My Angelic System

Chapter 91 Old Bielief

"And since humans don't know about angels and demons at all, what I know from humans' culture is completely false, so I shouldn't judge them based on that."

"Well this is a pretty interesting point of view," Ras squinted his eyes and smiled. He knew a bit about how Angels and démons were Seen by humanity. The former was good and righteous while the latter was dangerous and ruthless.

And while it's true to some extent, it is also greatly false.

It is pretty funny actually. Humans were categorizing such great races into categories whereas some Angels were without a doubt more ruthless than some demons, while some demons were surely more kind than some Angels.

But they were categorizing them in such categories because they didn't know a thing about them.

The little they knew was deformed to no end so that it could be spread to the rest of humanity through the years. However, now that Time has evolved and people's beliefs changed, their hearts and souls were now just thinking that as some old religious things without depth in it.

Though even if they knew something about those races, they would still be blinded by their little Minds, thus still categorizing them in those boxes.

It is a natural process. Humans have to classify things to feel either better or safe. Otherwise, how could they even comprehend those two great races without peeing their pants? It wouldn't have even been possible to breathe in front of them because of how great they were.

And here was Kye. Hé had grown up with a human mentality but was now slowly changing.

Hé didn't believe that there was one race that was good and the other was bad.

Sure they had to keep the order as if everything that surrounded them were passing a test. However, it didn't mean that démons were obligatorily evil. A lot of them were, but some were even more kind than Angels.

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And the same applied to Angels as well. They were two races that lived a very long time, thus having multiple génération live AT the same time. And because of that, the New youngsters were blinded by the belief of the elderly.

"Do you think so?" Kye asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"Yes, of course. You Know, probably everyone in the world is stigmatized with a good side, and the other is evil," Ras answered.

"What do you mean?"

"What he means is that it's very hard for any race to think the way you just thought" Aria explained in Ras's stead. "Everyone thinks that Angels are kind while démons are evil. This is the case since the very beginning of this world. And while it is true to some extent, it is not completely the case either."

Kye tilted his head once again. Hé understood what they meant, but didn't understand why they were thinking like this.

And as if Ras knew how to read his mind, he opened his mouth to explain. "Let's take the old religious families for example. The parents were religious because their parents were, which in turn were as well because their parents were as well. So in the current génération of this family, the children would be religious just because their parents are, not because they searched for it and decided to go this way of their own will.

​ "And this is the same for every race. They only believe in what their predecessor taught them without searching about it on their own. So they stay with this mindset and pass it to the next générations, Never questioning what they learned. Thus the New générations all think the same thing."

"And it is not only the good of Angels and evils of démons," Aria added. "It is like this since the beginning of the world as well, and in every single race. Humans, Monsters, Angels, and even démons. Everyone thinks like this and only a few question themselves."

"And what does it have to do with me?" Kye asked, still not understanding where they wanted to come with what they were saying.

"We're just glad that you aren't like everyone else" Ras smiled. "You were still a human, and humans are the race that thinks like this the most. Yet you manage to go past what you thought and believed, to think with more clarity"

Hearing that, Kye smiled unbeknownst. He didn't take compliments well, and it was easily Seen on his face right now. "Thanks, I guess."

"No need to thank us," Aria waved her hand and smiled. "But anyway, let's talk about more serious things now," Her eyes went serious.


"You evolved way faster than I thought. A little suspicious if I have to say, but that just makes you more interesting," As she said, it was suspicious for him to become an Angel this fast. It take years for most, but only took a month at most for him. "It also shows how talented you are, and I'm happy to have decided to go give you what I promised you."

"You mean the ability orb?" Kye smiled in excitement.

"Yes. However, we need to ask you something first."


"Would you like to get my Friend seal as well?" Ras asked with a kind smile.

Kye was a little Taken aback by what he asked. Hé was thinking of something like a vow to not teach this ability to anyone or something like this. But in the end, he thought of nothing.

"Can I first Know what a Friend seal does?" Kye asked After calming his excited Heart down. It took him a few seconds, but nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary.

"A Friend seal, as its name implies, is a seal that will show to people that you are someone we care for. It's a seal that every monster can get once they reach a high enough power. Though, their seal isn't as strong as those from the mythical Monsters."

"What do you mean?"

"First because it's hard to become strong enough to get seals. Second, because our status isn't the same at all. There are just a few of us, while there's an Infinity of normal Monsters."

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