My Evil Boy Toy

Chapter 42 - 42 - Test

I looked at him, surprised. He knew? But how? Did someone tell him? But the girls said they won't tell anyone.

"Talk." He said, frowning. ​​

I felt nervous. He's mad I know that. I knew it, he didn't like it. I felt something painful in my chest.

"I-I'm still not sure. But I lost track of my period. A-And I-I'm sorry." I stuttered. Then tears flow into my eyes.

He rushed towards me and pull me into his arms. I thought he's mad at me. But his body says differently.

"Why are you apologizing? You're so stupid. Did you think I will change my mind if I knew you were pregnant?" He asked, annoyed.

I was sobbing. I've been too emotional lately.

"Hey stop crying. I'm pissed because it seems you underestimated me and misunderstood. I told you, I didn't use protection so you can carry my child." He said, hugging me tight.

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"I-I'm scared." I said while crying.

"I know. I'm scared too but we have each other. Don't think of anyone else but us. I will take care of you and the baby, if in case you're really pregnant. So stop worrying." His voice was so comforting.

How could I doubt him? From the very moment he said he loves me, he was so sure about us. He never doubted his feelings for me but I, on the otherhand, always doubt him. He knew it was my weakness. He always understand me.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you more." Then he carried me again to the bed.

"Now rest. We'll go to the doctor tomorrow." He said.

"Love? How did you know? Did someone tell you?" I asked, curiously.

"Do you think your girls will betray you? We've been together for almost a year. I know if you are bothered by something. You said you lost track of your period, but I didn't. I know you missed it this month. You're supossed to have it two weeks ago." He answered.

I wanted to cry again. He knows everything about me. I'm so stupid.

"I'm sorry. I doubted you. I'm an idiot."

"Yeah. You are. I told you to trust me. You can't hide anything from me Margaret. I would never turn my back on you. I'm obsessed with you, in a good way. You know that right? Besides, how can I call myself your fiance if I don't even know what's worrying my princess?" He said while caressing my face with his hand.

He's really sweet in his own way. He calls me stupid, an idiot, always telling me to shut up, he was sometimes rude, well most of the time, but he's bold, direct and honest.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. He responded. I leaned my forehead to his after the kiss, panting.

"If you're not pregnant, then maybe you're just stress. And it's also my fault. So I'm really worried about you. I don't want to see you like this." He said.

"It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. It's in the past so let's forget it." I smiled.

"Margaret." He whispered.

"I like it when you call me by my real name."

"I like it too. I don't know how and why but I am head over heels in love with you. You are making me crazy. So please don't ever think of me leaving you okay?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Alora gave me this. I want to try and see." I said while showing him the pregnancy test.

"Then let's try. Try it now. We'll still consult a doctor no matter what." He said.

"But she said it's better to do it in the morning."

"I think it will be the same result if it's positive or not." He insisted.

I'm still hesitant to do it. Jayden seem to understand and cupped my face.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Whatever the result, I will be here for you. I promise." He said.

I muster the courage and stood up. I took a deep breath and walked towards the bathroom.

"Would you like me to come with you?" He asked.

"I think it's better for you to stay here." I said while closing the bathroom door.

I looked myself in the mirror. I was really pale and somehow I became thin. It's been a few days that I feel sick and just threw up everything I ate. I always feel sleepy and my head feels light. I also became emotional. I know the signs are telling me I am pregnant, all I need was a confirmation.

I took a deep breath again and opened the pregnancy test. I read the instructions and walked towards the toilet bowl. So it says, collect a urine sample in a cup and dip the test strips in it. That's easy. And so I followed.

It says here to wait for 3-5 minutes. It's positive if it has two lines. I looked at it waiting for the result. Five minutes seem so long. I was in front of the mirror, waiting, tapping my fingers and pacing back and forth.

Then I saw the result. I bit my lips and rushed outside the bathroom.

Jayden was also walking back and forth. I thought I'm the only one nervous. When he heard the door, he looked at me, frowning.

"So? What is it?" He asked.

He walked towards me because I didn't answer. I was just staring at him. I didn't even smile or showed any reaction. I just stood there.

"Hey. You're killing me. Can I see it?" He asked, brushing his hand on my cheek.

I handed him the prenancy test. I was looking at him to see his reaction.

He frowned when he saw the result. He's a guy but I know he knew how to check if it's positive or not.

He glanced at me. Tears fell down from my eyes. Before I knew it he was already hugging me tight.

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