My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Taking advantage of her soaring emotions, Yi Qingju furiously memorized many more words.

She had long forgotten the English exams she took in her previous life, and her later work had no relation to these subjects, rendering her practically illiterate.

Seeing her grow weary, Qi Weiran suddenly stood up: "Go take a rest if you're tired."

He spoke in a foreign language, and after a second of bewilderment, Yi Qingju replied, "Yes, Sir."

The best environment for language learning is constant communication.

Understanding Qi Weiran's intention, Yi Qingju spoke more freely and at greater length.

Although her speech was halting and her accent imperfect, the flight attendant who came to show them to their private room, upon hearing their conversation, gave a friendly smile.

She even introduced the room in the foreign language.

Yi Qingju returned a radiant smile, dazzling the attendant.

"Aren't you going to sleep, Sir?" she turned to ask Qi Weiran, who stood outside.

He shook his head: "I still have some documents to review. You sleep."

As he turned to leave, he paused, remembering something, and instructed the attendant: "Don't give her anything cold to drink."

Upon hearing this, the attendant smiled and nodded: "Yes, Sir."

As women, she understood immediately.

Only Yi Qingju, her face turning red at those words, lowered her gaze.

[I'm not a child...]

Wasn't it just an unconscious act of grabbing a cold drink before?

Seeing her embarrassed look, the attendant smiled: "No need to feel awkward, Ma'am. The Sir is just concerned for you."

Yi Qingju smiled sheepishly, abashed.

"I'll take my leave now. If you wake up and want water, just press the call button by the bed." With that, she gently closed the door behind her.

Watching the door slowly shut before her, Yi Qingju's puzzlement emerged.

Qi Weiran's attitude had changed so much lately. She had done so many stupid things under OOC's coercion that if she were him, she would have kicked her out long ago.

She had thought their mutually exploitative relationship would remain that way until his death, but now they were growing increasingly harmonious.

Eyeing the vacuum tank obviously meant for her turtle companion, Yi Qingju quirked a smile and placed Xiao Jiji inside: [You think he's being so good to us because he sees my true essence through this shell?]

Xiao Jiji: [....]Us?

[But you're right, host. While maintaining the original character, you sometimes reveal your true personality too, much more relaxed than before.]

Lying on the soft bed, she gazed unfocused at the ceiling.

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[Is this okay?]

Xiao Jiji surveyed its temporary new abode, marveling at the thoughtfulness of the Tycoon while replying to her question.

[Don't worry, host. You don't need to be so tense. I'm not that bad system - I won't punish you. And since the human trafficker's energy has been rewarded to me, even if you act as OOC as in Floor 18, that bad system won't come out again.]

[You can gradually relax. After all, you're not the main character or side character in this story, just a background extra.]

A background extra.

A label that sounded so freeing.

She rolled over with a sudden smile: [I see.]

[What new abilities did the human trafficker's energy reward you with?] Yi Qingju asked with interest.

Xiao Jiji shook its head mysteriously: [Heheh, that's actually the reason behind your recently ravenous appetite. It's an amazing ability - if I told you, you'd be shocked, so I'll keep it secret for now.]

Yi Qingju sat up, clutching the sheets: [Last time you said that, it was about being able to turn into a turtle. This time, does it mean you can evolve from a turtle into a tortoise? If you become a tortoise, how would that make me ravenous... unless I'm pregnant with you?]

Xiao Jiji: [......] What even?

It didn't want to be a tortoise! What if Auntie Zhang caught it and made turtle soup!

[What kind of cheat is that? Can you spit water as a tortoise? Or maybe when there's danger, you can stall by being thrown at their face?]

Xiao Jiji: [.....This is getting ridiculous.]

[Don't worry, host. This ability can definitely save your life when crucial.]

Yi Qingju hurriedly knocked on wood: [Tsk tsk tsk, following TV tropes, that's a huge flag you're raising!]

Little did she know, her words were becoming prophecy, with circumstances growing far more outrageous than she could imagine.

--Hello everyone, I'm the dividing line--

As the flight attendant emerged from around the corner and nodded at him, Qi Weiran then turned his gaze to Wan Sui and Zhang Wei beside him.

Wan Sui spoke first: "The police results are out. The fingerprints on the plaster doll and internal components don't match the human trafficker's."

Hearing this almost bizarre answer, Qi Weiran remained unfazed.

"Sir, this was a premeditated group crime."

"Deploy more guards to protect Yi Qingju after we disembark."

He said, his eyes on the window.

Zhang Wei paused: "Yes."

"They won't let this chance of me leaving S City slip by. Prepare a helicopter."

Wan Sui's brow twitched: "I'll arrange the personnel."

Qi Weiran gave him an appreciative look.

"Process a bonus for the accounting staff when we return."

Wan Sui nodded respectfully: "Thank you, Sir."

Though outwardly calm, the emotion in his eyes was evident.

Zhang Wei: ?

Why the sudden bonus!?

"Sir, I heard from Wan Sui that the human trafficker even knew about your... condition." Just thinking about it made Zhang Wei frown.

Qi Weiran, however, showed little reaction - apart from Yi Qingju, almost nothing seemed to elicit emotion from him.

"The interesting part is, they think they know something we don't." He astutely pointed out the key.

It wasn't any genetic illness - Qi Weiran had merely been poisoned by the Xie Family as a child.

Zhang Wei paused.


"Wake up."

Yi Qingju was roused by a voice.

Not a heavy sleeper, she had enjoyed a deep, sweet, dreamless slumber in the fragrant, cozy bedding and didn't want to get up.

Nuzzling the sheets, Yi Qingju mumbled, "Five more minutes."

Qi Weiran fell silent for a moment, then clapped his hands.

A flight attendant stepped forward deferentially and bent down to whisper in Yi Qingju's ear: "Someone's trying to steal your inheritance~"


The formerly slumbering figure bolted upright like a leaping carp.

Seeing the sheepish attendant and Qi Weiran beside her, Yi Qingju, realizing the situation, smiled awkwardly.

[What the heck, am I the kind of person who cares about inheritance?]

Qi Weiran: You definitely are.

Still not fully awake, Yi Qingju followed Qi Weiran off the plane in a daze. Unfocused, she slipped and tumbled forward, about to crash into the person ahead.

Though unharmed, her head nearly collided with his sturdy back, almost giving her a concussion.

[Wow....are your bones made of rebar?!!! How can they be so hard!!! Is this a workplace injury?]

Qi Weiran turned to look at her, his forehead indeed reddening.

He reached out to rub it: "How careless of you."

Yi Qingju sniffled: "Sorry, Sir. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

[You hurt me - I think I developed another layer of forehead. I swear it's swelling.]

Due to this little incident, Qi Weiran did not dare to let Yi Qingju walk by herself, and he actively took hold of her hand as they were surrounded by a group of people leaving the airport.

Preoccupied with her own forehead, Yi Qingju completely forgot about her hand. Instead of feeling awkward, she seemed accustomed to Qi Weiran's proximity and touch.

Xiao Jiji shook his head on her shoulder: "Could she not get used to it? After all, this is her brother who sleeps in the bunk above her."

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