My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

"Ah, indeed, just as the rumors said, this is very high-quality pepper. The processing is clean too."

"The feedback from those who have used it directly is also very good. Even the high-ranking ones are all satisfied, I hear."

"With this quality, if we sell it well, we'll not only make a profit, but it'll also be perfect for building connections."

Hubert's business was progressing smoothly.

The pepper, fully packed in the subspace magical tool, sold out in no time despite its high price.

Sending samples to the nearby major commerce guilds early on and establishing various connections worked out well.

'Of course, during this, we also made use of Halli's services to ensure that the other party couldn't act recklessly.'

The formal thank-you message sent to the mercenary guild through the Church greatly contributed to raising Halli's fame.

As he became more famous, the frequency of disputes increased, but that too became a new marketing tool.

'Those who dared to pick a fight with the fearsome-looking Halli must have been somewhat famous themselves. And to think he beat them with his bare hands...'

Halli, having become a well-known figure in the Tarak mercenary world.

With such a person as a business partner, Hubert's company also received its fair share of attention.

'With good products and reasonable prices, marketing using limited quantities, and the credibility that comes with a famous name. It would be strange if it failed.'

Thanks to Halli, external interference could also be blocked.

Large forces, including major commerce guilds, inevitably had to maintain connections with the Church.

They learned through their networks that Halli was indeed receiving attention from the upper echelons of the Church, and naturally, they gave up on the idea of messing with Hubert's company.

From their perspective, it was more of a loss to get on the bad side of the Church just for swallowing up a small business.

And for those without such information networks...

"Ugh... Please, forgive me..."

In a dark alley.

Rough-looking men were sprawled about like trash.

"Halli, this guy's asking for forgiveness?"

A burly man with tattoos all over his face grabbed one of the troublemakers by the neck and shook him before turning to speak to someone else.

"Forgiveness? How lightly they must have seen us to ask for forgiveness now?"

"Such ones need to be crushed from the start so they don't dare to crawl back. I'll show you an example."

Reacting before Halli were two similarly tattooed and burly figures.

Once rivals, now as close as brothers, the southern warriors.

The largest among them, Luwang, with a scar near his eye, Dao, and Turaba, with a face full of hair, were stamping down on the troublemakers attempting to mess with Hubert's company.

'Of course, they're not working for free. They're earning plenty, so there's no need to be frugal here.'

Having reliable and controllable manpower was a benefit in itself.

If a few coins could lead to active cooperation, all the better.

"Hmm, now that you mention it, doesn't Halli's impression seem a bit changed?"

"Do you think so too? I feel like he's become more approachable than before."

"Isn't that just because we've become closer over time?"


The conversation, which came out of nowhere while moving to grab a drink after finishing work, made Halli feel inevitably self-conscious.

'I've been changing it little by little hoping no one would notice...'

Indeed, his facial structure was subtly changing to the extent that it was different from the beginning.

Having met three locals from the south, it was an opportunity to naturally absorb their characteristics.

Halli's face was being adjusted daily, slightly more towards the racial features of the southern people.

"Ahahaha! That's all because we've become that much closer! Now we really feel like brothers!"

Halli laughed heartily, smoothly changing the subject as if it was nothing.

And inside the tavern they entered, they chatted noisily, exchanging various conversations.

Most topics were about the southern region, offering very useful information based on the locals' vivid experiences.

"So, once you leave the south, it's difficult to get inscriptions. Shamans mostly don't try to leave that place."

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"There are times when you encounter them elsewhere, though, and if you prove your qualifications and pay the price, you can get new inscriptions."

Among their discussions was also content about the 'inscriptions' they often talked about.

"There are times when fools try to get inscriptions that are beyond their status, but usually, the shaman would take care of it by sending them away or something."

"It happens occasionally. Those who aren't satisfied unless things go their way."

There were cases where inscriptions were forcibly marked on the body through threats, persuasion, bribery, deception, and so forth.

"It's not for no reason that a proof of qualification is necessary."

Inscriptions were not mere tattoos.

They were a branch of mystery that intertwined the life force and mana flowing through the body with the deeds accumulated by the person.

'Is it a kind of bio-magical circle that strengthens the body?'

Inscriptions not suitable for one's status could not only reduce lifespan but also lead to muscle loss, reduced vitality, aging, and even hair loss among various side effects.

"That's why in the south, if you don't have at least one inscription, you're not recognized as a warrior. It means you don't even meet the basic qualifications of a 'warriors inscription'."

That was why they had picked a fight with Halli, who claimed to be a 'warrior from the south'.

His bare body had nothing but joke-like scribbles, not a single real inscription to be found.

'I can't help it if I can't get it right away. It would be nice if I could do it before going to the south.'

He manfully gulped down the drink from a large mug, savoring the taste.

While Hubert and Halli spent their days fruitfully, Harris, who had newly joined in Tarak, had been continuing his own struggle alone for days.

"Hmm... I feel something, but..."

Elf avatar Harris, cooped up in the base Hubert had found, was trying to communicate with spirits through daily meditation.

He had hoped to become a High Elf, but after the notification that the World Tree was watching, there had been no significant changes.

'It seems like this is natural force, but how do I make a contract with spirits? Is my affinity still not enough?'

The mana purified through natural objects like trees, clean and clear natural force, was a necessary energy source for making contracts with spirits.

Given his initial stats and the effects of the "Child of the World Tree" bracelet, his affinity shouldn't be lacking, but he had no idea how to become a spirit mage.

"Should I try going to a forest richer in natural force instead of staying here...?"

