My Angelic System

Chapter 99 Anger

Kye didn't move because of the shock, thus he got punched in the face and flew backward once again.

While flying, he tried to use his wings to get his balance back, but ras was too fast and was already kneeing him in the stomach.

This time, his internal coating didn't help him in any way because he couldn't breathe once again.

Ras stopped his onslaught for a moment and look at Kye writhing in pain and clenching his stomach with tears in his eyes. "You're pretty weak."

He then slowly walked toward him.

However, hearing what Ras said, Kye stopped thinking for a moment, as if his head turned blank. He didn't expect to hear such a thing, especially coming from Ras. He was so supportive of him, and Kye liked this about him.

But he just didn't expect what he just said. If he managed to come this far, it was partially thanks to his friends. Without them, he wouldn't have as much confidence as he has now. They helped him a lot in this regard. They also helped him learn how to fight. So by saying such a thing, Kye had the impression that Ras was mocking all of them.

Kye then stood up slowly, and when Ras saw his look, he smiled. Kye's eyes were filled with killing intent. And unlike the other times, it was Kye who rushed toward him.

Ras could see Kye's movements. He was fast for someone at his level, but not for him. So he dodged all of his strikes easily. "Use your wings to get faster!" Ras said dodging Lightbringer.

Kye greeted his teeth because he still didn't know how to use them properly. The training session that Aria had elaborated for him was turned upside down. He was supposed to fight Ras when he would be ready. Yet he was fighting him already.

However, his anger helped him flap his wings, albeit Kye didn't notice because he was too focused on attacking Ras.

The latter smiled when he saw Kye flapping his wings, but he still punched him in the stomach while protecting himself with his wing against Lightbringer.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Kye flew away once again but managed to stop himself in mid-air. He turned his head to the back, only to see his wings flapping. Though, it was just enough for him to stay just a few centimeters above the ground. Nonetheless, he still smiled brightly because he finally managed to fly a little.

It was like a dream coming true.

But this dream shattered when Ras punched him in the face.


"Don't lower your guard in the middle of a fight!" Ras said with a cold voice to Kye.

Ras then let Kye stand up again and waited for him to attack. However, Kye waited for a few moments before rushing with the help of his wings toward Ras. He was now a lot faster thanks to them.

Ras was about to stop Kye's sword with his wings once again before kicking him in the leg. However, he could feel that this strike was far stronger than the others he made earlier. So instead of parrying, he dodged the sword and kicked him.

Kye expected such an outcome, so he moved his holy energy toward his leg, which managed to protect him from losing his balance.

And sensing what Kye did, Ras had a smile on his face. "Good, you managed to do all the things I wanted you to learn today."

He even stopped fighting. "That's very good. You now know that there's no need to spread your energy over your whole body and that it's better to locate it in the area where your opponent will strike."

Kye looked at him for a moment without letting his guard down and then said. "Does that mean we'll stop this spar?"

"Hell no!" He rushed toward Kye once again, but this time, more fiercely.

Kye could feel in Ras' strikes that they were far stronger than earlier and greeted his teeth. "Only by fighting will you be able to improve," Ras said. "Use your eyes, I heard they were exceptional!"

He kept giving him advice while making him suffer. In a sense, Kye was learning by experiencing pain. And even though Kye kept healing himself, he could feel his whole body shaking. Even his regeneration slowed down. It was how much energy he needed to keep healing himself.

Even his internal coating was getting thinner and thinner, even though he only used it to protect himself in designated areas.

And they fought like this until Kye couldn't take it anymore and fell to the ground of exhaustion. Ras slowly approached him and looked at him. "You can't fight anymore?"

Kye didn't even have the force to answer and only shook his head a little bit.

"Good," Ras smiled. "It means you gave your all, I'm proud of you!" He even patted his head and then took him on his back to bring him to the resting room.

"I didn't feel like I improved though."

Kye said after mustering enough strength to talk. His earlier anger also died down when he understood that Ras only provoked him so that he could continue fighting and not give up when facing a tough situation.

"Maybe you didn't notice it, but you improved a lot. You're a fast learner, that's for sure."

He chuckled.

However, Ras could feel that Kye wasn't convinced, so he began to explain how much he changed from the beginning of their sparring session to the end. Be it his time reaction, reading his opponent's movements, or predicting its next move. "You even managed to fly almost freely around the end. So be proud of yourself!"

Kye nodded with sleepy eyes and then fell asleep when Ras put him on his bed inside the resting area.

Ras could see how tired he was from his face. Kye even had some bruises around his body because he couldn't heal himself anymore. The former also noticed that toward the end, some of Kye's feathers slowly became black, as if he was about to fall. But now that he could see them turning white again, he just shrugs his earlier thought. "You're really special, Kye."

He said as he left the room.

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