My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 437

Chapter 437: Mood Swings are swinging.

“Feng Sheng, I am gonna kill you for this.” Han Zihao cursed Feng Sheng under his breath as he pressed the button to his unit in the elevator.

After finding out that Xu Nuan had called him to pick her up from the cafe while he was in the meeting, he hurriedly left the office and went to the cafe.

However, when he reached the cafe, Xu Nuan had already left with Han Liang and Luo Dan. And there were only Jia Fei and Yuhan left in the cafe, filling themselves with unlimited amounts of beer and snacks.

” Mr. Han, don’t you think you’re too early for the party?” Jia Fei remarked sarcastically to see Han Zihao who arrived so late that Xu Nuan already left with Han Liang and Luo Dan.

” Shh! Don’t say things like that. He must be frustrated already.” Yuhan stopped Jia Fei for making fun of Han Zihao but he was kind of enjoying the way Han Zihao looked at the moment- Frustrated and exhausted.

Han Zihao pursed his lips in a thin line to see Yuhan there. He still remembers their first meeting when Yuhan tried to block his way from taking unconscious Xu Nuan to the hospital.

” AH! Aren’t you Gu Xingren’s fiance? How come you’re having drinks with another girl? That too at night?” Han Zihao threw his ace card which caused Yuhan’s expressions to turn gloomy in an instant.


” It’s been long since I broke up with her. Don’t talk nonsense.” Yuhan snapped at him, giving him a reason to enjoy this moment.

” Oh! Is that so? I thought you’re still her boyfriend and hanging out with someone else at night. Oops! My bad.” Han Zihao said sarcastically and walked out of the cafe, leaving fuming Yuhan behind.


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Han Zihao took a deep breath and walked out of the elevator when it reached his floor. ” Everything’s gonna be fine.” He repeated this chant in his mind and tried to calm down his worked up nerves.

Seeing the way Xu Nuan left earlier with Han Liang, with whom she fights all the time and doesn’t appreciate his company in the same place and wasn’t even picking up his calls, it tells how pissed she is.


” Xu Nuan....are you sleeping?” Han Zihao cautiously stepped inside the bedroom and called out for Xu Nuan in the sweetest voice possible.

The lights in the bedroom were turned off and he could see a silhouette lying on the bed under the blankets. Seeing the gloomy atmosphere in the room, it was the moment when he knew that he was done for.

Just recently, Xu Nuan has completed her first trimester. She was already eight weeks pregnant when the doctor announced that she is pregnant and it’s been almost a month since then.

Even though her morning sickness has reduced to some extent and doesn’t make things much difficult for her, her mood swings are making things difficult not only for her but him as well.

At one moment, she is happy and laughing merrily but the very next moment, she starts to cry and bawl as if someone had died.

The other day she was crying when he had cooked chicken soup for her as she was feeling bad for the poor chicken and even called him a ‘monster’ for killing that poor soul.

However, the next moment, she was enjoying the chicken soup and even licked the bowl to empty as if she wasn’t crying a while ago and even asked him to cook it again.

It’s been only a month since her pregnancy symptoms started to show themselves. Yet it feels like months to him. Was a month always this long?

Grandmother Han had told him that having a baby is not a road full of flowers.

In reality, it is the difficult trek where one might regret midway and will wonder why he even started in the first place. However, after reaching the highest point of the mountain, the satisfaction and happiness would be out of this world.

After all the suffering to reach the highest point of the mountain, the beautiful landscape will make them realize that it was all worth it.

Having a baby is also just like that.

It is that difficult trek where one might feel exhausted during the process but the end result makes everything worth it.

Thinking about the wise words of Grandmother Han, Han Zihao took a deep breath and hardened his heart to go through it. More than him, Xu Nuan must be suffering the most – physically and mentally as well.

The least he can do is to pamper her with all the love and bear some of her mood swings. Because in the end, everything will be worth it.


” Are you angry with me? I am sorry!”

” Feng Sheng told me about your call so late. And as soon as I heard about it, I left to pick you up from the cafe but you were not there.” Han Zihao switched on the lights and walked towards the bed while apologizing to her.

However, Xu Nuan didn’t show any reaction to his sweet words and didn’t turn around to face him.

” I said I am sorry. I won’t be late next time. I promise! Will you forgive me now? Hmm?” Han Zihao climbed on the bed and tried to pull on her hands to make her face him.

” Will you look at me now? Will you?”

However, as soon as he turned Xu Nuan around, he froze on the spot to see her eyes welled up with tears and she was silently sobbing, making him feel even more guilty for making her upset.

” Why....why are you crying? Is it because I was late to pick you up? Or is it because you came with Han Liang?” Han Zihao was baffled to see sobbing miserably.

“You...You’re so bad! Hick!” She hit on his chest with her weak fists and cried harder after saying it.

” Couldn’t you have just given me a call if you were running late? Do you know how long I waited for you at the cafe before coming back with that dumb-headed Prince?”

” Moreover, didn’t you say the last time that no-overtimes from now on? We both will come back home on time and will not stay up till late as it’s not good for the health of the baby and mine? You don’t allow me to work till late but look at the time you came back. It’s past 11 now.”

” Is your work only important and not mine? Huh? You’re so mean. You only say sweet things on the surface but always do whatever you want.”

” You didn’t even bring the strawberry ice-cream that I asked you to bring along. How can you do that to me?”

” Didn’t you used to say that you will always love me no matter what? What happened to you now? You don’t even call me sexy anymore. The last time when I dressed up, you called me cute. CUTE!!” She cried loudly while wrapping her arms around his neck tightly.

” Is it because I am not sexy anymore like before?”

Han Zihao sighed heavily as he hugged her and continued to caress her back gently while she was pouring her heart in front of him like a mirror.

He was surprised and was also amused to hear that so much was going on in her head. She even misunderstood his words and was imagining things that he had never thought of before.

” Why aren’t you saying anything? Are you angry with me?” She asked in a meek voice after she was done crying.

She still had her hands wrapped around him as she hugged him tightly and nestled against the side of his neck like a crying cat.

” Have you calmed down now?”

Xu Nuan pursed her lips and nodded.

” If you’re done, then listen to me carefully. No matter what, I will never stop loving you. You will always look cute, pretty and sexy in my eyes. In whatever way I compliment you, it will always mean that I love you so much that I can never think about having you by my side for granted.”

” And about your strawberry ice-cream, I brought it with me. If you want to eat it, you will have to give me a kiss.” He said, offering her a lucrative deal.

Xu Nuan pouted but kissed him anyway, ” Now bring my ice-cream to me. Now!!” She ordered him at which Han Zihao let out a throaty laugh and nodded, ” Right Away, My Queen.”

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