Ch: 139 [Abominations]

Ch: 139 [Abominations]

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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 13 chapters ahead⭐

(No double billing) (Exclusive r18 chapters only on Pat reon)


As Ophelia, Jessica, and Blink reached the giant blast door leading to the outside, they were confronted by two towering abominations that stood in their way. These grotesque creatures were the result of AMO's twisted experiments, a horrifying fusion of human and machine.

The first abomination, known as Mech-Hyde, stood at over ten feet tall. Its body was a patchwork of flesh and metal, with mechanical limbs protruding from its grotesque frame. Wires and cables snaked through its pulsating muscles, connecting to mechanical implants and devices embedded in its body. Its face was contorted and disfigured, a blend of human features and mechanical enhancements, with one glowing red eye piercing through the darkness.

The second abomination, named Cyborga, was equally as repulsive. Its body was encased in a metal exoskeleton, the flesh underneath visible through gaps and tears in the armor. Tubes and wires snaked through the exoskeleton, connecting to the abomination's spine and limbs. Its face was a twisted amalgamation of human and machine, its mouth filled with sharp metallic teeth, and its eyes glowed with an eerie blue light.

"Mech-Hyde and Cyborga!" Ophelia looked surprised because those two abominations were supposed to be in suspended animation. She saw them in that chamber filled with glass tubes full of human subjects. But it seems the AMO higher-ups have decided to unleash them to stop them from escaping.

As the abominations lurched forward, the ground shook beneath their massive weight. Their guttural roars echoed through the corridor, filling the air with a sense of dread. The team prepared themselves for a battle of epic proportions, their determination unyielding.

Ophelia quickly assessed the situation, her pink Lantern ring pulsating with power. She activated its scanning abilities, focusing her attention on the abominations. As Mech-Hyde and Cyborga charged towards them, Ophelia gracefully evaded their powerful strikes, her agility, and ring-enhanced reflexes guiding her movements.

Using her ring's scanning abilities, Ophelia analyzed the abominations' weaknesses. Despite their intimidating appearance, they were not invulnerable. She noticed that Mech-Hyde's mechanical limbs had vulnerable joints where the flesh and metal connected. A well-placed strike to those weak points could potentially disable its movements.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As for Cyborga, Ophelia observed that the exoskeleton had exposed circuitry and power conduits. Damaging those vital components could potentially disrupt its functionality, making it more vulnerable to their attacks.

With this crucial information in mind, Ophelia relayed the abominations' weaknesses to Jessica and Blink. "Mech-Hyde has vulnerable joints connecting its mechanical limbs to its flesh. Aim for those weak points. And Cyborga's exoskeleton has exposed circuitry and power conduits. Focus your attacks on damaging them. Girls... Let's take them down."

"Sounds like fun," Blink used her ability to teleport Jessica and Ophelia around those two freaks. A hit-and-run strategy.


Blink's teleportation abilities proved essential as she swiftly teleported herself, Jessica, and Ophelia around the abominations. Their hit-and-run strategy allowed them to target the abominations' weak points while minimizing the risk of being caught in their powerful attacks.

With each teleportation, Jessica unleashed devastating punches on Mech-Hyde's vulnerable joints, causing it to stagger and lose its balance. She focused her attacks on its mechanical limbs, aiming to disable its mobility and render it incapacitated.

Ophelia, her pink Lantern aura radiating with energy, concentrated her attacks on Cyborga's exposed circuitry and power conduits. She used precise energy blasts to disrupt its internal systems, causing sparks to fly and momentarily impairing its functions.

As Blink continued to teleport the team around the abominations, they moved with lightning speed, striking their targets and evading counterattacks. The abominations, caught off guard by the team's coordinated assault, struggled to adapt to their hit-and-run tactics.

However, the abominations were not easily defeated.

"Annoying bastard! HAAAA!" Jessica's punched it hard.

Mech-Hyde's immense strength and durability allowed it to withstand Jessica's powerful blows, and Cyborga's resilience made it challenging to disable its internal systems completely. They fought back, unleashing devastating attacks and attempting to grab hold of the agile Blink.

"Careful, Blink. They are after you," Ophelia yelled.

Blink continued to teleport the team around the abominations, her movements becoming a blur as she evaded their grasping hands and launched surprise attacks. Her teal energy radiated from her body as she phased in and out of existence, leaving afterimages in her wake.

"I'm doing my best to keep them off balance!" Blink shouted, her voice filled with determination, "You two better hurry up."

Jessica, fueled by her superhuman strength and unyielding determination, exchanged powerful blows with Mech-Hyde. Her fists connected with the abomination's flesh and metal, each strike sending shockwaves through the air. Her aura burned bright with fiery orange energy, symbolizing her raw power and unrelenting will.

