his combat capabilities were on par with noble blood.

'And now, there isn't much left. Maybe the next one will be the last.'

Feeling the cells throughout my body evolving further, I observed the turmoil within.

The power of a vampire who seemed to have reached a certain limit and the boiling inner power were felt.

"Let's tidy up here and move on."

Heinz summoned the newly acquired power.

Both palms tore open, creating wounds, and from there, a mist of blood sprayed out.


Blood scattered in all directions.

And then, from the blood-stained place, beautiful red flowers bloomed.


Burning and rising, a blood-red flower garden spread around with a dazzling display.

Before coming here, I acquired the skill 'Blood Blaze' by attacking the stronghold of the hardliners.

The flaming flowers of blood didn't emit smoke or heat, only consuming the interior of the house before quickly disappearing.

It was a destructive flame that, unless the caster desired, wouldn't extinguish and would solely burn the target—a skill called 'Blood Blaze.'

'Well, that's still not very useful if there's a significant power gap.'

The former user's 'Blood Blaze' was extinguished like a candle in Hans's overwhelming dark magic.

'Physical traces were incinerated with 'Blood Blaze,' and magical traces were concealed with 'Concealment,' so this should be enough.'

The night was still long, and there were plenty of prey.


"Finally achieved the goal."

After much effort, the reward comes. Finally reached the desired outcome.

[Collecting new vampires. Due to the influence of the special skill 'Blood Fusion Evolution,' enlightenment has been gained. Acquiring the skill 'Blood Circulation Amplification.']

[The individual has achieved the conditions for growth. The special skill 'Blood Kin (Pure Blood)' evolves into 'Blood Kin (Noble Blood).']

[The individual's recovery ability has surpassed its limits. The skill 'Regeneration' evolves into 'Super Regeneration.']

All senses expanded.

The world became sharply defined, and things that were previously beyond the range of perception started to be detected.

Heat became visible, and the ability to smell sounds became possible.

Detecting waves through the skin, the surroundings came alive with scents.


Empathy senses evolved.

The sensory overload felt immediately after evolution quickly stabilized.

'If it weren't for getting used to experiencing various senses through 'Avatar,' it would have been tough for a while.'

It still felt a bit confusing now.

The side effects of rapid growth, most likely.

Ordinary Noble Blood probably adapted to power gradually over an extended period.

"Phew~ Haah..."

While taking a deep breath and adapting to the new senses, Heinz's reflection in the room's mirror caught the eye.

'...I probably won't be able to find my original appearance now.'

Pale skin, sharp eyes, a cold and lethal atmosphere lingering subtly—an enchanting figure.

Thanks to the adjustments made through 'Blood Fusion Evolution' acquired some time ago, it was now difficult to find any resemblance between the current appearance and the original.

After briefly admiring the handsome man in the mirror, I shifted my gaze and moved my body to adapt to the senses while confirming the new ability acquired through the recent hunt.

The newly acquired 'Blood Circulation Amplification' enhanced both physical and recovery abilities—a buff skill.

Already, through successive evolutions, physical strength had skyrocketed, and with this ability, Heinz could likely tear apart most opponents barehanded.

'But the 'Regeneration' skill evolved again. With this level of enhancement, just standing still and taking hits would make it nearly impossible to die, wouldn't it?'

I calmly raised my right index finger.

Around the fingernail, red blood emerged and solidified into sharp and firm claws.

'Blood control has increased. It absorbs blood magic more efficiently.'

With these razor-sharp claws, I extended my left arm.


Blood sprayed momentarily.

The scattered blood paused in mid-air, then, as if reversing time, was sucked back into the arm's wound.

In an instant, there was no trace of any injury on Heinz's left arm.

"The synergy between the blood control of Noble Blood and 'Super Regeneration' is formidable."

While there was a slight expenditure of energy in the regeneration process, it was negligible compared to the effects.

'What if I absorb and recover from the blood spilled on the battlefield?'

Not only the blood scattered on the battlefield but also the blood flowing from an opponent's wounds could potentially be utilized.

While it might not be possible to control the blood inside someone else's body due to their mana and spirit being intertwined...

'No, if I become a Holy Blood, perhaps that could be possible.'

Holy Blood is a belief akin to faith among the Autérica vampires.

It won't be easily attainable.

'When has it ever been easy?'

Certainly, there was no thought of giving up just because it was challenging.

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