My Fate System

Chapter 9: Gunmen's Privilige

Each time he changes the future, he steals fate from someone. The impact that Hyde Crow would leave on the world would be less once Ash hinders him.

Nikolai has read something like this before, the butterfly effect. His need for a lousy pair of weapons made him initiate a sequence of actions that would prevent one of the largest heists that Hyde Crow would do.

He didn’t know if it would be prevented, as the future was different now. The more that he steals fate, thus changing the future, the less he can change the future.

As he left the bakery and basked in the sunlight, Nikolai went deep in thoughts. He had to grab as much power as he can before the future becomes something he can’t even recognize.

His interference with Hyde’s raid earned him 10 Fate Points, which is a large sum. It can be because Hyde himself would later be one of the most notorious villains the world has seen.

With the five points that he got from Lan and the sixteen points that he had left from killing Luke, he now had thirty-one points. If he wanted to dump all of these on one event, he can get a 100% probability on an event with a 3.125% chance of occurring. His bloodline crystal had a 2% chance.

Even if he had the necessary 49 points to make his bloodline awakening a guaranteed thing, he still lacked the stats and the resolve to be awakened.

The Hunters Union had a high-tall building that was lined with red tiles, making a stark contrast against the blue background of the sky. As he stepped on the street known as Hunters Street, every food vendor started selling potions and weapons.

His hesitation, as he introspected himself, didn’t stem from his clinging to humanity. It was because of his fear of the unknown. What if he awakens not as something powerful, but a frog? Who would kiss a frog in the era of monsters and hunters?

He’d be deep-fried and served as a snack in Hunters Street before it became midnight. Why would a maiden in love be wandering around before midnight? That doesn’t make sense.

On the other hand, if he clung to his humanity, he’ll be in the light of knowledge. He’ll have the chance to grow powerful by getting those skills and stats.

It was a risk, one that involved his future. As someone who came back from the future, he couldn’t think of anything more important to him.

‘Well, besides the present.’ Nikolai thought as someone bumped into him. With a quick apology, they headed toward an alley. Nikolai sighed and pulled out his gun that was strapped to his back. ‘I was too deep in thought. I forgot that snatchers were common here.’

With quick steps, Nikolai found himself in the alley. A shadow was jumping over the wall and Nikolai aimed before firing.

The gunshot was loud to make the pedestrians stop in their tracks to take a look. Before any of them can say anything, Nikolai shouted in a rough voice unlike his own.

“Give me back my money, thief!”

As soon as he yelled those words, the people around ignored him and kept walking. It was a common thing to be pickpocketed on Hunters Streets. Shooting a gun wasn’t the most dangerous thing that someone can do, so no one cared.

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Nikolai climbed the wall and jumped into another alley, one that went through a small garden. He followed the trail of blood on the ground until he reached the thief that has taken his money.

“Give it back.” Nikolai coldly said to the bleeding kid in front of him.

“Please don’t kill me.” The kid squeezed his bleeding leg as he pleaded. It was a short kid with a dirty appearance, who seemed about ten years of age.

“I give two craps about killing you, just give me my money back.”

“It’s here,” The kid took out Nikolai’s pouch. He was trembling, probably due to the loss of blood.

“Do you have any other money?” Nikolai asked as he counted his silver. The boy’s face turned pale.

“Please, sir. I need it. I…”

“Shut up and answer.”

“… I have nothing.”

“You should’ve lied before you cried about needing it.” Nikolai sighed. “You’re not very smart, are you?” Without saying anything else, Nikolai picked up the kid against his protest.

Ten minutes later, he threw the kid in front of a door and started banging on it. The door opened to reveal a middle-aged man with a colored beard.


“Treat his wound, he has enough money.” Nikolai pointed at the kid who was now passed out. “I’ll come back to check on him.”

“No, you won’t,” The man sighed. “I know this kid, thank you for going easy on him.”

“If shooting him in the leg is going easy, I’m started to question what kind of doctors you are.” Nikolai waved his hand and left. “Tell him that the next time he does this, he’ll be dead.”

He went back to Hunters Street and made his way toward the Hunters Union. If he wanted to hunt monsters, he’d have to register as an adventurer first.

The building was ancient, as the first founder was the one to build it. Its spiraled towers were a feat of nothing less than magical. With an area of at least two thousand meters, the Hunters Union was one of the largest buildings in Rohan.

As Nikolai stepped foot into it, the nostalgic feeling flooded into him again. He knew the layout of this place like the back of his hand.

Nikolai headed straight toward the registration hall, which was right beside the Hub, where tasks were given. The registration hall was always crowded because many people risked their lives to have a living.

The kingdom didn’t stop people from becoming adventurers but encouraged it. As long as you were above sixteen, you can become an adventurer. The irony was that you were allowed to risk your life even if you were underaged, but not your money.

It had some logic behind it, as underaged people can be strong, but still be immature. Of course, there was a test before you can become an adventurer. You’d have to be at least an F-rank, having 20 points in all of your stats if you wanted to pass.

This was the baseline, after that you can specialize. As for Nikolai himself, he wanted to exploit a hole in the system.

“Are you here to register as an adventurer?” The girl behind the desk asked. With a nod, Nikolai confirmed. “We’ll have to measure your stats before the practical test. If you don’t have any recent stats scans, we can make you one. It’ll be for…”

“I want to register as a gunman.” Nikolai interrupted, making the girl stared with wide eyes.

