My Evil Boy Toy

Chapter 29 - 29 - Involved With The Mafia 1

I sat on the chair beside Jayden's bed, stunned by the news from the doctors. I wanted to cry but I can't. I have to be strong for him. I don't really know what happened. He said he will just talk to someone about some business. I didn't ask because I thought it's for Luke's company.

The doctors checked his body and there's no sign of injury exept on his fist which looks like he punched someone. The blood from his body was also not from him. They got the blood sample and will be tested for DNA analysis.


Kyle came in with a worried face. Grandfather also asked the royal guards to do a secret investigation and to protect the palace since it's possible that they're targeting the royal family and Jayden was caught in between.

"I won't ask if you're okay but be strong. I called Luke and told him what happened. He said Jayden messaged him about meeting someone. He asked Luke's permission to use A.E Corporation's name so he can meet this person." Kyle said.

"Who is it? Did he tell you?" I asked, almost yelling.

"His uncle." He answered and let out a sigh. "Luciano Castello. He's one of the most dangerous men of the Mafia. He was the one who ordered to kill his father, but unfortunately, they killed his mother."

"How could Luke let him meet his mother's family? Why didn't he tell me?" I yelled.

"Peggy, calm down. Grandpa had a connection with Castello. He's trying to contact him now to ask him about Jayden." He said while holding my shoulders.

The door burst open and grandpa came inside the room. His expression was dark and cold.

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"They'll be here. Let's question them once they arrived. Margaret, my princess, how are you?" Grandpa asked.

"I'm trying to be okay for him. Grandpa, he'll be fine right? You know, Jayden has a split personality because of the trauma seeing her mother killed. Her mom hid him so he won't get hurt, but he witnessed the brutality of how she was murdered. His other side is his mother. I haven't met her, but he told me once he switched with her, she'll get her revenge. I know what he meant was to kill his mother's murderer. When I saw him full of blood, I thought he's been stabbed or he was hurt. If they didn't find any injury, does it mean he killed someone?"

I know grandpa and Kyle were shocked from what I told them but they knew I needed support more than anything.

"Trust him. You love him right? Don't doubt. Trust his heart and yours." Grandpa simply said.

One of the royal guards came and whispered something to grandpa.

"Luciano is here. Kyle come with me." He said.

I stood up. "I want to talk to him. Don't stop me." I said while I walked outside the room.

We went to the throne room and the royal guards were lined up as we enter. The royal butler announced that the King and the prince arrived.

Grandpa sat on the throne while me Kyle stand beside him. Grandpa haven't given me my title as a princess so I need to stand lower than them.

There are five people bowing in front of us. Three men and two women. I'm not sure who's Jayden's uncle.

"Luciano, you can start telling us your story." Grandpa said.

"Your majesty, Jayden Richards is indeed my nephew. He asked a meeting in behalf of A.E Corporation so I went to meet him. Believe me, I didn't do anything to him. The boy got mad when I told him I didn't order to kill her mother." He answered.

"But you did order to kill his father, right? How could you?" I blurted.

The man looked at me confused, then turned to grandfather.

"This is Margaret, daughter of Princess Catherine Hulls, she's your nephew's fiance. My granddaughter." Grandpa introduced me.

Luciano was surprised, that I am his nephews's fiance.

"Your highness, it wasn't me either or any member of our family who ordered to kill his father. We are against their marriage, but I love my sister. Father loved her. It is true that according to our law, any member of a Mafia Family needs to get punished if they ran away. Father can't do it, nor do I. We also mourned when we found she has been murdered and we did are best to find the real killer ever since that day." I can sense the sincerity from his voice.

"Then what happened to Jayden? What did you do to him?" I asked.

"He attacked me first. So my men tried to stop him but he beat one of them." He paused. "I told him he can look and ask the Rossi's about her mother."

"Are you saying, the Rossi has something to do with his mother's death?" Grandpa asked.

"Yes and no. The Rossi Clan is an underground organization who's known for being a middleman. They will be paid to look for someone to do the job." He said.

"How could someone from a Mafia Family asked the Rossi to find someone to kill a member of another clan? Can't they just do it themselves?" Kyle asked.

"A Mafia Family usually asked the Rossi's help if they want to kill someone and want it to be kept a secret. The Rossi will never tell anyone who they hired. And I think they killed those they hired, so they won't have any issues in the future." Jayden's uncle explained.

"Then how could that information help him? I don't understand, why would he attack you if you didn't provoke him." I said, frowning.

He stared at me and I can see his resemblance to Jayden.

"I told him his father deserved to die, but not his mother. That it's his father's fault my sister was murdered. If he didn't take her away, she'll be safe." He said.

I can sense his anger towards Jayden's father. His expression was serious and dark whener he mentioned his sister.

"How about the blood all over his body when he arrived?" I asked.

"Because he shot someone." The woman beside his uncle blurted.

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