"Come on, you freak!" Jessica taunted, her voice dripping with defiance.

[Boom!] [Baaam!] Jessica felt shockwaves rippling through her body. She stumbled back as her arms started to get numb. She could feel the force of its attacks taking a toll on her. The sedatives in her system weakened her movements, but her determination burned brighter than ever. She gritted her teeth and pressed on, refusing to let the abomination overpower her.

Ophelia, her pink Lantern aura blazing, focused her energy blasts on Cyborga's exposed circuitry, causing sparks to fly and fragments of metal to scatter in all directions. She weaved through the chaos, her movements graceful yet forceful, delivering precise strikes to exploit the abomination's weaknesses.

The battlefield became a flurry of movement and energy as the team clashed with the abominations. Mech-Hyde's flesh and metal clashed with Jessica's fists, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the corridor. Ophelia's pink energy intertwined with the blue sparks emanating from Cyborga, creating a vivid display of contrasting colors.

Blink continued to teleport around the abominations, her teal energy leaving a trail of ephemeral afterimages.

"How about this, you freaks?" Blink yelled as she opened two portals around the abominations, making them hit each other.

"Nice job, girl," Ophelia took this chance and created binding constructs with her pink energy.

As Mech-Hyde and Cyborga collided with each other, Blink's strategic use of portals caught them off guard. The abominations momentarily stumbled, their movements disrupted by the unexpected collision. Ophelia seized the opportunity, her pink Lantern constructs materializing around the abominations, binding them tightly.

"Gotcha!" Ophelia exclaimed, her constructs restraining the abominations and limiting their mobility. The bindings of pure pink energy held them in place, preventing them from launching further attacks or retaliating.

With the abominations temporarily immobilized, Jessica and Ophelia regrouped, their breathing heavy but their determination unwavering. They knew they couldn't afford to waste any time. The battle had taken its toll on them, and they needed to act swiftly to capitalize on their advantage.

"Let's finish this," Jessica growled, her muscles tensing as she prepared for a final assault.

Ophelia nodded, her pink Lantern aura intensifying. She directed her energy towards Mech-Hyde and Cyborga, enveloping them in a sphere of radiant pink light. The energy pulsed and surged, intensifying with each passing moment.

The abominations struggled against the bindings, their monstrous forms straining in an attempt to break free. But the combined might of Jessica's superhuman strength and Ophelia's pink Lantern energy proved overwhelming. The abominations could only thrash and roar in futile resistance.

"Die! Motherfuckers!" Jessica cursed as she punched through Mech-Hyde's chest, crushing its artificial core. Then she grabbed its head and crushed it like a melon, reducing it to a lifeless heap of flesh and metal.

At the same time, Ophelia concentrated her energy on Cyborga, channeling the full power of her pink Lantern ring, "Time to end this. May your soul rest in peace." She created a giant pink energy grinder.

Ophelia's giant grinder manifested around Cyborga, its massive rotating blades emanating a brilliant pink glow. The abomination's struggles intensified as it tried desperately to break free, but the bindings held it firmly in place.

With a resolute expression on her face, Ophelia unleashed the full force of her pink Lantern energy into the grinder. The blades spun with incredible speed, tearing through the abomination's metal exoskeleton and flesh. Sparks flew, and mechanical parts scattered as the grinder mercilessly shredded Cyborga's body.

As the grinder's blades cleaved through Cyborga, Ophelia could sense the abomination's energy fading, its life force extinguished. The once terrifying creature now lay motionless, reduced to a mangled heap of twisted metal and mutilated flesh.

Breathing heavily, Ophelia deactivated the giant grinder, allowing the remnants of Cyborga to fall to the ground. The battle was over. Mech-Hyde and Cyborga, the towering abominations that had stood in their way, were defeated.

Jessica approached Ophelia, her expression a mixture of exhaustion and triumph. "That was intense. We did it," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction.

Ophelia nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. "Yes, we did. But we can't celebrate just yet. We still need to find a way out of here and put an end to AMO's twisted experiments."

Blink, who had been observing the aftermath of the battle, teleported beside them, her teal energy shimmering. "Agreed. Let's keep moving forward and make sure no more abominations can be unleashed."

"Let's destroy this place before leaving," Jessica said as she punched the blast door.


AN: Writing a battle scene after a long time lol. Hope it was alright.


Support Link: https://www.patr /XcaliburXc

⭐As of now, Pat reon is 13 chapters ahead⭐

(No double billing) (Exclusive r18 chapters only on Pat reon)

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