My Bio-Nanotech System

Chapter 20: Signing Up For The Ruins Exploration 1

Chapter 20: Signing Up For The Ruins Exploration 1

"The Abyssal Core Guild has its different hierarchy when it comes to its workers. Mainly divided Into two groups: The Adventures and the Officials.

People like the waitress below, and important guides like me are the official workers of the organization..."

'Tch, official workers, you mean slave...' Khan snorted coldly in his mind listening to the man's shameless words but he kept his straight face walking closely with him, a step behind.

"The adventures are numerous reaching over a thousand and they all have their different hierarchy which is divided from Rank E to A.

The higher your ranking, the higher the benefits that would be obtained." Jim explained earning a firm nod from Khan.

"Very ingenious of the organization. Truly remarkable..." Khan said with a serious nod.

With such a hierarchy in place, there will be competition, and with competition comes growth. That was his firm belief.

"Also the higher your rank, the more area you're able to access in the organization. New Recruits like you are automatically at Rank F, but if you feel you have the necessary ability to be at a particular rank, then you'll head over to this area of the map to take the test to rank up..." Jim said pointing to a particular place on the map that he held as Zeras stored the information on his head.

" Also the higher your cultivation base, the higher your rankings, for example, if you're at the Meteor rank stage, then you can simply head there and you'll be automatically promoted to the next rank which is Rank E or if a genius to rank D. Do you understand, Khan..." The man explained giving him a side glance.

"Completely understood, Sir Jim..."

'Hmm, how polite..." Jim said to himself. It has been a long time since he has been respected so much before. Those barbaric adventures don't understand the meaning of gentlemanly at all. One like Khan was a rare gem.

'Then I'll repay him by giving him what he needs to know...' Jim made up his mind wanting to stop him from getting into unnecessary trouble.

That's what he does to repay those brutish adventures. He left out some information that would cause them to enter unnecessary trouble and suffer a loss in their pay. It was his way of showing them who's boss!

"We're here. This is the recruits' room, you'll obtain your badge and also learn more about the perks that will be given to you.

Here's the map to the area, the places I marked red are Off-limits and all floors above this are also Off-limits for new cadets. I've labeled the accessible areas so you don't get lost searching for areas you need and wasting time..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Jim said as he passed the map to Khan who gave it a thorough look before turning to look at him.

"Words cannot describe how elated I feel Sir Jim. Thanks for the trouble..."

"It's nothing at all. I look forward to seeing you become a remarkable adventurer Khan." Jim said before pocketing his hands as he moved away, head raised.

Now that he thinks about it, fully helping the recruits felt more good than misleading them.

"He really was worth the trouble..." Khan said rubbing his cheeks. Smiling so much all the time made him feel mild pain in his jaws but looking at the map in his hands and also the door in front of him labeled with


All the troubles were worth it.

Immediately, Khan walked through the door and he immediately processed his information, using his smiles and good looks to worm his way through faster.

-- -- --

A golden-haired young man walked through the corridors of the Abyssal Core Guild's second floor, eyes glued to the map in his right hand, while his left hand grabbed hold of a white-colored suitcase.

"Hmm, the Missions Hall..." Khan muttered under his breath as he folded the map storing it in his pockets, while his hands held the new white briefcase tighter in his hands before entering the door.

The place was bustling with activity with middle-aged men and women walking around, some taking a smoke in the corner, sitting down in groups as boisterous laughter rang throughout the place while some were clogged together in front of the huge holographic board present in the room.

And immediately he sighted the large holographic at the end of the place, he found exactly what he was looking for.

?Mission: A New Ruin Exploration?

?Mission Rewards:

1.)+100,000 Star Coins?

2.)100 Promotion Points?

3.)A Free Rare Tier Treasure From The Treasure Room?

?Mission Difficulty: Calamity Level!!!?

?Remark: The Chance Of Survival For Those Below Rank D is 30%?

"Tsk, tsk, since when had there been such a rewarding mission for all ranks of adventurers..." A middle-aged man holding a bottle of wine in his hands said out loud looking at the glaring mission at the top of the list.

"True. It's very tempting..." Another joined in when suddenly a hand slapped the back of his head.

"Idiot. You should better say the Devil is tempting you to your death. Don't you see the difficulty level?" The man who slapped the adventurer on his head said with a mocking expression.

"Calamity Level difficulty? Since the birth of the guild, there have not been more than five calamity Level missions, this makes the fifth. Even some Rank C expert lose their lives trying to complete such missions..."

"True, lower rank adventurers like us will be basically playing chess with lady luck if we dared sign up for the mission..."

"And you know what they say..."

"The number one workers on Lady Luck's annoying list are us adventurers..." The entire group said at the same time before bursting into laughter.

"Excuse me..." Suddenly a voice rang out stopping the laughter as the entire group slowly turned their attention towards the new figure.

"Huh? And who is the cutie pie?" The adventurer with a bottle in hand said drawing laughter from the crowd but it soon died down when the young man didn't reply as he climbed up the steps arriving before the holographic.

Standing before the holographic, Khan's eyes displayed deep thinking before he folded his hands together as he turned to look at the adventurers.

"Cutie pie, you say, aye?" And immediately his hands stretched forward as he clicked on the button where the Ruin Mission was causing gasps from all the adventurers present as they all looked at him as if he was some horrific Abyssal creature.

"An adventurer has taken up the mission, please head to the Mission verification hall to verify..." The AI voice rang out as Khan slowly stepped back down the steps moving towards the door but soon stopped as he turned back his head sideways to the group before raising his right hand which now had a bottle of wine in it.

"Wait, where's my wine!?" The surprised scream of the drunk adventurer rang out as he suddenly found his bottle missing.

"Just a cutie pie looking for a shortcut to Yama..." Khan said as he gulped the remaining content of the bottle before throwing the remnant back to the drunk adventurer.

The man immediately caught it back before it landed on the ground but raising back his head up, the young man was already gone.

"Who...who is he?"

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