He had been staying indoors to hide the fact that he was an Elf, but it seemed like it was time to venture outside.

'Just wearing a hood to cover my ears should do. I've been trying to be cautious until I make a contract with a spirit...'

Elves, being a rare race in the Ion continent, inevitably got entangled in various issues.

Wasn't Cecily, who was a candidate to become a High Elf, sold into slavery because of that?

'Right, like Cecily... Wait, hold on...'

High Elf Laphori and candidate Cecily, along with nearly twenty Elf envoys, were still staying at the Rosellia Grand Temple.

The inquisitors of the Talia Kingdom had discovered the residence where the Immortal King had stayed in the Forest of Beasts, and they also uncovered that he was there right before his attempt to invade the Grand Temple.

Still, it was unclear how he had known the exact moment when the Grand Temple's defenses were weakest...

'It wasn't like the Church suspected the Elves from the start.'

The Church had dispatched an investigation team just to clearly understand the situation, maintaining a polite attitude towards the Elves as they had initially.

'I heard they're about to return home since their work is done...'

Wouldn't it be better to receive help from fellow Elves rather than learning by oneself?

It would be invaluable if he could receive advice before they left.

"Alright. That sounds good."

Harris hurriedly got up and put on his robe.

Then, he confidently headed towards the temple in Tarak.

As he was nearing his destination, a huge figure lumbered out of an alley next to him.

In stark contrast to Harris's slender frame, it was large and burly.

The man who approached with an imposing stride, Halli, naturally joined him and they both walked towards the temple.

Halli had taken time out from a drinking session with the southern warriors to help Harris.

Together, they walked side by side and soon arrived at the temple.

"Huh? Isn't that Mr. Halli? What brings you here... Do you have some business?"

Recognizing Halli's unique appearance, which served as its own form of identification, a temple knight guarding the entrance struck up a conversation.

"Haha! There's a matter for which I'd like to seek some assistance. I'd appreciate it if you could pass on a message inside!"

The discussion that followed in the arranged meeting was straightforward.

<I've made a close elf friend through my mercenary activities.

However, this friend has wandered alone for many years and knows nothing about other elves or their abilities.

I owe him a lot and wanted to do something for him, and since I happen to know some elves, I wanted to introduce him.

So, please contact them for me, and if possible, allow him to use the gate too.>

He also proudly mentioned that he had given his bracelet, which had been somewhat awkward for him to use, as a gift.

His request for help was already agreed upon from above, so Halli's story was quickly conveyed to the elves at the Rosellia Grand Temple.



Passing through the gate, which he had used several times before, he was greeted by a familiar space.

"Welcome, Mr. Harris. Welcome to the Rosellia Grand Temple."

The gatekeeper high priest, who only knew Harris by face unilaterally, greeted him.

Following another priest, Harris was led outside.

'Coming to this familiar place under a completely different identity feels somewhat awkward.'

As soon as it was agreed that he would receive help from the elves, he arrived at the Rosellia Grand Temple after several days of gate travel with the cooperation of the Church.

The guest he was introduced to was staying in accommodations for those from the Elven Kingdom.

There, several elves were already gathered, engaging in conversation.

"Welcome. I am Laphori Granwood, a High Elf from the Elven Kingdom."

As Harris entered, Laphori greeted him warmly.

"Ah, my name is Harris. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"Hahaha, no problem at all. It's Mr. Halli's request, and it concerns a fellow kinsman. This is the least we can do."

Laphori responded and then nodded upon seeing the bracelet on Harris's wrist.

"It seems you are quite close to Mr. Halli. I knew he was a good person, but I was quite surprised when his first request was to ask for help for his friend."

"Ah... We are indeed quite close. Closer than family, perhaps?"

It wasn't a lie at all.

"And I heard this bracelet was originally yours, Mr. Laphori. I accepted it thinking it might be useful for me, but if it has upset you, I apologize."

"No, that was something I gave to Mr. Halli as a token of gratitude, and how he uses it is no longer my concern."

He shook his head as if it was really not a big deal.

"Rather, I am grateful again that it was used for one of our kinsfolk."

He looked at Harris with eyes sparkling like the stars in the night sky, quietly smiling.

The gaze felt somewhat burdensome.

"So, Mr. Harris, you're interested in learning how to handle natural force and make contracts with spirits, correct?"

"Yes, that's right. I've been living alone since I was young, so there was no one to teach me such things. I was hoping to get some advice."


Laphori stroked his chin, looking at him silently, then nodded to himself.

'It feels like... he's being overly friendly? Did he notice something?'

Even though he came introduced by a benefactor from a foreign land, there was an inexplicable, peculiar feeling that couldn't be explained just by that.

While he was pondering this, Laphori quietly spoke with a meaningful smile.

"By any chance, if it's alright with you, Mr. Harris, would you consider coming with us to the Elven Kingdom in the Enamel Continent?"

"The Enamel Continent?"

"Yes, it seems we will be returning soon. It might be better than just receiving brief advice, don't you think?"

He subtly tempted him, saying that if he came along, he could receive more detailed training in spirit magic, archery, and various other skills.

'Elves... Another race... Another continent... A new adventure!'

There was no reason to refuse such a great opportunity.

Just as he was about to happily accept, Laphori softly added,

"Above all, it seems the World Tree has taken a special interest in you, Mr. Harris. Although you're not yet qualified as a High Elf, it seems you have the aptitude."

With those words, Harris could understand the subtle behavior.

It seems the World Tree had a significant interest in Harris.

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