My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 150: My name is Ha Taeho. And I... (1)

Chapter 150: My name is Ha Taeho. And I... (1)

Brigitte calmly observed the world.Now with the "Breath of Walpurgis" learned, Brigitte's magical detection ability could cover the entire region of Freesia.She felt as if a large boulder had disappeared from her detection network.

"The Demon King has fallen."

The shadow of Demon King Sabernak, who had escaped to the underground had fallen.Brigitte was truly relieved that he had fallen.

Among the shadows, the most fearsome was Demon King Sabernak.Brigitte wanted to pursue and defeat him immediately, but she couldn't.

Brigitte was casting a barrier around the giant Molumolu, a barrier that even the Demon King could not easily escape with confidence.

The joint barrier created with Saint Iris was named 「Jericho」.It was a magic that Brigitte had just developed and was considered to have an absolute effect in preventing anything inside from escaping.

"Who could have defeated the Demon King's shadow...?"

Brigitte wondered.Could there be a person capable of defeating the Demon King still lingering in Freesia? Of course, several faces came to mind.Saint Iris spoke of this.

"It must be Cariote. Cariote... So she has a trump card capable of defeating any demon. But in that case..."

In that case, she would probably die after using it.The mana core of the Dragon King was not something a human body could withstand.However, Iris just swallowed that thought.She didn't have the luxury to think about it.


Iris spat out blood.Her palm, spread wide towards the barrier, felt like it was burning.

Kooong— Koo-ooong—Inside the barrier, a heavy metallic pillar seemed to continuously shake the ground. The great Molumolu, in pain, let out a plaintive meow—.

"Indeed, although coated in black, it's still a good child."

Iris couldn't imagine how much pain the Molumolu, now a prison for Nocturne, was enduring.Was it like swallowing a hot fire in its belly? And that fire, like a cheeky devil, was rampantly causing agony without mercy.


The current Molumolu could be called a 'God', but what was trapped inside was that 'Nocturne’.Nocturne was so powerful that even a dozen gods had to combine strength to barely defeat it.The mere fact it was being contained was a miracle comparable to creation.

"...If it weren't for Molumolu, it would have been a disaster."

Saint Iris felt a fate as perfectly fitting as a puzzle. It was indescribable in words, but hope still lingered in her heart.

"Die, you bastard...!"

Kaaaang—!Then a massive shockwave erupted, like a meteor colliding with the moon. Queen had delivered the final blow towards Repentant Swordsman Alcatraz.

After the fall of Demon King Sabernak, Alcatraz hesitated for a moment, Queen then took the opportunity to leap meters into the air and slammed her greatsword into the ground with force.

「Starfall Sword」.It was a technique, as its name suggested, as powerful as a star.Originally, Alcatraz managed to withstand this technique by a hair's breadth during the old war, but not this time.

"See that! My improved skill! So, who's next?"

Queen shouted confidently.Something then caught Queen's ear.

━Queen... It's me... I'm trapped here... What is this pitch-black space...? It's frightening...! It's scary...! Save your father...! This, this place is hell...!

It was her father's voice.Queen couldn't understand why her father's voice was coming from inside that barrier and from within the pitch-black Molumolu.

"There's no way my father is in there!"

━Qu-Queen...! Save your father...! This place is hell...! The demons, the demons are tearing me apart...! Queeeen...! You left your homeland, and now you ignore your father's agony...!

Queen was a hearty woman.But hearing her father, who had given her life, scream in such agony made her heart ache, and she wanted to cover her ears.The problem was that she could still hear it, even when she covered them.

━Johann, save me! It's too hot here! Argh...!━Dad...! Dad...! Save Milony...!

"Mo... Mother...!""My daughter...! My daughter Milony is in there...!"

The holy knights were shocked.The people dear to them were crying out in pain from inside the barrier, their voices vivid and heart-wrenching.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Of course, they all knew it was 'fake'.Those located at the heart of this apocalypse were not so inexperienced as to be deceived by such spectral hallucinations.Yet, it was still excruciating.


Enkidus roared like a ferocious lion.The people felt as if they had tinnitus from the explosive noise, but it soon gave them courage.

"Everyone, calm down! The hallucination you just heard is one of Judas's techniques!"

Enkidus was someone who knew Judas's techniques in detail.Judas was a sly man and never told anyone about his techniques or limitations, but he considered Enkidus a friend and had shared much with him.

To Enkidus, the technique they had just experienced was called 「Six Paths – Satan」.Satan, according to Judas, was a horrific demon.

━After killing the Demon King, all of my techniques have transformed into something like horrific demons. They should never be used on ordinary people. They'll probably be sealed forever.

Judas had given his techniques the names of terrifying and fearsome demons.He also said it was a kind of consideration for others.

━It's a kind of warning. It's a scary technique, so don't even think about facing it, just run away.

Enkidus had laughed off Judas's arrogant words, but now he had to admit that they were far from false.

━Enkidus, it's so painful...! This is hell...! Burning dogs are tearing at my flesh...! Aaagh...!

The whispers were incessant in Enkidus's ears. It was the voice of Saint Iris.

Despite seeing her right beside him creating a barrier, Enkidus felt an intense urge to break through the barrier and dive into that black mass to save the saint.


