My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

When Qi Weiran received Zhang Wei's call, Yi Qingju was sitting in her office looking at the resume sent by Andy.

"Is it so easy to find talent nowadays? A newly opened company that doesn't pay very high, yet so many outstanding people are sending in their resumes."

"Wow, a bachelor's and master's degree from XXXX University, majoring in management. With such great qualifications, they can definitely work at Qi's Group."

Yi Qingju stared at the list of awards and experiences on the screen until her eyes were blurred.

Xiao Jiji was playing with a plush turtle figurine on the side and chimed in: 【Who wouldn't want our amazing host?】

Hearing the praise, Yi Qingju beamed a big smile.

Yes, a corporate slave in the previous life, now a boss in this life.

Seeing her silly look, Xiao Jiji shook her head.

Sigh, silly host, when will you ever come to your senses?

Poor Qi Weiran has done so much in silence.

Yi Qingju adjusted the coat on her, pausing when she felt the soft, comfortable fabric.

Her mind involuntarily recalled the scene of Qi Weiran handing her those bags of clothes and pants when they got out of the car.

"Didn't expect him to be so considerate..." she muttered.

But the thought of there even being a new bra in the bags made Yi Qingju's face turn as red as a tomato.

He actually noticed that I was wearing breast tape, dang it.


After hanging up with Zhang Wei, Qi Weiran, who had just arrived at the company building, received another call.

The caller ID read: Yu Mu.

"Hey Qi, I've figured out what you asked me to look into."

"But you really made it difficult for me. You didn't bring the container that held that thing, just gave me what was inside. How am I supposed to recreate it?" The girl on the other end complained.

Qi Weiran got into his car, his voice cold and stern: "Cut to the chase."

Yu Mu seemed speechless for a moment: "Alright, alright, why the rush?"

Then she cleared her throat, her tone serious: "I don't know where you got this thing, but I can tell you with confidence."

"This laser weapon has already surpassed all current technological levels in the world. Based on my estimations, it would take humanity another hundred years to develop something like this."

Qi Weiran's expression changed: "You mean, the person who made this is from a hundred years in the future."

His voice was serious, not sounding like he was joking.

If one can hear thoughts, a hundred years is nothing.

Yu Mu was stunned by his words.

Damn, Qi Weiran would even say such fantastical things?

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"Well... it's not impossible?" She replied with a complex tone.

Qi Weiran didn't need such an ambiguous answer.

After Zhang Wei said that the human trafficker used something like a laser to injure their men, and now this call from Yu Mu, he could confirm it.

These two, they were either in cahoots or the same person.

"Hey? Are you still there? I'll go to your place for a meal this week--"


Yu Mu stared incredulously at the phone that had made a 'beep' sound, indicating it had been hung up.

"You bastard! How dare you hang up on me!"


After learning about the incident with Qi Xinian and the human traffickers, Qi Weiran dispatched a helicopter to personally pick up Yi Qingju.

Escorted by five fighter jets, she was taken to a neighboring country.

The neighboring country—-.


When Yi Qingju saw the small figure sitting on the hospital bed, her heart twisted.

The child sat there obediently, unmoving as Yi Qingju held him in her embrace.

She first examined him and, seeing no external injuries, felt reassured. But then she noticed his strange behavior.

His eyes, usually bright like black grapes, were now dull and vacant.

"What's going on?" She asked the doctors nearby.

The Western doctor explained: "#@@#¥@¥%34%……6¥%!"

Yi Qingju: "...Can you speak Chinese?"

The doctor: "@!#2$23%$35$^45&~~~"

Yi Qingju: "Oh my Buddha, I don't understand what you're speaking."

Even Qi Xinian, who had fallen into an autistic state, couldn't stand it anymore: "......"

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the one known as Ultraman's father (only to Yi Qingju), Qi Weiran, suddenly appeared and helped Yi Qingju resolve her predicament.

"That human trafficker injured someone. Seeing the blood triggered memories of what he witnessed at the hotel before."

Pulling Yi Qingju aside, Qi Weiran explained succinctly.

Yi Qingju was stunned.

【It's all my fault... If I hadn't been lazy and let Xinian stay with someone else that Monday, maybe this wouldn't have happened...】

【And back at that hotel, if I had been more careful and kept him tucked against me when carrying him, he wouldn't have seen it】

Yi Qingju suddenly sank into a dejected mood.

The hospital felt strangely chilly. She had rushed here, and the temperature in this season in Country Z was low, causing the chill to seep through her skin into her bones, making her mood increasingly gloomy.

As she was lost in thought, a warm coat fell onto her shoulders, carrying a familiar scent.

She looked up to see Qi Weiran backlit, his hair strands seeming to glow, his amber eyes unusually warm despite the shadows: "You've done well."

Yi Qingju's nose stung, and she almost cried.

【Qi Weiran, you—】

【Who says only those standing in the light are heroes?】

【Sorry, I can't help but sing this song when the atmosphere is set up like this. It would be rude not to.】

Qi Weiran: "......"

Romantic killer, Miss.

He decided that from then on, if Yi Qingju kept giving him nicknames in secret, he would give her one too.


After accompanying Qi Xinian through another hypnotherapy session, Yi Qingju learned from Wan Sui, who had rushed over to help Qi Weiran handle other matters, that the so-called photography team was actually there to take a family portrait for them.

"Xinian, don't be afraid. When we go back, we'll take a family portrait together."

She gently stroked the sleeping child's hair, her expression tender.

Originally about to leave, Wan Sui secretly took out her phone and snapped a photo of this scene, sending it to her boss.

When Qi Weiran received this photo, he was standing with his arms crossed amidst a group of people dressed in black, silently staring at the large, hi-tech screen in front of them.

"Sir, we've found him."

Suddenly, someone sitting in front of the screen said.

"Satellite detection has locked onto his whereabouts. Our men and the police have already been dispatched."

After setting the photo of Yi Qingju's tender expression as his phone's wallpaper, Qi Weiran raised his head, his eyes now frosted with ice. He coldly said, "Bring him in alive."

"Yes, sir!"

The man commanding the world's lifelines was not just paying lip service.


"Big bro, Old Three has been captured by Qi Weiran!"

In the dimly lit room of a rundown building, a man in tattered clothes said to another person sitting on the floor, occasionally typing on a keyboard while staring at a pile of equipment.

Hearing this, the man on the floor shuddered, turning to reveal a face identical to the speaker's.

"What did you say!?"

"It's my fault. I acted on my own to capture the male lead, but left a trail behind. They ended up catching the wrong person and took Old Three instead."

The man's eyes, partly hidden by his hair, shed tears.

The man called 'Big bro' yelled angrily, "What are you crying for?"

Then he scratched his head frustratedly, his one visible eye filled with venom as he spoke in a vicious tone: "Next month is the anniversary of Qi Weiran's late wife. He'll go to a remote mountain village. That will be our last chance."

As he spoke, he suddenly remembered something: "Did you manage to recover the remaining money from Old Three?"

A genius of the interstellar age, now reduced to being able to afford only bagged instant noodles.

Upon hearing this, a vicious glint flashed in Old Two's eyes: "That idiot spent all the money on buying spicy snack strips!"

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