My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 84 - The Slaughter in the Night

Chapter 84: The Slaughter in the Night

By now, it was already late at night and the sky had completely darkened.

Mike started walking towards the buildings in the stronghold.

He walked to the tallest building.

Mike held his breath and pushed open the door. The building was lit up.

What he saw in front of him was a scene of wine and meat.

The bandits in the building looked at Mike with surprise.

“Who… Who are you? How… How did you get in?”

One of the bandits had spoken first.

Mike smiled coldly and said.

“I’m the person who has come to take your useless life!”

Mike clenched his fists.

He charged towards the bandits of the Nuuk Army.

A fierce battle broke out.

Although the bandits put up some resistance, their counterattack paled in the face of Mike’s overwhelming strength.

In an instant, the entire room became a river of blood.

“Big brother! Big brother! Stop fighting! If you continue to fight, people will die!”


Mike laughed in disdain, and his gaze turned sharp.

‘So, you realize that people can die!’

With that, he sent another heavy punch to the face of the bandit.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

No matter who suffered this heavy blow from Mike would inevitably faint.

Not to mention, this bandit was already on the verge of death.

Looking at the corpses that lay in front of him, the anger in Mike’s heart finally lessened slightly.

Mike continued to walk through the building.

This time, he found a trembling, unclothed woman.

Mike walked towards her and asked.

“Were you captured by them and brought here?”

The woman looked as if she was still in a hallucinatory state.

In a trance, she nodded her head hesitantly after hearing Mike’s words.

When Mike saw this, he took out some clothes from his backpack and handed them to her.

Then, he continued to ask.

“Who is the person in charge of this stronghold? Where is he now?”

The girl was still in a trance, but after some thought, she pointed towards the second floor.

Mike saw that the girl seemed to have been tortured by the bandits, and was not in full control of her mind, so he said, “Thank you!”

After that, Mike walked towards the room on the second floor.

As he got closer to the room, he heard the sounds of singing and dancing.

The room seemed to be filled with the sounds of women who were moaning and groaning.

Mike instantly guessed what was happening in the room.

The veins on Mike’s forehead bulged.

He kicked the door open in anger and was shocked by what he saw.

Four or five girls were kneeling on the ground, completely naked.

Their private parts were deeply embedded with chains.

Their blood had already dyed the entire chain red.

On the bed, a fat middle-aged man was facing the three girls, looking violent.

Mike looked at the scene in front of him in disgust and said angrily.

“Hand over your life!”

The fat middle-aged man on the bed saw Mike who had inexplicably barged in.

So, he angrily shouted at Mike.

“Don’t you know how to respect your elders? Where did you come from? Can’t you see that I’m having fun?

“You’ve ruined my mood now. Prepare to die!”

As he said that, the middle-aged man picked up the mace that was beside him and walked towards Mike.

Mike stared at the middle-aged man fiercely, before saying coldly.

“You are shameless!”

Mike raised the dagger in his hand and fiercely stabbed towards the middle-aged man’s body.

It was clear in Mike’s mind that he did not want the person in front of him to die so easily.

The tip of the sword swiftly sliced through the middle-aged man’s skin.

The middle-aged man had not expected Mike’s strength to be so formidable.

In the blink of an eye, the blade of the dagger had left hundreds of cuts on the middle-aged man’s skin.

It was clear that Mike did not want him to die so easily.

Every cut was controlled. The blade cut deep, but it did not kill him.

The middle-aged man instantly felt waves of intense pain as he felt Mike’s blade slice into him.

The entire bed was instantly covered in blood.

“You… who are you… exactly?” Said the middle-aged man in great pain.

Mike once again stared at the middle-aged man and continued.

“Didn’t I say it before? I’m here to take your useless life!”

After saying that, Mike looked fiercely into the middle-aged man’s eyes.

“You… What do you want? Do you want money or a woman? As long as you let me live, I can give you all these things!”

The middle-aged man looked in despair at Mike who was in front of him.

Just then, he suddenly lost control of his bowels.

The entire room was now filled with a foul atmosphere.

“Do you really think that your sins can be purged just like that?”

As he said that, Mike raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed the middle-aged man once again.

This attack happened to pierce the middle-aged man’s lungs.

The middle-aged man suddenly felt his breathing become more and more difficult.

Then, Mike made another frivolous move and cut open his intestines.

All the intestines in the middle-aged man’s abdomen fell out.

This alone still did not kill the middle-aged man completely.

Next, Mike slashed his throat.

The middle-aged man was now unable to speak anymore.

Then, Mike aimed the blade of the Scarlet Magic Sword at the genitals on the lower part of the middle-aged man’s body.

The sharp edge of the sword flashed.

The middle-aged man’s manhood was instantly severed from his body.

Because his throat had been slashed, the middle-aged man could not make a sound now.

He was now like a piece of meat on Mike’s chopping board.

The shape of his body was being decided by Mike.

Finally, Mike made a final stab into his heart.

His beating heart was cut to pieces.

Even though his throat had been slashed, the middle-aged man couldn’t stand it anymore and let out a whimper.

He died in great pain.

Mike continued to stare at the middle-aged man’s corpse for a long time.

After some time, Mike started to become aware of the groans of the girls in front of him.

Mike looked at the girls in front of him and realized something.

All the girls here seemed to have been drugged by this middle-aged man.

This was the reason they were still suffering.

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