My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“What did you come to find me for?”

Yi Qingju stood up and turned around.

There was no one there.

Damn it, did Hei Meilu secretly die behind her back?

"Miss Yi?"

That voice emerged again.

Yi Qingju squinted and took a look, only to find that he was standing in the corner of the small courtyard, squeezed together with all those flowers and plants.

In his hand he was even holding a megaphone...

Yi Qingju: "..."

Hei Meilu simply couldn't believe it.

As the wife of the CEO of the Qi Group, not only did Yi Qingju not play the violin, but she was actually raising pigs in her backyard!?

When he was young, a pig had bitten his butt cheek, and he had almost lost that piece of flesh forever. As a result, other than when he was eating pork, he was extremely afraid of this creature.

However, there was no mention of this in the original book!?

"Xiao Jiji, now that he's discovered I'm raising pigs, isn't that a bit out of character?"

Xiao Jiji reassured her: "Don't worry host, the Yi Qingju in the original book was merely a background existence with only the most superficial 'delicate and petite flower' characteristics, as well as her pathological love for Qi Weiran. Things like her personal interests were blank, so just be yourself."

Yi Qingju understood.

She took off the sterilized plastic gloves and stood up, nodding to Hei Meilu. Her cat-like eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water: "Teacher Hei, what brings you here?"

Hei Meilu swallowed and thought that every beauty had some unusual little interests.

"The young master said he was tired, so he went to rest," he lied with a natural expression.

Yi Qingju nodded: “I see. Teacher Hei, you’ve had a difficult day. Why don’t you stay for dinner tonight? Auntie Zhang is a good cook after all."

Speaking of which, there was still a not-so-fresh wagyu steak in the fridge that this brat could have.

Upon hearing her words, the only thing that registered in Hei Meilu's mind was “stay for dinner tonight”.

He was stunned for a moment, then could barely suppress his excitement as the smile at the corner of his lips grew bit by bit: “Then thank you Miss Yi for having me.”

Seeing Yi Qingju emerge from the pigpen, Hei Meilu wanted to move closer to chat with her. But the large black pig suddenly stuck its head out with an open mouth and squealed loudly.

This cry made Hei Meilu stop dead in his tracks.

Yi Qingju calmly glanced back and gently called out: “Be good Flower, mommy will come back tomorrow.”

Intimidated by the black pig, Hei Meilu watched as Yi Qingju disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He glared at the snorting black pig with ill intent.

Without anyone else around, he no longer needed to hide his true feelings. He openly revealed his malice and said in a straightforward manner: “Damn fat pig, daring to hinder my plans. I’ll get rid of you sooner or later once I’ve seduced that woman."

Yet he didn't know the miniature camera on top of the pigpen had recorded everything.


That night, Qi Weiran did indeed call to say that he would be coming home for dinner.

Auntie Zhang and Qi Xinian were overjoyed. One busily cooked up a storm in the kitchen while the other preened in his room.

As for Hei Meilu, who knew where he had hidden himself.

In the sprawling Qi mansion, only Yi Qingju was idle.

She aimlessly flipped through the TV channels and yawned after the news anchor calmly reported that a psychopathic serial killer had recently emerged in a nearby city A.

She turned off the TV.

When the sun had completely set at 8:30 in the evening, Qi Weiran arrived at the Qi family mansion right on time.

Yi Qingju had changed into a brand new white dress. She stood outside the front door, occasionally looking around.

Seeing Qi Weiran’s tall figure under the street lamp, she excitedly ran over and stopped at a safe distance.

She looked up at him longingly with her small face and cat eyes.

Contrary to his usual behavior, Qi Weiran halted his steps and lowered his head to look at the approaching Yi Qingju.

"Sir, you're back. Qingju really missed you."

[Tsk, forgot to bring the eye drops, can only rely on myself now]

[Ah, my life is so sad, I'm playing Chopin in the rain]

The next second, two lines of clear tears suddenly flowed from Yi Qingju's eyes.

Qi Weiran: "......Zhang Wei."

The bodyguard next to him stepped forward.

Skirting around Yi Qingju whose tears were flowing nonstop, he ordered in a low voice: "Fire that psychologist and find me a new one."

A quack doctor cheating money.

Standing in the shadows with Auntie Zhang and Qi Xinian who had also come out to greet them was Hei Meilu. He looked at that handsome man who made him jealous.

This was the man in the original book who had brought the Qi Group to the pinnacle and was behind the male lead Qi Xinian—

Qi Weiran.

"Uncle Qiiii~ "

Qi Xinian let out a tender voice and trotted over.

His pair of big eyes that resembled black grapes seemed to contain the entire night sky when looking at Qi Weiran.

He was just so cute that Qi Weiran wanted to dote on him like crazy.

He liked soft, cute things.

But as the CEO in charge of the global lifeline, he could not reveal his personal preferences to others. He had to maintain an aloof demeanor devoid of joy, anger, sorrow or pleasure at all times.

So he just nodded slightly, continuing to walk forward without any pause in his pace.

The light in Qi Xinian's eyes dimmed and even the unruly tuft of hair on his head drooped down.

While many looked better from afar and their flaws were visible up close, Qi Weiran was different. Taking advantage of the strong lighting in the foyer, Hei Meilu could see him very clearly.

Flawless, even more attractive, especially that pair of amber eyes. He was perfect in a way that words could not describe.

"Mr. Qi, I'm Hei Meilu, the new family tutor who just started today." His smile was just right.

And to prevent his height from standing out too much next to Qi Weiran, he didn't stand too close.

Qi Weiran's eyes glanced over.

With that one look, it was as if he could see through this outer shell at his innermost essence, instantly drenching Hei Meilu's back in cold sweat.

"Family tutor? Why are you still here so late?"

Qi Weiran saw through the key point with one line.

It made Hei Meilu feel embarrassed on top of already feeling uneasy from that gaze.

At this time Yi Qingju walked over and gently said to Qi Weiran: "Sir, I asked Teacher Hei to stay for dinner. He taught Xiao'nian all afternoon and worked very hard, so I had him stay to eat.”

Qi Weiran wanted to say that this was his job responsibility to begin with. He was paid a high hourly wage, so if he still could not properly teach his nephew, what use did they have for this home tutor?

But as the CEO in charge of the global lifeline, he would not give such long-winded explanations.

So all Yi Qingju saw was him silently nodding.

【Tsk tsk, while I don't know how well he taught, this brat clearly wants to take advantage of you】

Qi Weiran halted his steps and his gaze instantly sharpened as it swept over.

It nearly shattered Hei Meilu's disguise.

How could this Qi Weiran be so terrifying!?

Other than his looks, what exactly did Yi Qingju see in him!?

If Yi Qingju could hear his inner voice, she would reply without hesitation—


Qi Xinian was carried over to Qi Weiran's side by Auntie Zhang. Just as Yi Qingju was about to sit across from him, the man on the other side pointed to the spot on his right and ordered: “Come here.”

So throughout the meal, Hei Meilu felt like he was eating flies. Not only did the steak on his plate taste strange, but his mood was also quite complicated.

He had a whole side of the dining table to himself while directly opposite him was the neat Qi family line up represented by Qi Weiran.

Wasn't this development a little...not right?

What happened to the steamy plot he imagined where he secretly caressed Yi Qingju's leg under the table right in front of the man of house before gradually seducing her?

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