My Angelic System

Chapter 81 Aria's Wrath

"That's right, Ama. It was only out of curiosity at the beginning, but I slowly grow fond of him as I talked with him more. So much that I even gave him a friend seal."

"You did what?" Ras, Chris, and Ama all voiced out at the same time. Giving a friend seal wasn't something common, even among monsters. And it was much rarer to give one to another race, be it humans, angels, or demons.

"Aria, are you sure what you did was a wise decision?" Ama asked with twitching eyebrows. "A friend seal isn't just a mark to let people know that they are related to you."

"I agree with her," Ras said. "Especially when it's your seal. If he managed to keep it and make it grow, he will be able to move and breathe underwater, exactly like a fish. And since there's water in every single of planets, even in mine, it will give him a considerable advantage."

"I know that very well, you don't have to worry about that," Aria smiled as the uneasiness in her heart began to grow. Kye still hadn't come, making her slowly fear the worse. "As I said, it was only out of curiosity at the beginning. However, it is as clear as water that he will achieve great things in the future, so making a long-lasting relationship with him is the best idea. Not to add that he isn't all and mighty, or even full of himself like almost all humans, angels, and demons. He knows how to repay kindness with even more kindness, and fury with doom. He even had a lot of difficulties accepting my help and some gifts of mine."

"*Sigh*, guess it can't be helped. I will need to meet him to judge his character on my own," Ama wasn't opposing Aria anymore since she managed to convince her, even if it was a little. So she stayed neutral in this situation.

"Aria, can I come to your domain?" Ras asked excitingly. Unlike the others who were cunning and thought too much, he was more short-headed. "I want to meet him right now."

"What a disgusting decision," Chris said with eyes soothing venom. He couldn't do anything to Kye anymore because he had Aria's friend seal. So attacking him will be no different from attacking Aria. And two mythical beings fighting wasn't the best of things.

"We should see how things will go before thinking rashly, Chris," This time, it was a handsome black-haired man with purple eyes who said that. He also looked in his twenties.

"Thank you, Wis," Aria thanked the black-haired man before continuing. "Ras, you can do whatever you want, but don't present yourself in your Pheonix form as he won't be able to handle it ye..." Ras couldn't enjoy Aria's answer the latter immediately stood up with what looked like the biggest frown she ever had on her face.

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"What's wrong?" Wis asked. Aria was most of the time collected, so seeing such an expression on her face made him worried as well. Not much could make their expression change, so it surprised him greatly.

"I have to leave now," Aria said in an urgent tone as she moved so fast that not even afterimages remained behind her.

"Aria wait-..." Ras shouted, but to no avail. "I'll go as well!"

"*Sigh*, those short-headed youngsters," Chris said as he shook his head.

Ama paid her no mean and turned toward Wis. "I hope nothing important happened. It's not common for her to have such expression.

"I hope as well. But everything should be alright. We are almost all invincible in our territory. Not to add that Ras also went there. And since both of them can't do a thing against a variable, then it will change the order even more greatly than Aria's new friend."

"*Sigh*, I hate it when you are so right."


Aria immediately took her real form and swam in an instant toward where she could feel Kye's life force getting thinner by the seconds. However, even with her otherwordly speed, she still needed a little bit of time to reach where Kye where.

She wouldn't have done anything if it happened outside of her territory. But since it happened inside, it only means that it was those under her that made something to him. And if Kye was to die because of her carelessness, she would have a hard time accepting it.

p So she swam as fast as she could, while the ocean was quickly darkening because of her aura.

Once she arrived there, she saw a lot of her subordinates who made a ring-like shape arena with Kye and the newly intelligent whale fighting. However, things looked dire for Kye because the giant icy seed was about to kill him in a second.

So Aria shattered it with a thought before putting Kye in her bubble to heal him. His life rested on a single thread, so she needed to act fact.

"Who dares attack the one who harbors my seal?" An extremely cold and menacing voice spread to everyone's ears, sending shivers down their spine. Everyone was affected, even the human whale. However, Kye was protected by this and could only watch in awe as he saw everyone getting on one knee with their face looking down.

Kye then looked up, only to see a giant serpentine body hovering upon him. "A-Aria, is that you?" Even though he didn't feel Aria's pressure, just looking at her scary yet elegant serpentine body made his voice quiver.

"Yes, it is me," Aria didn't make a mind link because she wanted everyone to hear that her relationship with Kye wasn't a normal one. "Now, answer me before I kill all of you. Who dared attack the one who harbors my seal?"

The whale didn't wait even a moment to answer because she was to delay things, her punishment will surely be worse than she could think. "I-It is me, m-my queen bu- but-..."

"Silence!" Aria didn't let her finish as it would be useless. Her punishment wouldn't be lessened one bit. "You dare attack my friend cunningly after his long expedition. You not only ashamed me because I promised him that nothing would happen to him in my territory, but you also ashamed everyone in my territory because you made them look like intelligent monsters that can't even follow orders and recognize friends to foes."

"M-my quee-..."

"Silence!" Aria's voice was filled with so much anger that even those who didn't come to see the fight earlier began to slowly move toward where they were to see what was happening while kneeling. They didn't know what made their queen so angry, but it couldn't be something good.

She then turned toward all those who watched the fight without putting an end to it. "As for all of you, don't think that you will come out of this situation unscathed. You couldn't even stop a fight where my friend was about to die so don't thi-..." This time, it was Aria who got stopped by someone. And it made everyone so shocked that they all sucked a cold breath.

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