My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 57 - Being Isolated by Others? I’m the One Who Isolated Others!

Chapter 57: Being Isolated by Others? I’m the One Who Isolated Others!

When Owen and Barnard heard that Mike’s pet felt similar to that Fierce Beast Egg, they were shocked.

Although that Fierce Beast Egg had gone through countless years and could no longer hatch any life, they were still very shocked.

Without waiting for the two of them to ask anything, Bania immediately said, “This is just a feeling. Perhaps it contains the mottled blood of that Fierce Beast. Moreover, my intuition has always been inaccurate.”

They nodded slightly at his words.

They exclaimed in their hearts that it was impossible. That Fierce Beast could not possibly appear in the world. Or rather, it could not appear in this world!

After all, if that ancient Fierce Beast really appeared in this world again, the Human Federation would definitely have to kill it!

When this thought came into their minds, they decided to stop thinking about the whole matter and immediately focused all their attention on the light screen in front of them, looking forward to Mike’s next performance.

… … … … … … … … … … …

The other side.

Trial by fire, Wailing Forest.

A man and a woman walked side by side, accompanied by two pets. One pet was hovering in the air while the other was alert on the ground.

If anyone looked behind them, they could see that their path was littered with the carcasses of Beasts.

Among them were Demonized Toads, Fire-Headed Chickens, Earth Skin Crocodiles, and Magical Flower Rhinoceroses…

The strength of these Beasts continued to increase from Normal Level 2-Stars to Rare Level 3-Stars.

Moreover, the changes that had occurred had not taken long.

It had only taken less than an hour.

The two people who were walking were Mike and Lilian.

Lilian looked at Mike who was by her side. The more time she spent with him, the more she admired Mike.

At the same time, she became more and more curious about Mike’s pet.

What kind of person could have such perseverance and focus?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They had been training since the beginning of their journey until now.

They had experienced countless battles, and each battle had been extremely thrilling.

All kinds of Beasts, all kinds of troublesome Fierce Beasts, did not intimidate Mike at all.

Every time Lilian felt troubled, Mike would defuse the danger and win the battle.

The more she looked at Mike’s back, the stronger she felt.

However, she suddenly realized something, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on her pale forehead.

D*mn it!

The space here was becoming unstable again.

With this in mind, Lilian said, “Mike, fifty minutes have passed, if it’s…”

She didn’t continue, but her meaning was clear.

If they continued to kill the Fierce Beasts here, the more time they would end up spending here, and the less time they would have to go through the real trial. Time was extremely precious right now.

“I understand,” Mike said calmly.

Along the way, he had hunted many Fierce Beasts here, with the goal of raising the Wind-Cloud Sparrow’s level.

After all, Beastmasters’ strength was mostly reflected through their Pet Beasts.

The higher the Wind-Cloud Sparrow’s level was, the more accustomed it would be to this place, and the stronger it would be. Its future security would also be more obvious.

“Not bad. It’s already a Rare-Grade 4-Star now.”

Mike’s tightly furrowed brows relaxed slightly.

Although it was a little different from what he had expected, it was still pretty good.

However, if he could just take it one step further, then his strength could increase even more.


The Wind-Cloud Sparrow in the sky let out a cry.

Soon, what it saw from its perspective was directly reflected in Mike’s mind.

Similarly, when the Wind-Cloud Sparrow saw this scene, it could not hide the excitement in its heart, which Mike could also sense.


Why was the Wind-Cloud Sparrow so excited?

What was up ahead?

While he was thinking, a dark blue tree appeared in front of him.

The Wind-Cloud Sparrow’s mood became very heavy because of the tree that was in front of him.


The moment he thought that there might be something special about this tree, Mike couldn’t help but feel impatient. After shouting, he hurriedly followed the Wind-Cloud Sparrow and rushed over.

“Hey, Mike…”

Lilian reached out her hand, looking as if she wanted to say something.

Sigh, forget it.

This battle maniac.

Shaking her head, Lilian quickly followed in Mike’s footsteps.

When she walked to Mike’s side, Lilian thought for a moment and said softly, “Mike, if you keep to yourself like this, it’s easy for other students to isolate you.”

After spending some time together, Lilian realized that Mike wasn’t the violent, ruthless, and cold person that the other students said he was.

It was just that everything he did was hidden in his heart which he was unwilling to show.

If he could open his heart, he would definitely be able to integrate into the group later on.

“Isolated by others? Are you serious?” Mike asked in reply, in a somewhat disdainful tone.

Seeing his gaze, Lilian’s mind wavered, and she didn’t understand.

Could it be that she had misread him?

Before she could ask anything else, a few urgent cries for help caught their attention.


“Quick, help! I don’t want to die.”

“Mom, I want to go home. I don’t want to be here.”

“Sob, sob, sob… I want to go home.”

The cries rang out throughout the area, and Lilian was slightly taken aback.

Why did these voices sound so familiar?

Mike and Lilian looked towards the source of the voices and saw a few people sinking into quicksand.

These were the members of the King class.

“It’s Clark, Kula, and a few others,” Lilian exclaimed.

Mike took a look and quickly understood their situation.

They had gotten stuck in a desert quicksand, which was rapidly sinking.

Within a few minutes, they would be swallowed whole by the quicksand.

“Lilian, it’s Lilian!”

Clark, who was trapped in the quicksand, shouted loudly, afraid that the other party would not be able to hear her.

“Clark, you guys hang on. I’ll save you right away!” Lilian said quickly.

Thinking quickly, she suddenly realized that although her pet, the Vajra Monkey, was agile, it would be difficult to cross the quicksand and save all three of them.

If she wanted to save them, the best way was to use a flying pet to drag them up.


Got it.

Mike’s pet was a flying pet!

At the thought of this, Lilian quickly looked in his direction.

However, Mike was not very interested in the other three people. His attention was focused on a blue tree next to him.

Seeing this, Lilian opened her mouth to ask.

“Mike, Clark and Kula need help. Can you help them?”

“I have something else to do. We’ll talk about it later.” Mike’s eyes were cold, and his tone remained unchanged.

After saying that, he looked at the tree next to him.

He soon realized that this tree was different from the others.

This tree actually shone with the light of the Thunder attribute. It was quite extraordinary.

In particular, the dark blue fruit on the tree made the Wind-Cloud Sparrow feel extremely envious.

When he saw this, Mike immediately called the Wind-Cloud Sparrow to action.

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