Enkidus chanted again to strengthen the barrier.The barrier created by the Saint, Enkidus, and Brigitte was so solid that no entity could escape, they assured.


Finally, everything settled into silence.The murmuring noise that had been there just a moment ago had vanished completely.People felt relieved and grateful that the voices that had been tempting them were gone.

However.In this silence, they felt a new unease.

'It's too quiet, isn't it...?'

It was too quiet.As if this was what the world of nothingness before creation must have been like.This quiet was more unsettling to people's hearts than the temptations that had just been making noise.After all, it was a sign that 'something' was about to happen.


Then, a voice came from within Molumolu.It was not a hallucination, nor a tempting voice.It was Judas's voice.

"Let me go. Too much has changed already. It's too late. You can't defeat me. It's only a matter of time."


"But if you keep me locked up like this, when I free myself with my own power, I'll kill you in the most painful way imaginable. You can't even fathom it. Nocturne's Nightmare."

Everyone was terrified.Nocturne's Nightmare was too vast for the minds of mortals to imagine.

"But I love you. If you release me now, I'll let you go without pain. Or at least send the children inside the barrier. I want to see the faces of the children."

The voice was eerily calm.But Brigitte was not fooled.

"Judas, you see. You may lie well about other things, but you never carelessly utter love, not even with insincere lips. Not to the children, not to me. You're not the Judas I know right now."


Judas, or whatever was wearing his skin—fell silent at Brigitte's words.And then it said.

"You're right, Mage. As you say. But really, it's just a matter of time now. Do you think Judas, that man, can stop me in a mortal's body?"


"Do you think this little furball can save you? No, only I can be your salvation. Your lives are harsh, filled only with pain. Do you think there could be a salvation as easy and simple as turning everything into nothing? Truth is this simple."

That was the truth of Nocturne.What Nocturne sought was the dreadful nothingness.

“This world, filled with creatures, is a total lie. The essence of this world lies in nothingness. Your gods, the Demiurge, are nothing but false gods who have created this flawed and imperfect world. They were too weak to be called gods and the world they created is weak and foolish like them, hence the problems. But the salvation I will give you is true eternal rest, unchanging and everlasting. Am I not the only truth worthy of being called a god?”

The people did not respond.His words were sophistry, yet those, with a heavy tension in their hearts, like a lump of iron couldn't wring out the thoughts to counter him.Then, trembling, Naru spoke.

“Without the world, will there be no strawberries... or peaches...?”

“Young girl, do not speak carelessly. I am...I am... I am... I am...”

Nocturne muttered the words 'I am' as if broken. And then, as if truly enraged, he shouted in a thunderous voice.

“I will slaughter you three sisters for eternity!”

“Oh wow, holy shh...! Naru likes slaughter too!”

Oooooooo—The ground shook violently.It was then that Brigitte realized what Nocturne was trying to do.He seemed to be trying to collapse the ground and bury everything under the mudslide. While beings like Brigitte and Enkidus wouldn't die by being buried under the mud, the barrier could not be maintained.

“Evacuate the children! Nocturne is targeting them!”

Brigitte noticed that Nocturne held a deep hatred for those children. She couldn't be sure why, but she thought that she had to save them no matter what.

“I'm opening a portal! Everyone run! Protect the children!”

Brigitte decided to open a dimensional gate.But doing so could temporarily weaken the barrier.

However, there was no other choice.Nocturne had spoken the truth.The truth that this barrier couldn't last forever.

“Queen! Take care of my children! Space Severing!”

Brigitte yelled.

Swoosh—Space opened like a zipper.It was the path to Brigitte's house, the 「Junk Mansion」.

“Dad...!”Naru struggled.She didn't want to leave this place.

Cecily was also sad.


With courage wrung tight, she spoke.Though neither noble nor prince-like, he was Cecily's father indeed.But only Hina wore a solemn face.

"We must go now. We have to go now. There's no other time. If we don't go now, it's over."

Queen immediately took the children and fled, and the portal promptly closed.

Boom—!At that moment, the barrier exploded with great force.

The shock sent everyone flying, crashing to the ground, but only Molumolu ━Grrrrr...! resisted with a fierce howl.How long could Molumolu hold on?The situation was truly desperate.

Pop—Suddenly, something descended from the sky.One was tied at the waist with a rope, the other floated in mid-air without support.

The blonde beauty with the rope at her waist said,

"Finally gone. When we meet, we merge into one, right? That's fine, but merging is a bit of a hassle."

To these words, the pink-robed beauty floating in the air responded,

"...That's true. But now is a good time..."

They seemed like goddesses descended upon this battlefield.In this desperate situation, their presence shone as if enveloped in radiance.

"Has Naru not arrived yet? Well, Naru can use gates, so she'll join us on her own. Hina, you can't, though.""...It's not that I can't. And you, even with a compass, got lost and arrived late.""I wasn't late; I had things to do."

The women giggled.Seeing this, Saint Iris was stunned.Though she couldn't see, she knew something tremendous had come─.

"Who... who are you?"

The Saint asked cautiously.Then the two women, similar yet completely different, seemed to look at each other and simultaneously said,

"Erinyes, the Sisters of Vengeance...""─let's leave it at that for now. Although one is still missing...! From this moment on, we'll take command /genesisforsaken

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