My Evil Boy Toy

Chapter 82 - 82 - No More Hatred, Only Love

May we know the reason why you left? There's a rumor circulating that you left Prince Jayden for another man. Is it true?" The reporter asked.

The people were quiet, looking at me, waiting for me to answer the question. I'm not sure if it's okay to tell it in public. I looked at grandpa and Kyle, then to Jayden's father. Turned my head to Jayden, they all had the same reaction.


I took a deep breath and answered.

"It was because of our parents." I whispered.

We could hear the people murmuring when the same reporter asked again.

"Can you tell us more about your parents?"

"My father is Matthew Forelli and Jayden's mother is Lucia Castello."

The shocked faces from the people were obvious when we looked at them. Jayden felt that I couldn't continue so took my hand, kissed it and smiled.

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"My mother was killed by a Mafia group. We never really found who it was. At first, I thought it was an order from my mom's family but later on, it was confirmed that it wasn't. Margaret found out that his father and my mom were supposed to get married, since mom was in love with my dad, she ran away with him. I believed that was the reason she was murdered. Margaret didn't want me to find out about the involvement of our parents, knowing that I had a trauma because my mother was murdered in front of me." Jayden explained, looking at me with his loving eyes.

"She left because of me. I found out about it after two years that she went missing so you see, she loved me unconditionally, she sacrificed her happiness for me. I know what I did after she left was unforgivable. Everyone knew I became someone different, and I regret it. That's why I promised her that I will do everything to be worthy of her love because she deserves more than I could give." He continued.

I leaned towards him, planting small kisses to his lips. We didn't really care that all eyes were on us. We kissed as if no one was around us.

When we heard grandpa coughed, we blushed and giggled.

"Are you planning to find out more about your parents? You said you were not sure if the Forelli was involved with the murder of you mother, what if it's true?" Someone asked.

"I have already forgiven Margaret's dad if he was involved but I am still hoping he wasn't." Jayden said which surprised me because he never told me about it. 

I was happy though. I was worried when he decided to find out the truth about our parents. Worried that it may affect his mind and body again and worried that our relationship may change when we find something about it.

"How about the Santelmo's and your father? Are they ready to forgive someone who killed one of their family?" The reporter asked again.

From what I see, he was trying to test Jayden's calmness. He was indeed known for being short-tempered and had anger issues so it's natural that they would want to see it personally. Reporters and paparazzi are really rude.

"I already talked to my mom's family about it. Now that I am a part of the royal family, the Santelmo's and its lower clans will now be supporting the king of Flousia and its future king. We promise to make an alliance with the royal family to maintain peace and order in this country. The Santelmo's are not the most powerful clan of the underground and there are a lot of Mafia groups who are against the king, except for the ones who have already promised their allegiance to the Wilson and the royal family, but it is a start."

I wanted to cry again. I didn't expect what he did. I know that Luke and Kyle were in allegiance with some Mafia clans and the Santelmo's were one of a few who didn't agree because of the possible involvement of my father in his mother's death.

He gazed at me, smiling as if saying that everything is okay. He wiped the tears that were about to fall from my eyes and whispered in my ear.

"Don't cry. Everything's fine. My heart is already in peace because of you. I have no more hatred to give, only love."

Instead of not crying, I still burst out. He was laughing seeing me getting more emotional because of happiness.

The question and answer went on and we answered them with honesty and conviction. We are not afraid anymore. I felt like our hearts became connected, beating as one, supporting each other.

The people couldn't stop from clapping and cheering for us. After the interview, we could see the satisfaction from their faces.

We knew there's a possibility that my father might be watching right now since it was televised or maybe news would reach him by tomorrow. Maybe he would be the one to contact us so the interview was actually a strategy to call his attention.

Like Jayden said, I assumed that he was involved with my mother in law's murder but I am also hoping he's not. In my heart, I still want to reconnect with him and see him even if it's for once. Then I was also planning to reach out to my foster father, Benjamin Miller. He was still the father I've known for a long time. I have already forgiven him so I wanted to at least introduce Caden to him.

The final part of the celebration was the last dance from the bride and groom. Jayden stood up and pulled me to the dance floor.

Wrapping his arms to my waist, pulling me gently closer to his body. I wrapped my arms to his neck as we started to dance slowly. He was leaning his forehead to mine and I could smell the scent of his warm breath, a mixture of peppermint and lavender.

"Did you like my dress?" I asked.

"You're stunning and I couldn't take my eyes off you, my wife." He answered.

"I love it when you call me wife." 

He leaned to the side of my face, nibbling my ear.

"I can't wait to see you naked later." He said in a husky voice, making me red.

My heart suddenly pounded loudly and my body heated when he brushed his hand gently into my back.

Tonight, we will finally make love as husband and wife. 

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