“That is… wait for a second as I check…” She was about to grab a guidebook when a large man placed his hand on the desk between the two.

“Gunmen have the privilege of requiring no stats scan to register, but their practical exam is beyond difficult.” The burly man stared down at Nikolai, doubt clear in his eyes. “Are you aware of that? There was no refund for the registration fees.”

“I am aware,” Nikolai placed one silver coin on the table. “Please take care of me.” He took out his gun and placed it on the table.

Even though it was an old model, it was a proper gun. Nikolai also got two magazines from Ash, making it proper for a first hunt. For the exam, the Union would provide him with bullets.

“Very well, follow me.”

The man grabbed the coin and placed it in the girl’s hand before leaving the hall with Nikolai. They went to the armory and got a magazine for Nikolai, with twelve bullets inside.

“These are the bullets that you’ll use for your exam. It’s a simple one, but an incomparably difficult one to pass.” The man said as he handed him the magazine. “I wish you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“I know,” Nikolai smiled. The man shook his head and started walking toward the field. Following him, Nikolai tried looking around to spot anyone that he knew.

There was a rule that was specific to gunmen, decreasing the requirements over their stats. Nikolai had decided to use it since he set his mind to become an adventurer.

As the two reached the examination field, they found several people who were also taking their exam. They were mostly young, with a few seasoned examinees who never managed to make it.

They were being tested by someone else, an instructor that dueled against them in a one-against-one fashion. He would then assign them to their adventurer’s rank, which corresponds to their strength.

“What are you doing here, Regan?” The examiner asked the man accompanying Nikolai. “Slacking off your hunting duties?”

“Save it, Fred.” Regan waved his hand. “I’m here to conduct a special examination.” He pointed at Nikolai with his thumb.

“How special?” Fred furrowed his brows.

“Gunmen special,” Regan then started walking again with Nikolai following after him.

When Nikolai passed by the examinee that stood in front of Fred, he paused. It was a girl wearing chainmail with a longsword strapped to her waist.

‘She’s younger than I remember, but that makes sense. I never met her until after my graduation.’

The person that was taking the exam was none other than one of the Lords that would establish her domain after the war. She was his senior at the academy, but their worlds couldn’t be more different.

With blonde hair that reached down to her shoulders and deep eyes with an abnormal bright blue color, Valkyrie Helnes was everything that Nikolai was not. At least, his previous self.

As she stood there waiting for the instructor to begin the exam, she exuded a heroic aura around her. Her light-chain armor hugged her body tightly, a testimony of how serious she was about this duel.

“Sir Regan, can I spectate the traditional exam first?” Nikolai asked with expectation. Regan glanced at him before glancing at Valkyrie. With a grin, he nodded in understanding.

Nikolai knew that this instructor had formed the wrong idea about his interest, thinking he had had a crush on Valkyrie. Well, that wasn’t weird as just by standing there, Valkyrie managed to bewitch all of the spectating men and a few women.

“As I said before, we can arrange a special exam for someone of your status, Miss Helnes,” Fred asked again but Valkyrie shook her head and assumed her stance.

“I’m no different.” Her words were short but concise. Her gaze was sharp and unwavering. This was exactly like Nikolai remembered her. She had a high sense of righteousness and fairness, refusing to use her status to make her life easier.

‘You were blessed with talent, background, and even looks but you act as if they had nothing to do with you. Doesn’t that mean that all of our efforts are a waste? That our circumstances were nothing more than an excuse?’

Nikolai thought to himself as Fred took his stance. That’s exactly why he hated her in the past and now as well. Her longsword was unsheathed and ready to attack. She held it in one hand in front of her, a style she’ll discard in the future.

With a step that Nikolai couldn’t follow, the two people collided as sparks flew everywhere. Seeing the first three moves, Nikolai turned to Regan.

“Let’s have our exam, sir.”

“Ah, okay.” Regan was stunned as if he was taken aback by Nikolai’s withdrawal. “You know,” He said as the two walked toward the shooting field. “Girls like those who fight for their heart.” He said with a wink.

“…” Nikolai looked at him silently before nodding. It wasn’t a good idea to embarrass your examiner, so he’ll pretend like he took the advice.

The shooting range had many targets, both humanoid and posters. Once they were there, they found a middle-aged man cleaning his rifle.

“Regan, are you finally here to admit your defeat?”

“In your dream, old man.” Regan patted Nikolai’s shoulder. “You have a new gunman to be tested.”

The man looked at Regan and then at Nikolai in disbelief. His lips trembled as his face flushed in anger.

“Are you mocking me, Regan?” He said as he pointed at Regan. “Do you think that anyone can become a gunman these days? Let me show you what a gunman can do.”

Without hesitation, the man aimed his rifle and fired at Regan. With a sigh, Regan’s giant arm bulged and he punched the bullet, deflecting it.


“My skill has evolved, old man. The new age has no place for gunmen.” Regan seemed apologetic. “It’s best if you try to…”

“Rubbish!” The man snarled. “Get out of my sight immediately.” He said with a grim face. It seems his inability to hurt Regan made him unreasonable.

“This kid wants to test out his…”

“There’s no such thing as a kid gunman!” The man roared. “He’s trying to use the gunmen’s privilege to pass the test! Get him out of here!”

His roar was powerful enough to attract the attention of the examinee and Fred as well. Regan sighed as he turned to Nikolai.

“I’m sorry, kid…”

“How about a bet, old man?” Nikolai took a step forward.

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